getting pregnant
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I used to think that if my mom and dad slept near enough to each other for a long enough period of time, that my mom would get pregnant.
When I was around 6 I use to believe you got pregnant for no reason and that it could happen at any age. Every day I would pray to god I would not pregnant!
Even thoght my mother had clearly explained to me how babies were made, I still had a few of my own ideas.
1. One time I over heard a story about my older female cousin eating dirt, and people seemd rather upset about that. I assumed that she must be pregnant from eating the dirt.
2. I was also told once that when using the bathroom, you away wipe front to back and not back to front. Of course I now know that this is to keep bacteria from your anus from messing with your vaginal area, but way back when I thought it was beause poop contained sperm and you could get pregnant if it touched your vagina!
one day i was watchin rugrats and tommy's mom said that the reason why she was pregnat is because she ate pickles and rasberrys ewwwwlll
When I was a child I was told by my mother babies happened when someone swallowed a watermelon seed...
...well, at the age of four, we had watermelon, and one can reasonably guess what happened. I was literally wailing and crying because I was convinced I was going to become pregnant >_<
top belief!
When my dad described human reproduction to me at the age of eight, he said that the man put his penis inside the woman and she got pregnant. For some years after that, I had the understanding that he and my mom had gone to the doctor's office, cut off his penis, and that my mom had then swallowed it like a big pill to get pregnant! Sex Ed. cleared that one up for me real quick!
When I was little I used to believe that women prayed to get pregnant. I would sit in church and here them talk about how they had prayed and prayed and finally a baby came--so I never had to aks the dreaded question.
i thought when I was 7 you get pregnant by sleeping with each other in bed....naked... but now i know what u really have to do u have to have sex..
i wish i did't know about it...
when i was 5 or 6 i used to think that if you ate an apple seed you could pregnant.
When I was about 8 or 9 i believed that the only way to get pregnant was if i guy and a girl had sex about 3 times, after the 3rd time she would get pregnant. the first and second times were only practice runs to make sure you could do it right.
Man...I really wish it was like.
i used to think tht u could have a baby if a boy peeed on u!!!!! i was like 5
when I was 8 I was taking a shower and peed in the shower. after that I thought I was pregnant
I used to believe that when a woman was pregnant the baby could play monkey bars on her ribs.
when i was young about 6/7 this lad came round my house we played around for a bit then he went home at about 10:00 i went into my mums room and told her i was pregnant i thought that cuz i had sat on the bed with him i was pregnant
When i was younger I used to be afraid that you could get pregnant if you sat on a toilet seat right after a boy did. Whenever i went to the bathroom i would look down at the seat to make sure that there wasn't anything on it.
My mom used to tell me that babies were made when a man spit in a woman's wine glass.
I used to think that babies were made by swallowing a pea at the hospital. They were all mixed up in a bowl so you didnt know if it was a boy or girl!
when i was younger, i believed that girls got pregnate by eating peas. because of the little seeds on the inside. my cousin had a poster on her wall that had a bunch of pea pods and babies inside them... that is was gave me the idea. i didn't eat peas for as long as i could remember and it was hard because i loved them.
When I was little (maybe 9) I heard to have a baby you had to "sleep together". Well, when I slept over at my friends house we fell asleep on the couch but so did her brother. I got really worried and I thought I was going to have a baby!
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