i used to believe

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I used to believe that when you went into an elevator, it was the floors that moved, not the elevator. As a five year old, I couldn't understand what the point of going into the 'box' was and concluded that the floors must have moved, or that there was some sort of magic involved.

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I used to think that if you put geraniums into electric switches it would blow up the whole world!

Steve Jeffs
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Fax machines used to baffle me. I figured the paper you fed into it was crumpled up and squeezed into that tiny cable, then it travelled about halfway to the destination. When it got there, the paper would flatten itself out again and somehow split into two papers, each one with only half the thickness of the original. One of these would travel inside the cable back to where it was sent, and the other would travel to the receiver, both inside those tiny cables. I was amazed that all this could take place within a few seconds, and that the papers showed no appearance of having been crumpled up.

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I believed that if you looked reeeeealy close at an LP, you would see the words and music printed in the groove, and that the needle read it and played it as music somehow.

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I used to think, if you bought a blank audio tape, you could write the name of whatever music you wanted on the label and it would automatically appear on that tape.

Brandon Campbell
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I believed that a census was taken by a helicopter that flew over the cities and someone was there counting each and every person

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When I was about 6 years old and my fammily had just gotten a microwave oven my friend and I were firmly convinced that it gave off dangerous radiation when turned on. If ever we had to pass the microwave when turned on we would run bent over quickly in order to avoid the radiation. Standing in front of it when it was turned on was of course unthinkable and I must admit -still is today! I am still slightly scared of turned on microwave ovens.....

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When I was aroud 3 years Old my family was travelling by car and we saw a big Factory Chimney. I asked what it was and my brother told me that was where the rockets were send to the moon. I Believed that until I was 7 or 8 years old!!

Paulo - Portugal
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My cousin told me that if the self-opening doors didn't open when you approached them, it was because you had no SOUL!

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I used to believe that fax machines could take any object and send it to another machine...I always wondered how toys and such could fit into the wires.Keep in mind i was 12 before I figured out the truth of it, lol.

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For the longest time I thought programming was something impossibly difficult, but not in the way you might think. I thought that the only way to program anything was to randomly press buttons, but nobody knew what effect they had. Programmers would press these buttons, and statistically, every once in a while a viable program would be produced. I thought it was a totally blind process, and a miracle anything resulted from it.

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When I first saw a lift, I thought it was amazing because I believed that there was a magic whole in the building where when people get into the lift, the door would shut and it would take you anywhere. And you would come out through the same door on a different floor. I never figured out how it worked until much later.

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I was on the Internet in 1992 at the age of 10. I believed then that when you downloaded something, it disappeared from the site you downloaded it from and you became the only owner.

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Knowing that the same computer chip could perform different functions, and that computer chips were electrical circuits, I had this image of tiny assembly cranes inside the chip constantly rebuilding the internal circuitry to match demand. I won't tell you how old I was when I realized this to be untrue. ^_^

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My grandfather told all kids that when the lights blinked, it was because "a fish went through the dam". We believed if, not sure for how long. I do know my Mom was in college before she found out otherwise!

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When I was young, I thought that millions of little photographers and artists lived inside photocopy machines.
I once tried to feed the photocopy machine.
It broke.

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When I was little I thought that Peoples voises got on tapes or CDs by the writing, like if a Tape said Raffi, raffi would automaticly be on there. So I wrote my name on all my tapes. I was very sad when I wasn't on any of them.

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I used to beleive that the computer bugs were real creatures that lived in your pc and ate away at it.

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I knew perfectly well how the needle on a record player worked. When the needle touched the record, the singer would feel the needle. There must have been some kind of chart drawn on the singer's body, because depending on the exact point where he/she felt the needle, they would know what song to sing and start singing. Remote control human jukebox! I never did ask myself how a record continued to play after the singer had died....

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I thought that if you wanted to print something out in landscape, you had to buy a special sideways-printing printer.

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