getting pregnant
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When I was in elementary school, I heard my mom comment on some very skinny aerobics instructor on TV, "I bet she's never had kids." I was baffled because it had never occured to me that you could NOT have kids! I believed that pregnancy was automatic, so that when a woman reached a sufficient age, a baby just started growing inside her all by itself. Then she'd have to find someone who would agree to be the baby's father and help her take care of it, if she didn't already have a husband or boyfriend handy. Yeah, I was a pretty mixed up kid, but it made perfect sense to me!
I used to believe women became pregnant when a man kissed her nipples.
I used to believe that to get pregnant, a guy would just have to pee on a girl. In 6th grade I was advised otherwise. BY MY EX BOYFRIEND.
My mom used to believe that a woman became pregnant when a man and a woman kissed over a toilet.
I thought that when a man and a woman wanted to have a baby, the man would stick his penis into a woman's belly button and urinate into her stomach. He would then do this everyday for 9 months. I thought that he kept doing it every day so the baby inside had room to swim around as it grew. I then thought that when the baby got a certain size, it would then wake up and then crawl its way through the woman's intestines and then push itself out of her anus. I thought they were telling a woman to push it out her ass like it were a piece of shit. Since i was a male, the only forms of pushing i could thing of was using your hands to push an object and pushing crap out your ass. I also came to the conclusion that woman had extra arms inside their butts that would help push out the baby.
I used to think that a women would get pregnant when she would french kiss a man. But it was different when a women wanted to get pregnant because the man would also throw up a fetus into the her mouth and she would swallow it. The baby would then grow in the stomach and feed on whatever the mother ate (i thought this because when my aunt was pregnant, she ate a lot of food and said that when woman are pregnant they are always hungry). I also thought that when a woman gave birth, the baby would go through her belly button. I thought that is what made childbirth so painful.
I eventually learned all about sex from TV. Good thing i had cable, otherwise it would have taken me much longer to realize the truth. I switched schools after 5th grade, so i didn't learn about it from school. The school i went to before i switched taught students about sex in 6th grade, i the school afterwards taught students in 5th grade. It took me a while to fully understand everything about sex, but i knew what basiclly happened.
For years my mom complained that she got pregnant with me because the doctor told her you can't get pregnant when you are breastfeeding. When I was nursing my daughter, I said I just loved not getting my period. My mom said she got her period when she was nursing. I asked her "Didn't it occur to you that if you got your period, you could get pregnant?"
I feel so sorry for people who haven't had sex ed.
This Catholic pregnant teenager kept bragging that she was still a virgin, like she was better than the rest of us pregnant teens. I told her the whole point of being a virgin, is so you don't get pregnant before you get married. And since she was already pregnant, she and her boyfriend might as well have sex. The rest of the pregnant teen group agreed with me. The Catholic girl got quite upset. This is what happens in schools with no sex education.
I used to believe that when adults had sex, it was only to have children and that it was only for a second, so that a man could let one sperm come out, but what about twins? I believed that the fathers of twins had left it in too long, and two had come out.
I used too belive that babys came when a man and a woman lied down together naked in a bed
then i learned the awful truth!Curse you DORI!
I believed that to get pregnant a guy had to put his middle finger into a girl's vagina. What does a 6 year old know anyway?
When I was a kid, I used to think I could get preggo by eating a push-up pop.
I used to believe that in order to make a baby, the mutual exchange of urine between both partners into their respective genitals was necessary.
I used to think that once you got married, you started having children and that when you wanted it to stop, you got a tubal ligation.
top belief!
When I got my period for the first time, I went to school,proud of becoming a woman, and told my best friend all about it. she simply said "you better be careful you can get pregnant now" I was so nieve... I was scared that I would just get pregnant at any moment. i believed that until i found out about sex.
I thought getting pregnant was completely random, and that the couple had no control in it whatsoever. So whenever I'd hear something about a couple trying to get pregnant, I'd think that they were stupid because it couldn't be done, and that I was a lot smarter than they were for realizing it.
when I was like 10 my friend told me that she had this special lotion that if you used it you would get pregnant. Well I wanted a baby (not knowing what that involved) amd went home and used her lotion. Needless to say, I didn't get pregnant.
I used to believe that if a guy decided that he wanted you pregnant then he would shove his finger in your mouth and that you would get pregnant....Don't ask me where that came from...I also thought that if a guy touched your breasts you would get pregnant then too....
When I was six or seven I used to think that babies came from two people exchanging saliva. The more saliva you exchanged with someone the more chances of you having their child, if you were a woman that is.
At one point, after the part in sex ed about egg and sperm uniting but before the mechanics were explained, I thought the sperm could travel around-- on chairs, the floor, etc-- and climb into a woman. After all, how else could it happen by accident?
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