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On TV movies the man always lays on top of the woman and I thought that babies were made by that pressure. I knew nothing of penetration!

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Me and my friend that i grew up with believe the first child came with the marriage and every child after that you had to have sex with. so we would argue whether we were created by sex or we were teh auto marriage child.

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top belief!

When my mom was pregnant with my younger sister, I overheard her telling someone on the phone that she was the "black sheep" in her family.

Imagine my moms embarassment the next time I announced that my mom was pregnant...with a black sheep!

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when i was little, i thought that there was a big factory filled with fish tanks full of babies and ladies would come in and say that they wanted babies, so a man would hook a vacuum up from the fish tank to the lady's belly button and it would suck the baby into her belly.

Dana Moskowitz
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I used to believe you could get pregnant at anytime once you were over 18, and you would automatically get pregnant and getting pregnant was something that your body chose, and it your body would choose when you would get pregnant and plant a seed inside your belly.

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top belief!

I believed my best friend---She had a very rational and scientific explaination for how babies were concieved------- The man pees into the woman- and fertilizes the egg--- that is why the egg yolk is yellow.

Mel's best friendfriend
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When I was little I believe you had to be married to have a baby. And during the wedding the couple would pray for how many children they wanted, girls or boys, and when they would come.

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My sister told me that for a person to have a baby that the male had to pee in your mouth. I was so freaked out that I said I would never have kids

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I used to believe that the bellybutton was the part of the body where children came out. And that birthmarks were the part of the body that came out first.

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When I was a little boy, I thought that both women and men have penises like myself. To make a baby, the man must urinate inside a woman's anus. After a while the woman's stomach begins to swell when the baby is formed inside the woman's stomach. Then the baby comes out in a torrent of diarrhea after about a year. I reasoned that because some women couldn't take the pain when pushing out the baby, they died during childbirth. Therefore, I believed my theory was quite correct... till I read the book by Lynda Madaras "The What's Happening to my body - Book for boys." during the early years of my puberty.

Little Johnny
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When I was younger I thought that having a baby was easy. First you went to the cabbage patch to pick out a baby. Then you took the baby to the doctor and the doctor would put the baby in mommy's tummy. Then right after the doctor did that you go to another doctor who would remove the baby that same day.

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I used to beleive that if you got married getting pregnant was just a random event. I was so scared of boys!

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I used to think that if you wanted a baby, all you had to do was go to the hospital and buy one. I figured out the truth when I was 5 and my Aunt got pregnant.

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when i got my first period, my mom had told me that i was able to get pregnant now. and she didnt think she would have to tell me about the birds and bees again so she thought i understood that i had to have sex to have a baby.but i forgot all about it. so i layed upstairs in my bed as flat as a board so i wouldnt scrunch up my belly and make it bigger and get pregnant. until after about 4 hours my mom came up and sorted it all out with me haha

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I used to believe that how a baby fed whilst in its mummies tummy was that s/he would feel the food crashing on his/her head when mummy was eating and so the baby would then lean its head backwards and open its mouth as wide as possible to try and catch whatever food passing that s/he could.
I can still picture it now!!!!!!!

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I used to think that kids just appeared after people got married... Boy, was I wrong!

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I used to believe that the number of kids you had was directly related to the number of steps in front of the church where you got married.

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As a young child (about 4 or younger) I believed that women got pregnant from overeating. I knew that eating too much made you fat, and I knew that pregnant women were fat, and I assumed that one led to the other. Which was why women were always trying to watch their weight- they were trying to keep the baby away!

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I used to think that if you wished hard enough you'd become pregnant (thats what my mum told me!). I also thought you had to rub stomachs with someone to get pregnant

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i used to think babies came out of the side of the moms thigh

jared mongolian
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