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getting pregnant

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When I was nine I learned about sex for the first time. I was told that sex was how babies were made and that it involved a man and a woman having a "special cuddle" together, but I didn't find out the details for years to come. Because of this, I assumed that sex consisted of a man and a woman holding hands and waiting until a baby was created.

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I used to believe that when women reached a certain age then they can get pregnant from kissing a man. I thought that when you exchanged saliva while kissing then it would trigger something in the womens body that made hey get pregnant. I only thought that the body part down low was only used for peeing and where the child comes out of.

A smart child
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I used to think that you got pregnant by being in a relationship for a year, Like suddenly the male hormones would mix with the female ones after a year, and BAM! You're pregnant.

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I was a reader when I was young and we had these old kids' books full of facts that I loved to read. One was "All About the Human Body" and it explained eggs, sperm, and fertilization. There were also anatomical diagrams I didn't understand, but the books were from the 50s so they were too conservative to explain anything more. So I knew sperm from the man's body had to somehow get into the woman's body for there to be a baby. When I asked my mom about this subject, she used to say it was "a special kind of love" between two people. So I thought that after two people fell in love and got married, they would walk down the street (or something), and the sides of their bodies would touch while they were walking. The sperm would somehow pass through their skin from the man to the woman, and then she would get pregnant. The funniest thing is that I imagined all this taking place with their clothes on because it literally never occurred to me they might take them off in front of each other.

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I had my first sex talk when I was twelve. Prior to that, I thought that sharing a bathroom with somebody was enough to get one pregnant.
This led to a very embarrassing incident (I was around ten), when I broke down and started crying whilst telling my dad I was pregnant 'because we only have one bathroom, so we used the same bathroom!'

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I used to believe that to get pregnant you had to place a watermelon seed on the bullybutton.

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When my little brother (let's pretend his name was George) was about 4 or 5, he asked our mom how he got here. Mom said something like, "Well, we'd wanted and prayed for another baby for a while, and one day, God made sure a little 'George seed' started to grow inside Mommy. And when you got big enough, we went to the hospital so the doctor could help get you out."

I thought that prayer was a necessary part of the process of becoming pregnant! It turned out that I learned what abortion was before learning how sex worked, so for a while I was really confused about why someone would PRAY FOR A BABY, then not want it when it actually showed up inside her.

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I thought sex was a man and woman simply laying on top of each other while naked in bed and then after a while of that the woman was magically pregnant.

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When we were in our teens I had a friend who believed that if you had sex standing up then you wouldn't get pregnant. She also believed that you couldn't get pregnant on the first time. Luckily, I straightened her out.

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I used to believe that a women gets pregnant my kissing a man.

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When I was kid I think that if I kiss someone I will be pregnant

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When I was a a preteen I thought you could get pregnant if someone other than your family touched you intimately.
Realized the truth in 9th grade

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When I was a little kid, I used to believe babies were made by God up in heaven, then once the baby had been matched with the perfect family, a ray of sunshine would put the baby in the mother's tummy. I used to believe this because my mom told me that this was how I was made.

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I used to think you got pregnant of you even came CLOSE to a guy.

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Women became pregnant from eating pimento olives.

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I used to believe that babies were made when the bride and groom kissed at the wedding

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I used to think the "merital act" was a complex ritual that couples in lab coats did to get babies. I wasn't entirely off, since my idea of it was based on textbooks, and a Catholic documentary about embryonic stem cells.

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top belief!

Growing up with religious parents, I got a bit confused about conception. I'd been told that God makes babies, but I'd also been told that parent made them (and that the mother would get pregnant). I had a pretty active imagination and with logic, I reasoned that when a couple decide they want a kid, an angel would fly down and take them up to heaven, where they would meet with God and design a baby. I pictured them going over designs and make blueprints. Afterwards, I believed the angel would take them back to Earth, and God would create the baby from the blueprints and then the baby would appear in the mother's stomach.
Sounds really lame now, but I was truly convinced and it makes me laugh when I remember it now.

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I used to think that your body would automatically get pregnant once you got married. I didn't know what sex was...My friend told me tho and I was totally disgusted.

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I used to think that women got pregnant because God directly put a baby in them, and that an unplanned pregnancy meant that God made you pregnant but forgot to tell you about it beforehand.

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