i used to believe

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I used to think that anything you did in front of the computer was able to be seen by others. I always refrained from saying stuff that I wouldn't say in public in front of the computer for fear than others could hear me!

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I used to beleve that if you turmrd off the NUM LOCK (i used the row of numbers above the letters)
on a computer, uyou would turn off the computer.

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I was on the Internet in 1992 at the age of 10. I believed then that when you downloaded something, it disappeared from the site you downloaded it from and you became the only owner.

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I used to believe if you talked or sung when a photograph was taken, the words and musical notes would be seen in the image.

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I thought a Walkman (tape-version of the Discman) only worked if you were walking and when you stopped it would go off automatically. I always begged my brother to let me try it, but he said that if little kids used them then they'd go deaf and end up like those people who walked around carrying boomboxes on their shoulders. That was the only way they heard music. It was like some punishment- you used a walkman too early so you're partialy deaf and you have to carry a bigger radio. What a dork I was.

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When I was really young, I thought you had to be silent to take a photo - if not, the picture would display the sound for ever; I remember not wanting my mom to play the flute while my dad was about to take a photograph...

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My 6 year old son said to me after the Columbia space shuttle exploded, "someone musta accidentally pressed the "explode" button."

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i once convinced myself that when i watched tv, the whole screen dissapeared and a new one popped up whenever a show or commercial was over. to test this hypothesis i decided to put a huge sticker dead center on the tv screen....

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when i was 3, my aunt had these small ceramic pigs...one day she was off in the other room or something and i was looking inside the vcr...i decided the inside of a vcr was a farm and put the pigs inside

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When I was about three we got our first VCR, and the way my parents unveiled it I believed my dad had built it himself.

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My grandparents gave me and my sister pocket-size, transistor radios when we got old enough to operate them. I had no idea what a transistor was. I didn't even know it was an object; I thought the word was an adjective. I thought transistor meant "pocket-size".

Vicki J.
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I used to believe that when you put a cd in a cd-player, thet the band was inside the speakers, and i used to try and get them out!

bewere of the dog/Clodagh
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When I was 6 years old I wanted to see Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs so I wrote it on the side of a video tape, put it in the VCR and pressed record thinking this was going to work. It didn't.

Kris Curtis
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I used to believe there were little Elves inside Poloroid cameras "drawing" us and then giving us the picture right away. I could never figure out how they would draw us so good and so fast.

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I used to believe CAT-scans could know what you were thinking, so I tried not to think so they could get accurate results.

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When I was little, and the USA was still sending astronauts to the moon, I thought they all had to stay on the moon until they could build a rocket and come back. I wondered how many men they would have to send there before any them could come back.

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When I was little, when I watched my parents type e-mails or word documents, I would wonder how they typed so fast. I thought they just pressed random keys as fast as they could, and somehow it would piece together to be an e-mail. So when I tried it, I left my parents a message on the screen, telling them I needed more juice. They still make fun of me for it.

Typer Kid
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My dad had a very strong flashlight and he told me if I switched it on and opened the window when it was dark outside and dark in the room, the neighbors on other streets could see it - which was probably true. However, what I understood from it was that I could see them too. Until I was 9 or so I thought the flashlight was magic and I only didn't see these people on other streets because I wasn't doing it right.

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You know those Terms of Use messages that come up when you install a new program? I thought that if you didn't read the ENTIRE thing, somehow the people in the company would know and send the police to your house and arrest you. I'm still slightly worried every time I don't read it and just click Next...

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When I was ten or so I believed that when you used a fax machine, it actually clipped up the page you sent into millions of little confetti pieces and sent them through the phone lines.

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