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I thought that the word Copyright was like copying your right hand on the copier.
I used to believe that rocket ran on gasoline and that in order to save gas, we should end the space program.
My mom always told me that if you stand too close to the microwave you will go blind...i think it was just so I would leave the kitchen and get out of her way!
top belief!
I used to believe that fax machines could take any object and send it to another machine...I always wondered how toys and such could fit into the wires.Keep in mind i was 12 before I figured out the truth of it, lol.
when i was little, my dad would tell me our computer had a virus. as soon as i heard that, i never touched a computer again because i thought the virus would catch me and i could die. Very sad, but true!
top belief!
When I was little I used to believe that when you put the VCR on record, it would record all the noise in the background. So whenever it was on record I wouldn't say a thing, and wondered why everyone else in my family was talking.
I use to think that if you had your picture taken you would go inside the camera and live forever in the picture. I thought this until I was about 5.
i used to believe that when you faxed, the paper would shrink and go through the telerhone wires to the other fax machine.
One time I was trying to record my voice on the computer so I could play it back. So i talked but it didn't work. So then I got my mother and all she did was laugh and ask why are u talking into the speaker.(13 years old)
I used to think that when I moved the mouse around on the mouse pad, I was giving the computer a massage.
My older sister, playingly, told me that there were little lego people in the furnace vent that every now and then would light fires and blow the hot air out of the vents. I used to sit in front of the furnace talking into it. You can imagine what my parents must of thought.
Well when I was little I used to beleive that fax machines rolled the paper into a little roll and then send them through little pipes to the owner. It took me years before I relized that they just scanned them.
Talk about a paper jam!
When I was a kid, I asked my dad about the meaning of the AM/FM switch on the radio. He said that if you changed the switch, the radio would turn into a different radio. I had the image of doors folding and unfolding and the radio becoming much bigger -- more like a home stereo (AM -> FM ?). I was very careful *never* to touch that switch, because I didn't want my daddy to lose his portable AM radio.
We were talkin gabout a holiday a load of us were going on with our school when one of my friends commented on the fact she was gonna take diposable cameras so hers wouldn't get lost when another girl piped up "i don't see the point of disposable cameras, you spend all that time trying to get the pictures right, then you throw the camera away!' She was 13 at the time...
that blackouts were caused by evil monkey's turning off all the lights.
top belief!
I used to think that theose scooters for disabled people were little kids rides where you put money in, and you get a ride.
When you go up in an elevator, the elevator surpasses your destination floor and then goes back down to that floor.
When you go down in an elevator, the elevator surpasses your destination floor and then goes back up to that floor.
When I was younger and I was looking at some photos of me and some friends. I saw that one of them had red-eye, me not knowing what had happened figured that he was the devil! I blanked him and ran away, until I got a phonecall home to my mum from the school asking why me and the boy werent friends, I told my mum he was the devil and showed her the photo to prove it, she burst out laughing and told my teacher the whole story!!
I used to believe that the thing the doctor looked in your ear through was actually a camera, kind of like a digital camera, that could store pictures of the inside of your ear on its "screen". I used to get really mad because he'd let my parents see the "pictures" but not me.
top belief!
when i was little we had one of those incredibly ancient computers. being three, i thought that the computer mouse was a real mouse. i used to make the mouse "squeak" by pounding the keyboard, making the computer emit a loud beep.
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