getting pregnant
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I used to believe the doctor got to decide if the baby was a boy or a girl. I once ask my mom if i could be a girl. She said no cuz God made me a boy.
top belief!
when i was in kindergarden, someone told me you could get pregnant from touching a boys urine. I was too petrified to go to the toilet for a week!!!
top belief!
When I was tiny (maybe 4) I used to think that people got pregnant by sneezing. They had to have this special powder that made them sneeze, though, which is why only women got pregnant, because nobody would give the powder to men or kids. I have no idea where I got that one...
i used to believe that gettin pregnant was like ordering a pizza, you'd phone up a special number and get a baby within 30 minitues or the next one would be free. lol boy was i wrong.!!!!!!!!
When I was 12 I use to believe that the sencond coming of christ would be through me and that I would be the next virgin mother. I checked my stomach for months for signs of growth...i think it was because of that movie
I used to believe that you just got preganant -without having to do anything. I remember saying to my mum-'i really hope i get to have a baby' and being really worried i just wouldn't.
I used to think that they guy had to pee on the girl to get her pregnant. I was terrified of having kids when i grew up because i thought someone would have to pee on me. It was very traumatic. :)
When my parents first told me about the birds and the bees they used veyr scientific language. So they said, "The man plants the seed within the woman." I thought the seed was just any old seed so one day when I found a cotton seed I handed it to my dad and asked him to put it into my mom's bellybutton so that I could have a sibling. It took me a couple of years to find out the "real story" and it wasn't as pretty.
When I was younger, I believed that a man made a woman pregnant by putting his hand on her belly. I also asked my mom once if a woman could have a baby without being married. When she said yes, I got confused. Until I was 9 or 10, I thought that all girls had babies when they became adults!
I used to think that when a woman became a certain age, she would become pregnant. But then, of course, i found out the truth later...
I had a cousin who used to always like playing tricks on younger kids. When I was 6, she overheard me begging my mom for a little sister since I was the only girl. She came up to me and told me that if I ate the inside of a loaf of french bread without anyone seeing me, I would get pregnant so I did that.
Later that day I sat watching TV with my brother all excited about the fact that I was pregnant and coincidentaly this woman giving birth was screaming her head off so I went to my mom crying. When she asked me what was wrong I said I was pregnant!
At the end my brother had more to get excited about because he knew where babies came from
top belief!
When me and my sister were little we asked our parents "Where do babies come from?". They told us when 2 people were good god would send them a baby. So every night before we said our prayers we hit each other. Then we prayed and told God not to send us a baby because we were bad. We believed this till like Grade 5 sex ed
When I was little, I thought a woman would get pregnant by getting a shot. She and her husband would go to the clinic and the doctor would inject a shot into her for a small price. Also, I thought that babies would come out of the butthole.
I used to believe that if you wanted to have a baby, you would go to a doctor, tell him whether or not you wanted a baby and if you wanted it to be a boy or girl, and Voila, your pregnant.
top belief!
This is something my mother admit to believing as a child:
When my mother was young she for some reason believed that if a man farted on a woman she would become pregnant...since she did manage to have me and my two sisters I guess she eventually figured out this was wrong
I used to think that you got pregnant EVERY time you had sex. My parents taught me about sex very young, and while they told me that people had sex just to have fun, for at least a year, I thought, "But what do they do about all the babies they have?"
top belief!
My mother made me watch a children's program about childbirth when I was seven. It featured a boy whose mother was pregnant, and explained that there was a baby inside mommy's tummy and it would at some point come out and he would have a baby brother or sister. At one point, the mother's doctor shows the boy a little cartoon to explain how the baby got INSIDE mommy in the first place -- it explained that there were egg cells inside the mommy, and sperm cells that came from the daddy, and when those two cells got together, it started a baby growing. The boy is satisfied with this, and leaves.
Well, an hour after the program, I suddenly realized they hadn't explained HOW the cells got FROM the daddy INTO the mommy. I thought about it for a while instead of asking my parents and came up with an idea that made sense to me -- I assumed that the daddy wore a set of mommy's underwear for a day, so the sperm cells could "fall out" into them, and then mommy put them back on and daddy's sperm cells would then "go in."
Yes, for an entire year, I honestly believed all hopeful fathers were transvestites.
I used to believe that god gave couples babies when they got married, sorta just like immaculate conception for everyone. Then,in third grade, my music teacher got married and had a baby 5 months later. I knew that women were pregnant for 9 months, and realized that something was wrong. I asked my mom if maybe god made a mistake and thought they were married before they really were. I don't remember what her response was!
i was about 8 or 9 and a male cousin(im female) told me that women got pregnant because when they have sex the skin rubbed off the guys penis and that made u pregnant!
i used to think that u got pregnant by getting a boyfriend....stupid me! hee hee!
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