getting pregnant
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When I was in 2nd grade I thought if a boy touched a girls stomach she would get pregnant. So one day i was out side playing and a boy toched my stomach and i cried for days!!
When I was younger I used to believe that women just magically got pregnant after getting married.
One time when i was 4, i asked my mom how babies were made, she said it usually happenes when you get married, then my friend Jacob (which to this day, i am still good friends with) said he never wanted to get married, and i thought he meant he never wanted to have a kid.
Like other kids, I thought a baby came from a stork. But I thought after you bought a baby at a store, it would grow for 8 or so months and the stork would deliver it. I thought that my mother's stomach stored food for the baby when it came. I remember being 4 and seeing what I thought was a stork on my neighbor's roof, and screaming to my very pregnant mom at the time that our neighbor was trying to steal the new baby.
When I was small I knew that babies grew inside a woman but I didn't know how they got there. I was told that when a couple wanted a baby they would pray to God for one. I knew that that couldn't be the only thing that would be TOO easy so some how I got the idea in my head that a woman would have to take pill to get pregnant which is hilarious because it is the exact opposite.
When I was young every pregnant woman I knew was on WIC and therefore continually drinking apple juice. My conclusion? If you drink large amounts of apple juice an apple seed will fall in your tummy and grow a baby. Yep I told my pregnant aunt I knew where babies came from. She froze I warned her about the apple juice she laughed and agreed with me. I believed this for years. This ended up being my sex ed talk. Guess how I learned the truth.....
I used to believe that women had to take a tablet to get pregnant, that explained having to go the doctor :D
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When I was 4, I thought you chose and bought your baby at the hospital. I believed this until I was 6.
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When I was younger, my father was a very overweight man. I had watched my mother's belly grow as she was pregnant with my brother, and then decrease again once he was born. This of course, lead me to ask, "Daddy, when are you having your baby?" Later on I found out each one of us kids asked that very same question.
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For quite a while I believed that a woman could get pregnant by kissing someone, because in elementary school we were shown a video about babies and they only showed a couple kissing in bed, without explaining the actual mechanics. Hence I thought couples who kissed were being extremely thoughtless and risky.
When I was younger I knew a little bit about sex, but I didn't really understand pregnancy. For some reason I thought that sperm was in a man's spit. To get pregnant the guy and the girl would both have to spit in a cup, and then stir it, the girl would then drink it and get pregnant.
I was an odd child.
I grew up in a religious family and had always been taught that God made all of us , By observance I new babies grew in the mother's tummy. So I assumed that when God eas ready to make a new person, he just made one start growing in a woman's tunny.
When my sister and I (were 9 and 10) were younger, our older sister(who was 13 at the time) told us that she was pregnant because she took some pills and me and my sister believed her and did whatever she wanted us to do.....that lasted a day but I believed that you could get pregnant from pills until I was 13
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When I was little I thought that immediately after the words "I do" during a wedding ceremony were pronounced, that the bride immediately became pregnant. There was no way to stop it, it just had to happen because she was now married.
I know this one is a lot like the "Brides become pregnant at the wedding" one, but is sorta different. Even instants right before my mom told me the truth, I used to believe that women could only become pregnant if they were married and really wished it or prayed for it. Ah... I want my innocence back!
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I used to stay away from the lake from my house because I believed that the tadpoles would get me pregnant.
A common one due to TV shows. I thought those Stork birds used to carry babies and drop 'em off and your door.
top belief!
When I was younger, I thought women HAD to have a baby. There was no way of stopping it, despite abortion. I just thought it came naturally...
I didn't even know it took two to create a baby!
Even though my mom told me how babies were made when I was little, she didn't give me enough info. I thought that people never actually have sex to have a baby. They just sleep and the sperm travel from the guy's body, traverse the bedsheets, and gets inside the woman's body by some kind of magical process.
Needless to say, I was very traumatized when I found out that you needed to do to get pregnant...
I used to think that babies were made when a male's and female's bellybutton touched each other.
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