getting pregnant
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When i was little and was told what abortion was i thought that a doctor would stick a sword up the woman's vagina to kill the baby.
top belief!
If a woman wanted a baby, she wouldeat baby food, this would make a baby in her stomach. She would then poo it out. =]
When I was very young I thought all women were born pregnate and as you grew up the baby inside you developed until you eventually gave birth. So was a toddler I'd go around rubbing my belly and telling people I was pregnate.
top belief!
I never believed in the stork or the cabbage patch; when I was quite small my parents gave me books about reproduction and answered questions truthfully. I don't remember not knowing where babies came from.
I don't think the books I had explained birth control, though, so I naturally assumed that every act of intercourse between a woman and a man resulted in pregnancy. The book also made a vague mention that sex was fun and felt good, but their description didn't make it seem like something people would want to do a lot for reasons other than making babies.
So, when I was about eight, I figured my parents had had sex three times, because they had three kids. I also figured that the only reason for having sex was a desire to have a kid. If they went into their room at night and closed the door I would always find some reason to interrupt them, because I didn't want any more siblings. Sorry, Mom and Dad...
When i was six and i heard my mom telling someone that they were "trying". I thought that you got pregnant and standing really close. And you blew into eachother's mouths and a green laser thing shot out from the man and into the woman. and somhome you got a baby from that! wow i was sooo wrong !
When I was about 8 I used to think that a man got a woman pregnant by weeing inside her. I knew that something came out of the penis, but wee was the only thing I could think of at that age.
Well my sister thought it butt when she was younger she got told that you can only have babies if you wish for them. her mate soon came over & they were playing bratz sharing a room i was in the same room chilaxingg and i over heard there conversation. the other girl suggested that they made a babie by having sex my sister then said ' well you have to wish otherwise they'll never be a baby, make sure she wishes afterwards ' i couldnt help laughing.
I used to think that you had to be a certain age....18 to have a baby. Also I thought babies were created when a boy and a girl kissed and their saliva mixed somehow making the baby come out of your stomach like in Alien. I was stupid ].]
Ihen I was about 8-9 I asked mom how she became pregnant ( my baby sister). She simply explained that the mommys have eggs in their bellies and the daddy's had the fertilizer. My dad was realy into lawn care and had all the latet tool for lawn care. So with my mother's explanation this is what I pictured.......My mom lying down on the grass while my dad ran over her belly with the seed spreader.
When I was 6 or 7 I was in the car with my older brother, sister, and my mum. My older sister was talking about her period maybe starting soon, and my mom was talking about how its just unfertilized babies. (lol) So I said intelligently, "I want to know how cavemen has babies". and My mum turned around to look at me but said nothing. So I went on, "Well, you have to take a pill to have a baby, right? So how did they get those pills?" And abruptly all three of the elders doubled over laughing!!
I used to think that a man and woman would kiss at night in bed and the next morning the woman would wake up pregnant w/a big belly and the next day they would have a baby and you could choose if it was a boy or girl as soon as it was born.
when i was little my mom told me that to get pregnant you had to eat watermelon seeds and they grew into babies. for a couple years i would tear the watermelon apart to get out all of the seeds.
Some one told me in 2nd grade that to have a baby, a boy and a girl have to poop and pee on eachother. Since I hadn't heard any other way, I believed it.
top belief!
i believed if you had sex twice in a row you would have twins
Whwn I was like 8 I used to believe woman just got pregnant randomly.
I always understood the whole "sex makes you pregnant" part, but i never got how the baby came out.... so i immeditaly thought it came out of your bellybutton. Well, i never knew what belly buttons were for!
I used to believe that there was a tunnel between a girls butt and her vagina. Then I thought that a girl could get pregnant from butt sex...
This one isn't me, it's my brother.
He's 9, and becoming curious about "the birds and the bees"...:ahem: so he asked my mom, who said "jesus puts the baby in the mommy's tummy"
So then my brother watched a documentary on tv about zebra's, and a male died. then the female zebra had a baby. so my bro linked the two things together.
later, he was talking to our aunt on the phone, telling her about the show he had watched. he said "the daddy zebra died, then jesus put a baby in the mommy zebra's belly!!"
needless to say, my aunt asked my mom about it later.
top belief!
When my little sister was born, i was 4. And i was still tryin to figure out where babies came from. Since my parents wouldnt tell me, i figured that the mommy ate so many strange foods that it somehow blended and became a baby. So i decided to tell my little baby sister that she was made of doughnuts.
My friends and I used to believe that a girl could get pregnant by hugging a boy while they were lying in bed...ha ha...I think this was because one of my older cousins told us that the song "2 Become 1" by the Spice Girls was a "baby making song"...and we didn't know that they were talking about sex in the song...we just thought that they were talking about when two people hug each other really tight or something b/c there's a lot of hugging in the music
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