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When I was too young to be told about sex and contraception I asked my mother what condoms were, she replied saying go ask your step-dad. So I went upstairs to ask my step-dad what condoms were, to which he replied, Polar Bears hats...and so I went on believing that condoms were polar bears hats for a while until I was educated about sex!!

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I was rummaging through my father's "special" drawer when I was about 12 years old, and came across his stash of Fourex condoms. I was pretty intelligent, and read the box. It explained that the condoms were made of natural sheep skin. Well, having put 2 and 2 together, the only conclusion I could come to was that the company took the skin off of a ram's penis and rolled them up. What do you expect from a 12 year-old? It never occurred to me that the men wanting sex and using condoms would WAAAAAAY outnumber the amount of ram's awaiting death at the slaughterhouse.

Purple Pooter
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My parrents were amature coin collectors and one day I decided that I wanted to do that myself. Sadly I started my coin collection with my fathers foil condom and my mom took it away from me and was really upset. Knowing what I know now irks me.

Amy K
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When I was young, me and my friend David would ride our bikes behind a closed down warehouse. There were about three or four condoms in the back of the warehouse. we used to think they were Jellyfish and we would poke them with sticks.

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I used to think condoms were some sort of cork that you stuck in the little hole. I think I believed this for longer I should've.

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Once I came across my mother's diaphragm in her room, but I had no idea what it was. I figured it was a really big condom. Let's just say I was a little freaked out by my dad when he came home that night. I figured his penis must be really big, and I couldn't fathom how that was humanly possible. I know better now.

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When I was little I knew that condoms were used for having sex. But I never knew how they would fit it over their entire bodies...

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when i was younger i found my dads condoms and when i asked what they were i was told they were eye patches so whenever i poked myself in the eye i asked for an eyepatch

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When I first learned about condoms, I learned that they prevented the HIV virus from getting from one person to another. I was old enough to have learned that viruses and sperm were both very small things, but I hadn't realized that sex wasn't only to just make babies, so I spent a very long time trying to figure out how the condom stopped the viruses but not the sperm. I finally asked someone and was only more perplexed. Why would you have sex if it didn't result in a baby? And if you wanted to have a baby then you wouldn't be safe from HIV! (I didn't realize there was a test that could tell if you had HIV or not.)

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When I was around 9, a boy about a year older than I was told me a rubber was a thing a boy puts on the end of his prick so the girl doesn't get pregnant. I pictured a cork-like stopper made of hard rubber.

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when i was realy young, i used to think all of sex was deep kissing while nude, and that condoms went on the tongue of the man to prevent the woman from becoming pregnant -- i could never figure out why only men could wear condoms for the longest time.

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I had heard my older siblings use the word "condom." Not knowing what it meant, I asked them. My older sister told me to go and ask my mum (a former convent girl). She said it was something: "not catholic."

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My parents were quite liberal and they simply told me the truth about sex from an early age, when I asked where babies came from. I remember being shown a children's sex education book with a cartoon of a man and woman copulating. I was already aware of the mechanics of menstruation by the time I was 5 or so, so the sight of a tampon never puzzled me. But for some strange reason my parents never mentioned condoms to me until I was about 14. When I found a condom for the first time I knew it had to do with sex, but it took me several years to figure out how it actually works. During that time I believed you were supposed to swallow it like a pill.

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When I was 8 or so, I thought that condoms were just high tech balloons.

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When i was small with my mum in the shops - she used to tell me that condoms were chewing gum for adults! I believed her too!!

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i used to beleive that a comdom machine would stop you getting pregnant. Not the condoms. the actual machine.

Mr scared-of-swimming-pool-changing-rooms.
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We were attempting to sell our house and we had people over that were looking at the house. A while after they left I was just playing minding my own business and I found a condom that was in the wrapper (unopened) on my couch. I didn't know what a condom was and I picked it up and started moving it around inside the wrapper. After a while I went to my dad and said "Dad, the lady who looked at our house left a tiny little hat in a package on the couch" My dad informed me that it was probably not the ladies and more likely my brothers and then he told me what it was and what it was for. I was disgusted.

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I knew someone who thought condoms were so that the MEN wouldn't get pregnant!

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one day i was in a convienent store, and right next to the candy were all your lifestyles, and trojans. i saw one brand called "rough rider" and it said on the box "5 rubber condoms" i asked my mom what condoms were and they said they were to keep you from getting pregnat. i figured that they were rubber underwear that you would wear to prevent any penetration whatsoever. like you would just hop all over eachother and thats it.

i had seen a real condom before too i just didnt know it... LOL.

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When I was younger, I used to think that a condom was shaped like a sanitry towel, and it never occured to me to wonder why it was shaped this way and not another! I did ponder how people managed to have sex with a big, thick thing between them!

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