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top belief!
When I was about 11, my teacher did the sex education thing with us. She passed round a condom and I thought it was gum so i chewed it. And then this kid who knew what they were used for laughed at me andthe teacher went mad coz i was chewing a condom!!
top belief!
when i was a little girl, i thought condoms were a lot more complex because of how important the media made condoms sound
I thought a condom was a little machine guys slid on that emitted electrical waves to prevent the sperm from coming out.
imagine my surprise the first time i actually saw one, i was disappointed in the lack of imagine the condom makers had.
top belief!
my mom told me what condoms were about a year before she gave me the talk. though she said nothing about protecting from having babies. she just said diseases. after a long while of thinking, i came up with that people put them on their toungues when they're kissing.
i was with my cousin at the bech wen we came across a balloon we sniffed it i was convinced it was chewing gum or was it a pill it was a balloon we blew it up my uncle came walking he said why the hell r u blowing up condoms? we asked wots a condom he went red and my cousin said summin her dad wears every sunday does he blow up i asked xD
my sister was in year 10 and they gave out condoms i asked what they were and she said chewing gum one day i opened it and chewed on it and my sister found me and burst out laughing lol now i kno wht they are
top belief!
When I first learned about condoms, I learned that they prevented the HIV virus from getting from one person to another. I was old enough to have learned that viruses and sperm were both very small things, but I hadn't realized that sex wasn't only to just make babies, so I spent a very long time trying to figure out how the condom stopped the viruses but not the sperm. I finally asked someone and was only more perplexed. Why would you have sex if it didn't result in a baby? And if you wanted to have a baby then you wouldn't be safe from HIV! (I didn't realize there was a test that could tell if you had HIV or not.)
top belief!
When i was learnin about sex for the first time, and i learned about a condom, i thought that condoms where made of the same material as diapers, and that they were at least 1 inch thick, because i had heard so many ppl talk about them breaking....
top belief!
When i was a kid, fishing with my dad on lake invermere, i caught a used condom. Not knowing what it was, I went to grab it... My dad immediately caught my hand and firmly told me not to touch it. He got a little flustered when i asked why, as he didnt want to tell me about sex.
so he euphamised it. he started off the story with "Kevin, when a mommy fish and a daddy fish love each other very much they want to express that love, sometimes without making baby fish..." and I blurted out "OH! So those come from fish?"
Not wanting to say any more he said "Yes, Kevin, those come from fish but they are dirty so dont touch them."
when I got a little older and started sex-ed in school a teacher held up a condom and asked if anyone knew what it was. Needless to say i was severely embarassed that day!
top belief!
okay this is weird. I thought that that since people are constantly talking about the infamous "put the condom on the banana," the banana peel was the condom.
I wouldn't eat bananas for 3 year.
This isn't really a belief.Just a story. When I was 11 I was in the show, "The Sound of Music" playing one of the kids. You know the microphone packs? They're little boxes that have the on off switch and stuff and a cord that runs up to the actual mic that you put on your face. The tech people had this idea to cover the mic packs with condoms. So before every show they put one over everyone's mic pack. One day, the girl who played Gretl, (age five) came up to me and asked what they put on the mic packs. I told her, "Um..special microphone covers." And she believed me. Boy was that close!
it hough condoms protected from STDs,but,told by my sister,i was wrong
top belief!
I use to believe that condoms was brother had packs of it in his drawers and i use to take it out the wrapper and chew on it..and they were flavored it tasted good.sometimes they werent in a packet and i ate them mom saw me one day and screamed saying that i had "sperm" in my mouth..i had no idea what that was so i said "no mommy i have gum in my mouth"..i found out everything later brother "Reused" scarred for life.
top belief!
I used to beleive condoms were pills, until I saw an outline of one in a book about growing up, EWW!
when i was 10 i knew abt sex condoms and all but not about oral sex
when i first heard of flavoured condoms i thought that u were supposed to chew them like chewing gum until the flavour was lost and then put it onto the penis
later on i realised that u could do the 2 things together
when i was little we stayed in a apartment complex for a few months. one day while over at my friend's (right across the hall) we found one of her dad's condoms, she thought it was a balloon and tried to blow it up. XD
When I was young someome was talking about condoms & I wondered what one was.
They replied it was something you put on your willy to stop you getting AIDS,
I assumed it was a hard plastic tube (ouch!) until I read a book on the facts of life & got the right idea.
One time I was watching Cone heads with my family and we were at the part where he is chewing gum but the gum is actually a condom. Everyone started to laugh at that part and I asked what it was and everyone laughed at me so I thought it was a guys pinis.
top belief!
I used to believe that rubber gloves were made when some guy stuck his hand into a giant vat of melted rubber/wax. So I was surprised at who would be dumb enough to want to make condoms.
top belief!
I had a friend who thought that flavoured condoms where so that there would be a nice smell during sex, not for a nice taste during... another activity. She believed this until we were 17 yearts old and i told her what was what, she was totally disgusted and I am not sure if she believed me!!
This wasn't me, but I work at a daycare and one of the teachers there is pregnant. One day one of the little kids said, "Did you eat the baby?" and then another time the same teacher went to the restroom and came back and one of the children said, "Did you just have the baby when you went potty?" adorable!
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