i used to believe

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When I was eight I thought Star 69 was the universal number for cell phones. Nevermind how it could possibly be the number for ALL cell phones in the world and yet you'd still be able to directly reach the person you want to talk to.

Major lack of logic lawl
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i used to try to call places by dialing things like "santa" into the phone to call him and toys to call a toystore. Boy was i surprised when "Santa" spoke a wierd language.

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my childhood friends and I held the belief that if you dialled 666 on the phone you would be put through to the devil!

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I used to believe that if you called '411-Information' on the telephone, and they would be able to answer any question you had.

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When I was little I thought that to dial a number with letters in it, you had to yell the word into the phone. For the longest time, I thought you would dial 1800, and yell DISNEY into the phone. I never realized that there were letters on the number keys. DUH! I do know that now though.

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When I was a little girl i used to believe that when you call the 113 to ask the time there was an employee waiting anxiously to answer.
i everĒn tell "her "- thank you- every time i used it.
then, i discover it was a computer!

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I used to think that when you dialed a telephone number with letters in it, that the phone actually KNEW which letters you were dialing. I would always ask my dad "How does the phone know which letter you want to dial when there are three letters on each number?"

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As far as I can remember, my Dad always worked on computers. And when I was like 5 or so, my father would let my sister and I play "Hangman" on his CPC black and green screen computer. But there was a problem: whenever the hangman died, I would freak out and leave the room.
Knowing this, it was obvious for me that the hangman lived in the computer, and would try to kill me if he has a chance. My mom locked me in my parents room once, because I had done something bad probably, and that's where the computer was. I went mental, yelling my guts out, banging the door and checking over my shoulder every to seconds it the computer made a move yet!

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Once when I was playing with a toy telephone, my grandma said, "Is the line busy?". But I thought she said "Is the lion busy?"! For the longest time, I thought that lions were telephone operators.

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When I was little I used to always think the way to send a letter was to put the letter through the little tiny holes you talk into when your on the phone so when your talking to that person they'll get the letter through thier holes.lol. later in life i figured that wasnt true when i asked what a mail box was for

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When I was little, I used to think that when people were on the phone, they were only pretending to be talking to someone on the other line and the phone only worked when I would use it.

Mary K
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In kindergarten, I got my first ever phone number from one of my friends. One day I decided to call her and ask her to come over and play, and I was so excited about using the real telephone for the first time. I still don't know if I dialed wrong or if my friend just didn't actually know her number, but when the person on the other end of the line picked up and said, "East Providence Animal Shelter, how may I help you?" with a lot of barking in the background, I freaked out!

I didn't know you could get a wrong number accidentially, and I thought the animal shelter lady would think I was playing a prank or something and be angry, so I was tongue-tied and hung up on her after a couple seconds. I immediately ran to hide behind a chair in the living room and listened for police sirens for a long time. I just knew the lady knew who I was and would send someone after me. It was a long time before I dared to use the phone again!

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I used to think that when they invented phone numers, the first person to ever have a phone number had 1. Then the second person had 2. And then another preson had 3. Then they just added 1 to every phone number in the world. I started wondering if somebody already got a million for a phone number.

My phone number is 306-8842. I thought that 306-8841 people got a phone number before us.

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When I was little, before call waiting, I didn't understand how the busy signal on the phone worked. When I heard the busy signal, instead of hanging up, I would wait for several minutes, thinking that when the line was free again, my call would go through. This went on for a long time until my mom noticed and explained it to me.

me again
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I never saw anyone use the numbers on a telephone, so I didn't know why it had numbers. I thought that the numbers were some sort of advanced feature that nobody ever used.

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When I was little, I used to believe that when u talked on the phone, the other person's head would shrink and be inside your phone... I know... I had a really wild imagination when I was young. lol

Kayla Ann
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When I was young(about 6ish), my mother's friend mentioned that she had bought an answering machine.
I, for the next few years wondered what voice the 'answers' would use, and what the 'answers' would be.

(damn.. shoulda asked what the meaning of life was)

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i used to believe that when a telephone rang, it would never go into an answering machine and it would just ring forever. so one time, my mom and i were in a hurry, and the fone rang. she said just to ignore it coz we were leaving. i felt very bad for the person who had to wait on the line until we got back and answered the fone.

Please Hold...
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when i was 3or 4 and out with my parents, my mothing said we had better get home before the phone rang off the wall. When we got home, I checked and the phone was where it should be & I told her it hadn't rung off the wall!

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I used to believe that your social security number because your phone number when you grew up - understandable, because the first three digits of my own social security number happened to have been the same as the first three in my phone number! :)

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