getting pregnant
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I believed that to get a baby the man had to pee in the womans, whoo haa. and ohh a baby 9 months later.
When i was a Kid , ( i'm 23) i used to believe man and woman were married and god give them a child, and woman get pregnant!! lol ( but it's really true)
When me and my friends were little we were told that sex was the guy putting his penis on the girls head and then the sperm would somehow travel down the girls body and into her tummy to make the were like 5 years old
One time I was drinking apple juice and my little sister wanted a drink and I told her no because I am sick. She told me it was okay cuz she was sick too. I told her that what I have is very contagious, so she asked what it was. I told her I was pregnant and she got scarred and said "you can catch pregnant if you drink from a pregnant lady???" needless to say, I didn't have to share my apple juice! LOL
When I was about four, my mom was having another baby and some very weird cravings, so she used to stick these weird white olives on her fingers and eat them one by one. One day I was watching Sesame Street and Wayne Brady was on, who, as you know, is a black man, and his fingernails showed really prominently as white on his dark figers. Well, his fingernails looked just like the white olives my pregnant mom used to eat, so that's what I thought they were. Therefore, any black guy I saw on TV I thought was pregnant.
Till age 9 or 10 i thought the only way for a women to get pregnant was to have anal. Diddent know there was more parts down ther.
I used to think that women got pregnant by the mom and dad praying really hard and then God just gave them a baby in the womb magically.
How weird.
top belief!
my dad likes to joke and once he got carried away. He actually told my sister u can get pregnant by eating green M&Ms. I didn't realize this until one day my mom came in my room and asked who i slept with. I didnt know what she was talking about and said my sister told her i was pregnant. When i confronted her she said the M&M thing. As it turns out she saw me eating them the day before!
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Okay, so you know those tampon/pad machines? Well, I thought that when you put in money for a pad, you wore the pad for 5 weeks, and then you were pregnant, with a girl. Tampons were boys. And you needed to wear them for 10 weeks. . I remember i asked my mom "I want a sister, okayy?" i put in the money, and handed her a pad. she's like... uh, no Alexa. That's not how it's done.
When i was little i used to think that u got pregnant from period pads. So if my mom ever needed me to grab one for her i would pick it up with the tip of fingers run to her as fast as i could and then throw it really fast.
top belief!
When I was about six I was at a family picnic and my aunt swallowed a watermelon seed. Well, 9 months later she had a baby, all the grown ups were joking that it was the seed that did it, for the next three or four years I honestly believed that if you swallowed a watermelon seed you'd get pregnant.
When I was about 5 my mom was pregnant with my sister and I asked her "how do you get pregnant?" After a few seconds of her going "um...uh..." she finally told me, "you have to dream it!" So up until I was 12 I thought that the mom and the dad both had to have the same dream at the same time that they took an elevator up to heaven and told God that they wanted to have a baby. Of course now I know better.
top belief!
When i was 3 my mother gave me a G-rated version of "the talk" and my weird little imagination came up with this: the daddy and mommy get naked and sit on the couch. they hold hands, and look straight ahead. if they look down, nothing happens. while they look ahead, a little fish (my mom called sperm "swimmies") jumps out of the daddy's belly button and lands in the mommy's belly button where there is an egg (one she ate for breakfast or something) in her stomach waiting for the fish. the fish eats the egg, and it turns into a baby. i was afraid to eat eggs for a long time because i didn't want a little brother or sistyer. i still don't like eating eggs to this day, 17 years later.
my mother told me about the birds and bees and said that I should be careful because sperm can go through anything and get me pregnant. Everytime I went to bed I was afraid there was a guy under the bed and the sperm would make it through the bed and I would be pregnant.
I was so afraid to go to sleep and would only sleep on my side. Making it harder to get to me.
top belief!
My dad told me that when you had a baby it had something to do with your genes. Obviouslybeing about 5 i thought this meant your jeans. We were at a barbecue one day and my auntie was wearing jeans, so i thought it neccessary to announce to everyone that she was pregnant. It turned out that she actually was pregnant, and hadn't told anyone yet!
When I was little and my mother gave me the 'Talk', she was kinda embarrassed and didn't explain it well. She swore me to secrecy about sex, so the next day I went and told all my friends that women got pregnant when the man pees into them.
When I was a little girl the boy next door tole me that babies were mae when the boy peed in the girl's belly button. We tried it and I fully believed I was going to have a baby!
Until I was 14 years old I thought you got pregnant when a boy pee'd in one ever explained that something ELSE came out of the "pee pee"
When I was younger, my mom gave me a book on "Your Body Changing". It wasn't the best written book, and I thought that you could only have a baby if a woman was starting her period. I thought that that was a logical explination for why some couple had trouble having a baby.
When I was really young I thought that you bought a baby kit from a department store like Penny's, because my mom told me that she had bought my baby stuff at Target.
I was so scared when i was about 5 and my mum got pregnant. She came running up To me and was jumping around and said " hunny, mummy is going to have another baby!" and i blurted out DONT JUMP MUMMY OR YOU WILL BREAK THE EGG! I used to think that there was an egg inside you that popped out, and then the baby hatch!
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