i used to believe

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top belief!

When I was small, I believed that if you ran the hoover over the power cord, or if you didn't keep the machine moving at all times, it would explode.

I insist that my mother told me these things; she denies it.

Craig Zerouni
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When I was little my dad told me that tiny musicians lived in the speakers and were the ones making all the music. I would sit and stare at the speakers hoping to catch a glimpse of them. I tell this to my son today.

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top belief!

When I was a child, electricity was delivered in these parts by the South of Scotland Electricity Board (it now calls itself "Scottish Power"). I believed that set up on end in the countryside near Stirling there was a huge piece of hardboard which was the South of Scotland Electricity Board. On one side cables went in from the power stations, and on the other side there were rows and rows of plug sockets with wires trailing out, each to one house.

Stephen from Scotland
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When we were younger, my sister and I used to tell our other siblings that there were people inside our record player. These people would sing and play instruments. They believed us!

C Robinson
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top belief!

When I was young I believed that the windmills found in farmers fields were used to keep the cows cool.

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I read a lot of kiddie science fiction books when I was younger(okay so I still read sci-fi) anyway for at least a few years I thought we lived in the 21st century (this was in the late 1980's/early 1990's) and couldn't quite understand why we didn't have cool spaceships and stuff like in the books I read.

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You know that sort of windy noise in the telephone, like if you had a bad connection, or you'd hear it after you hung up? I used to think it was caused by the wind blowing through the telephone wires.

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top belief!

Based on the "experiments" I used to rig up with things like old discarded blenders and other small appliances, I clearly believed as a child that electricity could not hurt me.

I certainly learned that it could blow fuses, though.

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One of my very first memories is of the time my mother took me to have my picture taken at JC Pennys. I was two years old. There were all these pictures of children all over the walls and I thought that when my picture was taken I would be forever stuck in that picture. I couldn't understand why my mother would leave me there in that picture. She didn't end up leaving me so I thought she changed her mind. It seemed like it was a long time before I understood what having my picture taken really meant.

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top belief!

I started using computers at a relatively young age(mind you I'm only 13 or 14 at the moment), probably since I was 4 or 5. My brother had put a bunch of odd fonts on the PC, and there were ones named after people in the form of handwriting, so I was convinced that these people had done something wrong and were put into my PC to write for me for all eternity.

Emily S.
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when i was young i believed that that my uncles ride on lawn mower would not start untill I said "goodmorning or hello hotrod Harry" to it,

my dad or uncle would do something so that itwouldnot start and when I said "goodmorning" they would start it properly

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top belief!

I used to believe that records were the power source for record players.

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I used to believe that fax machines and computers sent real sheets of paper through the lines.

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top belief!

I used to believe that there were bees inside of vaccuum cleaners, and that's why they buzzd so much. I was terrified of them, believing that I could be sucked into the vaccuum cleaner with all of the bees.

Ike, Portland.
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okay I am older than most of you but I believed the stereo only came on when my mother sang. It always made me want to put on socks and skate around on the hardwood floors she had just waxed. This only happened in the house. In the garden when she sang I would accompany her music on the bucket I was picking in and sing along. I would still pick her out of a line of all the mothers available. She taught me work should be fun.

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I used to belive that if one could manage to put a camera in front of the eye of an animal one would discover what things looked like for the animal when developping the film.

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top belief!

When we had Computer class at primary school - someone told me that if you touched the red F1-12 keys, the computer would blow up! somehow it went round the whole school, and no-one would touch those keys! I still have a hard time today touching them!!

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My music teacher once said that music in an electrical piano was made by little tiny men that lived inside it.

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top belief!

Knowing that the same computer chip could perform different functions, and that computer chips were electrical circuits, I had this image of tiny assembly cranes inside the chip constantly rebuilding the internal circuitry to match demand. I won't tell you how old I was when I realized this to be untrue. ^_^

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top belief!

I was told by my grandma that there were things called wim-wams which were used for winding the sun up and down and which were kept on the side of the road just for that purpose. I've realised (only recently) that a wim-wam turned up every time Grandma saw a piece of farm machinery she didn't recognise. I expect there's a lot more of them now.

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