getting pregnant
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When I was little I used to believe that if you slept in the same bed with a boy than you automatically got pregnant. I was 5 and I slept over my best friends house who was a boy and we both slept on the couch. The next day I went home crying and told my older sister that I was pregnant.
My parents NEVER EVER EVER told me about sex, and I'm 11 now. I did learn in second grade from two boys that sat across from me in school. Well at lunch I told my friend about the new "amazing" thing I heard about and she told me she knew what it was and she told me that you could get pregnant from it. So we thought that EVERY time you had sex, you would get pregnant. ALWAYS
The first time I masturbated, I thought I had gotten myself pregnant. I prayed for God to not make me have a baby, and I swore never to touch myself again.
top belief!
when i was four, i went into my mum and dads rom early on a sunday morning, and theer were opening the mail in bed.
it was at this point mum decided to tell me she was expecting another baby ( now my lil bro)
from that point onwards i thought God decided when your became pregnant and sent you a letter down from Heaven.
no sex involved.
I used to believe when the bride and groom kissed at the wedding, something passed from his mouth to hers to get her pregnant. Babies took a year to be born, and ALL babies were born one year after marriage.
I used to believe that a woman would get pregnant if she sat on toliet seat after a man had forgot to raise the seat up and left urine on it. I honestly thought that until I was about 16. Talk about naive! :)
When i was little I thought that a girl could get pregnant by sitting on a toliet seat that a man accidently pee'd on..(my brother never put the seat up)and one day I used the bathroom and to my horror i sat in some pee..and i sat there and started crying and freaking out thinking I had just got prego to my own brother...and until my mom came in and asked if everything was ok and i told her my theory and she just busted out laughing and told me it wasnt true but i was still nervous for 9 months ..oh what a silly shild i was!
Well, when I was little, before I knew that you had t o have sex to make a baby, but after I knew about the pregnancy concept, I thought that if you were older that 13, you could get pregnant for no reason. Then some perv at school told me what sex was and how you got pregnant from it. So I knew you had to have sex to make a baby, but I also thought it could randomly happen. I also thought that every time you had sex, you would HAVE to get pregnant.
My four-year-old niece believes that EVERYTHING is made in China, even babies.
My seven-year-old niece argues with her that no, babies are made by your parents. A boy and a girl put the baby in the girl's tummy, using their hands.
When I was but a youngster, I thought that babies spontaneously appeared a little while after a couple got married. After my aunt and uncle got married and didn't have a baby for a pretty long while, I got suspicious....
i used to believe that in oredr to become pregnant, a man and a women sit together holding hands then they read some magical words and phrases from a secrete book.
I used to beleave that my mom got gregnant with me in a wireless system. Just bebause my parents lived in the same home. I would get very upset if someone would say that my parents had sex to get me.
I used to believe that (once you had your period) if you had sex with a would get pregnant. No matter what. You have sex with a boy = you get pregnant. The end. So yeah... once I had my period I obviously wasn't jumping into bed with guys any time soon.
I used to believe that in order to become pregnant, all you needed was to find a guy and marry him, and that was all to it.
I used to believe it was impossible to have a baby unless you were married.
I used to believe that girls got pregnant by using the same wash cloth as a man. If the man had washed his "private parts" with the wash cloth & a lady washed HERS w/ the same wash cloth - BAM! You'd be pregnant. I always made sure to never touch my brother or dads wash cloth in the shower!
when i asked my mom how woman gets pregnant, she said that when mother is hugging her husband, they are rubbing theirs bellies and then, mother's belly becomes bigger and bigger, so there is baby inside.
When I was a young kid, nobody ever taught me about sex or reproduction. Once I got my period, I was afraid of touching boys because I was afraid of getting pregnant! I would avoid them like the plague. I'm not quite sure why I didn't realize that a whole lot more people would be getting pregnant if this was the case.
My friend told me that when she was little she used to think that a person got pregnant by when got thought the time was right, he would put a baby inside of its moms stomach.
My friend, when she was about 12 or so think that she can get bregnant if she smoke and eat chewing gum at the same time.. Of course, she was a blonde. And i'm not kidding. And no, that girl is not me.
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