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when i was thirteen( and still am) i believed that when u put ur head on the microwave when it was on that u couldnt have a baby when u were older.

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When my sister was little she thought that when girls were born, they were born with a tiny, tiny baby all ready inside their stomachs ands as you grow, the baby grows until one day it ets to big to stay inside.

Imagine my mothers suprise when my 4 year-old sister told her she had a " tiny person growing in her tummy".

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top belief!

I at one time believed that I was impregnated by the Lord. No lie, I seriously thought I was the new Mary. How utterly ridiculous. That's what happens to mis-informed, sheltered, late-blooming girls who were never told that periods aren't always regular and on time.

Not Jesus II's Mamma
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When I was little, thanks to a children's book illustration, I thought that if a male and a female sat too close to each other, they would eventually have a baby. That was my explanation for how people unintentionally had children. This scared me, and I would not sit too close to a boy until I found out the truth.

I realized that this belief was not true when me and my older sister were watching the Lion King. At one point, when Nala and Simba were standing close to each other, I said to my sister, "Uh oh! They better not stand too close!" My sister asked me why, and I said, "Because they might accidentally have a baby, that's why!" My sister explained that that was not how someone had a baby.

I didn't find out how someone could have a baby until I was much older.

Sparky the Other Reindeer
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I took "when a man and a woman love each other very much..." too literally -- because that was all I got to hear! I thought that simply by being married (and, therefore, in love), one was risking getting pregnant at any time, regardless of any actual interaction with the couple. It all just happened by chance.

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I was in Catholic school fourth grade in 1963, and most kids didn't know much about sex then. The nuns told us that you can not have a baby unless you were married. I asked my mom why that was, and she replied "That's the way God wants it!" So for some time, I believed that a person had to be married in order to get pregnant, even though I wasn't quite sure how babies were made.

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i used to believe that to make babies, a daddy had to press the mummys belly button i, and say a magic word, that only grown ups knew when they loved each other!

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I used to beleive all babys were in the sky, and when a man and woman had sex, a baby would fall into the womans belly.

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I used to believe baby are born in an accident that their parents dont' even know when they will get pregnant. I thought people who have lots of children have had lots of accidents.

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When I was little I came up to my mom and asked her, "Where do babies come from?" and she said that you just have to want one really bad and you'll get a baby. So I believed that you just really really want to have one and it will just pop up somewhere.

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top belief!

I was a very late addition to my family; basically, my parents had four kids in a row in the first four years of marriage, then waited fourteen years before deciding they wanted one more go at it, from which I was the result. So, my mother used to explain to me when I was a wee lad how much she and dad wanted to have one more child, and that they 'prayed and prayed' that god would give them one more.
Thus, I thought up until I was seven or eight that the whole secret of where babies comes from was simply...praying. Really hard.

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When I was 7, my parents let me know that I was going to have a baby borther or sister. I replied, "OK, great. Let me know what night you need to sleep naked so I don't bother you." MY parents, needless to say, were perplexed. Apparently, I thought that women perioidically became pregnant, and that in order to continue the pregnancy, they had to sleep naked with their husbands to move to the next stage. They still tell that story. I"m almost 40.

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when I was in kindergarten, my mom told me that babies were made when you "sleep with someone". Having been given this "secret", I suddenly developed a phobia of naptime when the boys and girls in my class slept in the same room on cots. I didn't want to "sleep with" the entire class, so I refused to take a nap for two whole weeks. I kept waiting for babies to appear, and when they didn't I decided my mom was making up stories, and continued taking naptime.

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my mum told that the daddy gave the mommy a seed that'd grow in her tummy till it became a baby. she neglected, however, HOW the seed would get in there so i thoought tat when the mommy and daddy kissed it'd go from the daddy's mouth into the mommy's and down to her stomach.

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when my mum was pregnant with my little sister i asked my dad "how do you get pregnant" he replied you take a pill a pink one for a girl and a blue one for a boy!!!................

I wish it was as simple as that!!

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If you masturbate, you can get pregnant.

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i used to beleive that if you played with you boobs, that you would have a baby.

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I learned about sex when I was 9, but I had a friend who insisted women got pregnant by a man sticking his penis in her mouth - the woman would swallow the sperm and the baby would grow right in her stomach. I knew better, but she was very adamant about it, even telling me she'd seen a picture in the dictionary. I'd like to know what kind of dictionary she was looking at!

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My friends boyfriend thought that you both had to orgasm at the same time for her to get pregnant.

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I dont know where i heard this from .. but up till i was 15 years old, i thought that when you are giving a guy head and you swallow, you can still get pregnant.

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