i used to believe

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When I was little I believed that whenever someone would leave a message on a answering machine, but not talk, they could hear everything that is going on in my house.

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I used to believe that if you cut open a telephone wire and put your ear to it, you could her people's conversations...glad I never tried it!

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I used to believe that everyone's phone number was 1-800-[their name.] So my friend Lindsay's number would have been 1-800-Lindsay, Big Bird's was 1-800-Big-Bird, etc.

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When you call someone on the phone, the ring you hear on the receiver is exactly how that someone's phone sounds like as they hear it ring before they pick it up.

MD Caruso
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i used to believe that when a telephone rang, it would never go into an answering machine and it would just ring forever. so one time, my mom and i were in a hurry, and the fone rang. she said just to ignore it coz we were leaving. i felt very bad for the person who had to wait on the line until we got back and answered the fone.

Please Hold...
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when my little sister was like 5 or 6, she thought that the phone operator was was called a yaperator!

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well its was actully wen i was 10 or 11... sad

i believed that 666 was the devils phone number. and i tried dialing it it gave me that messaged like its unavalible. then i told my dad and he laughed

steve s
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When the cellphones were invented and I used to watch them on tv how they look like, one day my dad came up from work with a remote control and leave it on top of the bed. I enter the room and stole it try to dial the button. I just found out later that that was a remote.

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For many, many years (even into adulthood), I actually thought that when I called someone and got a busy signal, my call would wait in a "queue" until the other end of the line would become available. Then, one day, I was at work trying to call for limited tickets to an event and I wanted to be the first in line. So, I called and when i got a busy signal, I just kept the phone off the hook, thinking that sooner or later someone would pick up the phone. My co-worker figured out what I was trying to do and clued me in....No wonder!! I had waited for hours all my life to no avail. All I had to do was hang up and try again.

Jason L.
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my childhood friends and I held the belief that if you dialled 666 on the phone you would be put through to the devil!

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iused to believe that those recordings on the phone that said your call did not go through were real people who were not allowed to say anything but that. i would yell at them for fun because i knew they couldn't say anything back.

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I used to believe there was only one operator ("call the Operator"). After we cranked call The Operator I was afraid to dial 0, because I thought she would recognize my voice and make me hand the phone to the nearest adult.

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I thought that the "smart phone" was the name of a certain phone made by a certain company. One of my classmates told me that he thought the same thing.

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Since I grew up in a town where the
phone prefix was the same as the first
three digits of the zip code (626), I used
to believe that was true everywhere.

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I used to believe that through cell phones they could be spying on the things we say or the things we do.

Mauricio Caiza
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I used to believe when I heard the obits being read on our local radio station that "friends may call between 4pm and 6pm" meant telephone calls instead of "visitation". I thought someone was going to be very busy answering the phone.

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I thought if my father called me on the phone then I wouldn't hear him, but if I called him then I would hear him on the phone.

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When you get the error message that ends "...if you need help, hang up, and then dial your operator," I heard "hang up, and burn down your operator."

I didn't think that the phone people actually wanted you to set an operator on fire, but I just figured that "to burn down" was a saying or idiom of some kind that I just hadn't learned yet.

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When I was younger, I didn't realize that when we got a phone call, you could hear it from any of the extensions in our house. I didn't know that they were all one phone line. I thought my parents were phycic or something because they could always tell which phone was ringing and I couldn't!

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We always used to think that you couldn`t get pregnant if you had sex in a telephone box. Let your fingers do the walking.....

Ricardo De Force
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