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I thought music was made by computers until I was about 14. Somebody writes the lyrics then they put it in a computer and it makes the music. It made perfect sense to me.
top belief!
I used to believe that video tapes would have in them, whatever you write on the label so I wrote down all my favourite shows on videos at the time.
However, when I played them, they didn't work.
top belief!
When I was little I thought that Peoples voises got on tapes or CDs by the writing, like if a Tape said Raffi, raffi would automaticly be on there. So I wrote my name on all my tapes. I was very sad when I wasn't on any of them.
When I was 3 or 4 my parents gave me a toy microscope which projected the magnified images on the wall. The microscope had "20000x magnification" written on it. I actually believed it was true...a few years later (around 4th grade) my mum took me to buy a real scope...
I thought they were trying to cheat me, when they showed me a 100x scope, and actually said that the other one I had at home was 20000x!
top belief!
I used to believe that calculators stopped time and we didn't notice in order to process math problems so fast.
When I was little, I had one of my babysitters tell me that there was a little guy in the headphones, singing to me. When I heard things with my headphones, it was really the little guy singing to me.
When i was about 8, watching Buck Rogers..i actully believed that in the year 1999 we were gonna be able to own our own spaceships and fly them anywhere in the universe..
top belief!
I used to believe anthing that ran on electric or batteries had a self destruct button. Even a simple bread toaster!! I was deathly afraid of pressing the button on accident. To this day every body tells me "Don't press the button to blow it up."
when i was younger because i used to watch james bond and they said something about giving someone a cat scan and i thought that meant that it erased your memory i thought that until my step brother told me it was something differnt and i felt dumb!!!
The first time I heard one of my classmates ask another student if she would burn a CD for her, I pictured someone throwing a CD into a fireplace or stove and setting in on "fire". I wondered why anyone would want to waste their time doing such a
top belief!
In computer technology, it's often the adults who have the wrong ideas rather than the kids.
Once my brother went to my parents to tell them that our computer had crashed. They came rushing into the room, expecting to see it fallen off the table onto the floor. But when it was still on the table they couldn't see the problem.
I once told my sister, when she was about 6, that she was being too noisy and I couldn't concentrate on my work. She, really believing she was being helpful, advised me to play a blank tape to myself on a Walkman so that I wouldn't hear her!
When I was a wee tyke I actually believed that there were real tiny people in the radio making all that music and I just believe that they are living in my head, and telling me what to do....:-)
When I was younger, I used to think that when you faxed a paper, the paper went through the wire to someone's fax maching. I couldn't understand how this happened so quickly because the wires could be far apart.
top belief!
I saw a commercial for AOL when I was young, and I didn't understand what computers or Internet or anything like that were, right?
So I figured that you get a computer, and set it all up, and when the mailman outside puts your fliers and bills and letters in the mailbox, your computer would tell you that 'You've Got Mail!'.
Why didn't they make the phrase 'You Got E-Mail!'? At least then I wouldn't have been so confused ... ^_^;
I thought that the millenium bug was a real bug that would come out and eat everyone when the clock changed to 2000
I used to believe that record players worked based on radio; everytime you played a record, the artist would play the song from a studio at the radio station.
i used to think that shtml stood for
top belief!
Fax machines used to baffle me. I figured the paper you fed into it was crumpled up and squeezed into that tiny cable, then it travelled about halfway to the destination. When it got there, the paper would flatten itself out again and somehow split into two papers, each one with only half the thickness of the original. One of these would travel inside the cable back to where it was sent, and the other would travel to the receiver, both inside those tiny cables. I was amazed that all this could take place within a few seconds, and that the papers showed no appearance of having been crumpled up.
When I was a child, I naturally didn't know about recording, and how the whole process of playback worked. I never bothered to ask, though; I was convinced that singers had to sing a song every time I wanted to hear that song, and actors had to act out a movie every time I wanted to watch that movie.
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