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I thought that condoms were sweets in their bedroom that my parents didn't let me eat. I always tried stealing them, but my parents took them from me as soon as I got my hands on one.
When I was really little, I found some 'squidgy things' in packets. I wanted to eat one, but every time I got my hands on one, my parents took it from my hands. I always thought It was because they were being mean. It was actually because they were CONDOMS.
I used to think condoms were meant to be solid, instead of rubber or elastic, like unblown balloons.
When I was about 6 years old, I thought "condom" was short for "condominium!"
When I was little I thought a condom was short for condominiam
I used to think that condom was short for condominium. I overheard some teenagers talking about condoms at the park and I was just guessing they were talking about condominiums. I found out the truth when I was 15.
Used to believe that a condom was a little fold-up bag that you feed to your dog so it poop in a bag.
top belief!
My husband found a (unopened) condom in his parents' room and when he asked what it was his dad told him it was ear medicine. lol
I once found a condom wrapper in my parent's drawer but I was a good kid and didn't touch it( thank god!). As I got older, my mom saw this beanie when we were out shopping and she tried it on and said,"Ew, looks like a condom." The store was real quiet and I totally broke the silence by asking her loudly."WHATS A CONDOM?" When I got even older, me and this girl were talking and we somehow got to the subjects of condoms and the guy behing us, named Michael, was snooping in our convorsation and I was like, "Do you even know what a condom is?" And he said, "Yeah, it's ketchup!" Me and the girl started laughing so hard we died in class. He thought we meant condiments.
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I hadn't heard of oral sex yet, but I had seen old movies where people smoke after sex. I came to the conclusion that flavored condoms were made for non smokers to suck on after sex as an alternative to cigarettes.
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I believed for an embarrassingly long time that before you have sex you should blow the condom up like a balloon to check for holes.
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When I was younger, people would ask me where I lived. I would say a condom. Later on I found out it was a condominium. Guess that's why everyone gave me strange looks...
Instead of ANY babies, I was thinking that a condom prevented TOO MANY babies from being made. Because of how most animals give birth to many babies at a time, I assumed that humans would do the same, without the usage of condoms, and that condoms allow us to only have one or two babies (therefore, they are ALWAYS used). I thought that there was a hole in the condom that let out a little sperm.
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When i was a kid i red something about chewing gum flavored condoms. After that I thought some of the gum in the grocery store was used for birth control and was scared of buying the wrong kind because I didn't want anyone to think i was having sex.
When I was 5 or 6 I heard my older sister talking to my mom about her room mate and how she always used to steal my sisters condoms. I asked them what a condom was and they said i will find out later.
I thought that condoms were like water ballons and my sister kept thousands of them under her bed.
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Until I was about 11 or 12, I would not go down the condiment aisle in the grocery store by myself. I thought that was where the condoms were displayed/sold and I was too embarassed to let anyone see me near a condom.
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When I was in grade 6 my friend asked if I knew what a condom was. I said, "of course I know what a condom is! It's a tall building with apartments!"
when i was 5-6 i actually thought they were sat-navs, because it says, be safe, use a condom, and i was like, its on the radio, in a car, its a sat-nav, at eight i realised i had got it mixed up with tomtom..l
top belief!
When was younger I used to believe condoms were a food, because I once heard someone speak of vanilla and cherry flavored condoms, and I believed that for years
I used to believe condoms looked like bandaids.
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