i used to believe

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I used to think that GLASS and GRASS was the same thing. I always wondered why windows weren't green...

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When I was little I thought everything could be made out of water or turned back into water! Gold, silver, anything could be heated up and turned into water, even people. I have no idea why I decided this was so, but it wasn't until a field trip in 5th grade to the water refinery that I was informed that not everything was made of water.

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when I was a little boy I thought that there is metal and iron. I didn't know that iron is metal too. Till I found out that iron IS metal and copper is metal and aluminium....
ah, and I also thought that steel plate is another kind of metal too.

the second thing I believed is that real iron, real pure iron is so heavy - you can't lift it

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Until fifth grade, I used to believe that ice was always a constant 32 degrees F. When I found out that a piece of ice could be COLDER than that, it really blew my mind.

Michael H. USA
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I used to believe, in fact I think I still do, that you can cut a pane of glass into any shape you want with a pair of kitchen scissors if you hold the glass underwater. I seem to remember trying this and it working but that may have been a dream

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I used to believe that medicine could only make you better and wasnt harmful, which eventually lead to me drinking an entire bottle of medicine....

I remember doing it, my logic was 'Mum makes me drink this when Im not well and it makes me better....so even though Im not ill, itl just make me feel even better!'

My mother didnt agree

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When I was in 2nd grade I was told by my best friend, if I placed a rock i a ziploc bag with some mud and buried it, it would turn to gold.

Haven't struck gold!
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When I learned that oil came from dinosaurs I thought that the dinosaurs were still alive underground and oil drills were drilling down to them, into their bodies and sucking the oil out of the poor beasties.

Colin T
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i used to believe that if you held hydrogen in one hand and oxygen in another and clapped that water would come out.
i just found out today and i'm 15.

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I saw a headline in the news paper that read, "Mixing alcohol and gasoline is explosive." So my friend and I got some gas and rubbing alcohol and tried to get it to explode by mixing it together. Luckly we didn't try lighting a match.

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i used to think that fire crackers were made from crackers that you eat....i was very confused and curious for a long time.

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I can't remember what Superman film it was, but there is a scene where Superman gets a lump of coal, squeezes it really hard and turns it into a diamond for Lois.

I thought, why don't people get one of those car crushing machines and then fill it with coal, you'd be loaded!

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when i learned about atoms at a young age, I never really comprehended how small they were. Whenever the sun would gleam off dust particles in the air, I thought what I was seeing were actually atoms, and I thought I must have some special sight super powers since a book I read said atoms were invisible to the naked eye. (I also thought "invisible to the naked eye" meant it was literally invisible unless your eye was 'wearing' special lenses)

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I used to think that all chemicals were orange liquids, and that a chemistry lab would have a load of test tubes in it all filled with the same coloured substances. I don't know what I thought solids, gases and non-orange liquids were supposed to be!

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In french, water is "eau" and bone is "os".

And theirs words are pronounced the same way.

So I used to believe when a woman's waters break it was actually her bones !

When I said it to my mother, she laughted and... I cried.

Actually, I think I was a special little boy.

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When I was a child, I was thinking about matterials in general. As had no idea where to start, I started with the fact that some things were solid, some were liquid and some were gasses.

I not yet had made the connection between ice, water and steam, so I thought that everything that is liquid must have some water in it. I just could not figure out how much. If something would be solid, the water was gone.

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I thought that hydrogen was pure water (since I knew hydro- meant water) and H2O was impure some how

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My friends and I actually believed that once you buried fake gold, you could dig it up a day later and it was real. We tried to sell a bunch we dug up to pasisng cars in front of our friend's house.

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When I was a kid there was regular and unleaded gasoline. The only difference, in my mind was that the regular (by default the "leaded" gas) was heavier.

Ann Y.
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My cousin once told me that glass was made from ground up beetles, and I believed her!

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