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When I was 7 a little boy brought his brother's condoms to school one day (the whole box!). Everyone seemed really impressed. The kid even blew up one and let it fly around the schoolyard! Me, wanting to act cool, pretended I knew what they were, not knowing what they were or that they related to sex.
When I was around 7 or 8, my friend Seth and I were at a family BBQ. His uncle was getting ready to leave and as he was getting into his car, my friend screamed at the top of his lungs, "Uncle Lance!!!! Don't forget that I'm coming to your condom this weekend!!!!!!!!!!!" ---he meant condo....
I used to think condoms were really thick, and men used to make fire inside a womans vigina! my friend once dared me to ask a lady if she had any condoms. i did! she said yes and actually gave me and my friend some condoms! we blew them up like balloons and threw them out of the window into a group of teens!
I remeber in 5th grade two kids said they found a condom in the playground. But they pronounced it as CONDIMENT. I didnt know what it was. One of them later explained that that was what people had sex with. So when my older sister and mom pick me up i told them kids at school found a condiment at school. My sister was all "They found ketchup and mustard at your school?" i was mad because they didnt know what i ment.
So until like three years ago, I had heard the term "Female condom" and didn't know how that would work. I knew women didn't have anything that a regular condom would fit over, so I was utterly baffled.
A little while later I came to the conclusion that a Femal condom was a rubber tampon.
when i was little i used to think that a condom was something you put over the opening of the vagina well i found out later let me tell you!
I used to think condoms were a pill you ate so you wouldn't have a kid during sex. When I found out what it really was I just kind of said to myself... 'Huh.... that makes more sense."
top belief!
i used to believe condoms where some kinda hair rubber band for girls haha
it's pretty embarrassing now lollll
my friend used to think condoms were balloons and she found one in her parents room and blew it up and showed her mum her "balloon"
When I was young and I first heard the word condom, I thought it was a cross between a tampon and a pad.
I used to think that men put balloons on their penis n called them "comdoms" lol duhh
top belief!
I used to hear my older sister talking about sex stuff, and it didn't faze me until I was eavesdropping on her sleepover. I was eight, she was fourteen. They were talking about this girl who was supposedly not a virgin. My sister replied, "Ewww, did they even use a rubber?"
Well, I had heard of condoms, but not rubbers. I got this weird mental image of a couple wearing those yellow rubber gloves while having sex. I concluded that this was because men's sperm weren't sanitary and a girl needed to wear gloves.
top belief!
up untill fairly recently when we had to put condoms on bananas for sex ed, i thought that condoms were small cap type things that were only about two centermetres long and a man just put it on the end of his penis like a hat. I was always thinking no wonder they fall off all the time.
Whem my kids were young, we lived on a hobby farm. So they were familiar with the rubber rings we affixed around the male lambs' scrotums to castrate them. When my oldest boy was about 10, he found a rolled-up, unused condom and asked what it was. We had to tell him that it was used to stop people from having babies. He put two and two together and figured it worked just like those rubber rings we used on the lambs.
top belief!
when i was in second grade i heard for the first time, someone mention condoms and for many years thought it was two velcro circles and they would both wear one on their private parts and would stick themselves together and go to sleep cuddling.
i have no idea where i got that!
I thought till I was about 13 that condoms were like plastic cylinders that were supposed to be put on the penis.
i used to believe that condoms where the size of contact lensenses. i did know know what they where for though.
well one time when i was younger a kid in my neighborhood told me that sperm and condom where pokemon i found out what they where a couple years ago and am still embarased to think about that conversetion. (15 years old)
top belief!
I asked my dad what a condom was he told me you had to put it over your nose to stop bees stinging you.
Then, a bee came near my friends borhter I shouted "USE A CONDOM!!"
I was given the birds and bees talk at a nice young age, as I believe my parents were absolutely terrified (and rightly so!) about what I might hear later at school if they didn't head off the nonsense, as it were.
I was in a conservative family and had no concept whatsoever of sex for pleasure - I believed that people had extramarital sex because they wanted children but not each other, even by the time I was old enough that I should have known better . . .
For the life of me I couldn't figure out how a condom let sperm through but didn't let the AIDS virus through even though the AIDS virus is smaller. Confused me for two long years between ten and twelve - but no one wanted to talk about condoms, therefore it was very difficult to learn how they'd engineered this feat.
Oh, the strangeness of the world when I knew the relative size of sperm and viruses but not that people have sex for fun!!! Makes me laugh like mad now . . .
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