i used to believe

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i used to think that teachers knew everything. I MEAN EVERYTHING]... like, all the information known to god. so when i asked a question to my 1st grade teacher and she said, "hmm... im not sure.." i was shocked and i came home and cried for days...i felt for some reason that my teacher had let me down.

shut up!
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I used to believe teachers where ghost or had supernatrual powers because if I turn my head for a moment they would be somewhere else instead of the first place. Like from the front of the classroom to the back in 3 seconds.

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In elementary school most kids during class would raise their hand to use the restroom. I used to believe that teachers never had to use the restroom 'cause they never took a bathroom break during class even when the teacher's aide was available to watch the class when she was gone.

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I used to believe that you really had a permanent record that would follow you throughout your adult life. All my misdeeds of childhood would somehow prevent me from getting a good job.

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I used to believe, and I still slightly suspect, that teachers made up everything they taught. They'd made up all the history stories, sums etc. and if you went to any other school, you'd be taught completely different things. I was amazed when my friend from another school knew about Henry VIII, and thought it was an amazing coinidence!

Evil Tunafish
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I thought teachers were only ever at school and all they did was teach, not even eat! Lo and behold one day my mom dressed me up and took me to church and to my shock my teacher was getting married and there were other teachers also at the wedding. I still dont know how they escaped from the school and the shock of the event still hasnt worn off... I wont even mention that I DO kiss....

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when i was 5, my kindergarden teacher was really really mean. and from then on, i believed that teachers were the devils servants, writing notes home that they were going to face the head devil
(aka the princeapal) if they contuied to do this. 3 years later i found out that my belief was not true. my second grade teacher was really really really nice, and by that time, my kindergarden teacher retired.

so this belif lead to another one, the teachers that are the devils severants, retire earlyer that the non-servsants :-P

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when i was little i used to belive teachers lived in the school and plotted world domination plan when the children i came to school on a saturday i saw a teacher in the school then for that moment on i belive teachers are evil and poor

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When I was little I had a teacher with flaming red hair and long, long fingernails. One of my so-called friends told me one day, "Mrs. so-and-so got mad at a kid and grabbed his arm and her fingernails went into him and SHE KILLED HIM!" I was hysterical when my mom made me go to school the next day, and my friend got in A LOT of trouble!

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I was about 4 years old and I was about to start school, I was terrified. Not because I was leaving my mom but because I was afraid of Ms. Trenchable, I was afriad she would put me in the Chokey, I had seen Matilda WAY too many times.
When I went I was so confused I didn't inderstand why I didn't get Ms. Honey and why Matilda wasn't in my class. I was convinced that Matilda and I were goign to be the best of friends.

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When i was younger, i used to think that the headteachers office was full of little square cages and whenever somebody went to the headteachers office, they never returned because he used to shove them in a cage forever! lol xxxx

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When I was really young in public school...we had a principal named Mr. Ritchie.
For some strange reason...I thought that all principals of all schools were named Mr. Ritchie.
Funny...a mind with little experience...amazing what it comes up with!

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when i was in kindergarten one of my friend told me her brother told her that when school is over the teachers dont leave they just roll themselves up in the projection screens and shut down.

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I used to believe my teacher was a psycho killer and would come kill me in my sleep. My teachers last name was Smith and I saw something on the news about a murderer and who they thought it was. I never missed a homework assignment, and apologized about seven times when I'd make an error on my work. My teacher was pretty worried about me, and one day she asked me to stay after...I was so nervous I almost pissed my pants. I was in sixth grade.

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i used to belive my school teachers when they said our class was the worst class they ever had in their career.

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My classmates thought Janitors were just hobos the School(s) hired. Some of 'em still think that, And I'm in 8th grade!

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When I was young, I was told about the whole immaculate conception thing. Later on, when my fifth grade teacher told the girl next to me that she had a misconception, I honestly thought that it meant she tried to have a baby but it didn't work. For the rest of the year, I thought (and told all of my friends) that poor kid had a miscarriage.

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When I was in first grade I had a teacher named Dershell. And because she was not married she was a Miss - so it became Miss Dershell or in my mind Mr. Shell - I spent the whole year confused why we were calling a lady Mr.

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When I was in like first grade, I believed that teacher's last names were also there first. For example, I had a teacher named Mrs. Davies, and I thought her first name was Davies.

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In kindergarden, I thought all my teachers had the name of the subject they taught. That meant my teachers being called Madame French, Ms. Art, Mr. Math...

Ms. Student
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