getting pregnant
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This isn't mine, its my uncles, and its 100% real.
One night my mom, her brothers and sister, along with her parents were all sitting at the dinner table. My Uncle Bill, who was 17 at the time made the statement that "Women can get pregnant through their belly buttons", and he said it with absolute sincerity. My mom and sister tried as hard as they could not to laugh, and my grandparents (his parents) were dumbstruck.
Up until the age of about 10, me and my best friend thought that people had sex for fifteen minutes...and that would mean one baby was made. This rule applied to twins (thirty minutes) and when we heard our friends mum had given birth to quads we nearly fainted, thinking about the fact she'd 'done it' for sixty minutes!!!!
when I was a kid, I used to believe that when the bride ate a piece of wedding cake at the reception, the cake was very special because it was eaten at a wedding, and it turned into a baby.
I thought a woman becomes pregnant once she hugs a male and her hands move in all directions over a male's back!
Later on , I got advanced , and thought it was by the lying down on the same bed and covering bodies with the same white blanket....
I used to believe that you could fall pregant by holding hands.....
i always thought that when a woman ate beans she got pregnant and the man who bought the beans for her was named the father of the child.
when i was little i was scared to hug males because i thought you would get pregnant. my mom used to watch soap operas and when they couples would be in bed i thought they were hugging really tight when they were really having sex so i thought if a male hugged me i'd get pregnant too :(
When I was little, I would sleep in the same bed as my mom (my dad worked nights Mon-Fri) because I was too afraid to sleep in my own room. When I was five I found out that my mother was pregnant with a little girl. My mother said it was my little sister. I was baffeled by something, I thought that since I slept in the same bed as my mother that the baby was my daughter (obviously I didn't know about sex at the time). About three years later I was amazed after I asked that famous question "Where do babys come from?"! Unfortunetly my parents told the truth!
i believed that eating eggs would make me pregnant as my mother went into a too detailed story about getting pregnant when i was six, lol! and i didn't eat eggs for years!!
My parents never taught me how babies were made, so I picked up from others that babies are made when two people fall in love. In 6th grade I had my first crush on a boy and thought I was in love, so therefore I must have gotten pregnant. Thinking I was pregnant, I was very scared of what my parents would think and kept checking the mirror to see if my belly was growing!
When I was little, I beleived that after a certain age if a woman slept in the same bed as a man, she would regularly get pregnant. About every two years or so. So when my cousin told me that her mom took a pill to make the babies stop coming, I thought there's no way some little pill is going to keep a baby from popping out!
When I was little, I went to a Christian school, and they made me believe in God. Then I saw a programe where a girl 'slept' with a man and got pregnant. Well then I thought that all you had to do was literally sleep in the same bed as a man and God would make you pregnant.
I told my son that he used to be in my tummy when he was 4. So he asked me," Mommy why did you swollow me?"
I used to believe that babies just happened to big people. My mom is a single mom, so when i asked her how she got me she told me she wasn't too sure. I asked my grandma and she told me if you were a good person and the Lord sees it fit you'll just have one. I told her I didn't believe me she told me, "Look at the Virgin Mary". The things lil kids go through!
when i was little my mom told me that all babies started out as seads in a mommys stomach..well iwas playing with my dollhouse at the time and i thought she said i was playing that the mom of my dollhouse was pregnant and put the seat int the middle of the room and looked up at my mom and showed her..she asked me why and i said .."you told my babies had seats to sit on whilethey wer ein the mommy's tummy." she laughed and corrected me but i still thought that the baby must have SOMETHING to sit on!
My one friend used to think that people only had sex when they wanted to have babies. She was like "haha, your parents did it twice!" because I have a brother. Oi, if only.
When I was around 7 or 8 years old I used to believe that you could get pregnant by accidentally touching bums when you bumped into someone, even fully clothed. I accidentally bumped into my dad one time when my family was in the city shopping for groceries or school supplies or something and I started crying hysterically because I thought I would get pregnant. Yeah, that was stupid. I laugh about it now.
Not my Belief but my mom's: My mom knew what being pregnany was and that they eventually had a baby, but she had no idea how they got pregnant, her grandpa everytime they saw a pregnant woman, would say "opps, she swallowed a watermelon seed" so, for quite a while she believed this...
i used to think that if a lady ate a magic peanut then she would grow a baby and get pregnant. i thought that the baby would grow at the bottom of the garden and wen it looked tasty enough she would eat it and then poo it out.
I asked my step sister one day what would happen if you ate a watermelon seed. She told me I'd get pregnant and a baby would grow inside me. When I didn't believe her, she said, "how do you think I got my kids?" I was too young to understand what sex was. I believed her till I ate one to see if it was true, because I wanted a baby of my own.
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