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getting pregnant

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top belief!

I used to think that how babies were made was that when people got married, some magical force knew that they then wanted a baby and gave them one.

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i used to think that:
1. women became pregnant if they loved their husband enough
2. babies developed in the stomach
3. babies came out the pee hole

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I used to believe that one needed to marry to produce babbies

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top belief!

I use to believe that to get pregnant you simply had to rub your nether regions against ANY male regardless of species. Well, I use to have this big stuffed beagle and one night I fell asleep with it propped between my legs. When I woke up and realized what I had done I was so terrified I honestly thought I was going to have dog babies.

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When I was little, for a long time I thought that when two people got married, the woman would become pregnant simply by magic. I also thought that that people gave birth through something like a C section, and that somehow the amount of times someone magically becomes pregnant depends on race. Not quite sure how I came to that conclusion...

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When I was 6, I believed that birth control pills were eggs, and women would take them when they wanted to get pregnant. My grandparents were catholic and had 13 children. I asked my mom why grandma took so many "birth" pills. She was so confused.

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I used to think that, when a female ovulated, if the egg stuck to the inside of the uterus, she got pregnant, and if it didn't, she had a period. Obviously, they missed a key point when they taught us about women's bodies in school!

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i swear this is a real memory i have.... my mom told me when i was very young (maybe around 7 or 8?) that girls got pregnant by eating a piece of the man's penis - like in a salad or soup. i shared this knowledge with a friend & my mom got a phone call from the friend's mother that i was making up sex stories.

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i used to think that there waz 2ways to get pregnant,sleeping wit the oppisite gender and kissing. But now i know the truth!

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When my mom gave me the talk, she added in that you could also buy the sperm to get pregnate.

So I thought if you wanted to get pregnate but you didn't have a husband or couldn't get pregnate form sex, all you had to do was go to any old pharmacy and look at the top of the shelf (where only adults could reach) and grab a jar a sperm and when you bought it, you would eat the sperm and you would instantly be pregnate...

So Simple
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When I was a child I used to believe that if the man sucked on the womes's breasts she would give birth to a baby.

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I used to think the inauguration was when some one had sex to have their child.

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I used to believe that all girls one day just became pregnant. Like at some magical age it just happened.

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top belief!

i thought that way a woman would get pregnant was she would eat the baby. and when i would ask her "mom did you eat me so i could be in your tummy?" Mom thought it was halarios!

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I was raised in a very religious household and repeatedly told over the years that I could get pregnant even during my period. I took this to mean that you could only get pregnant during your period. When I lost my virginity at 17, I told the guy we didn't need to worry about a condom, because I wasn't on my period. Thankfully, I didn't get pregnant. Thanks, abstinence only education!

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When I was about 13 or 14 to keep my sister and I from having sex and getting pregnant as teenagers, she told us that you could get pregnant from sitting on a toilet seat that had pee on it, and to always wipe the seat off.

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When I was 7 my mom got pregnant with my second younger brother. I was curious where babies came from and some one told me it was from eating watermelon seeds. I was deathly afraid of watermelons until my mom figures it out and gave me a 7-year-old's version of the sex talk.

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I used to think you could just GET pregnant - I had no idea how, I thought girls just randomly became pregnant. I was soooo worried I might get pregnant. It took me awhile to figure it out (and some sex ed classes at school...)

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I used to believe that if a woman was having twins, it meant that she had sex twice while she was trying to get pregnant, three times with triplets, and so on...

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I used to believe that people got pregnant just by spending a lot of time together, and then the sperm from the man would magically go into the woman's body and multiply and race towards the egg, and the winner of the sperm race determined what the gender of the egg was.

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