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getting pregnant

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when i was 6 my mum gave me a bok about babies and all i remember from it is sperm with top-hats on and bow ties and i used to think they were tadpoles. so i thought that if a woman wanted to get pregnant we would have to sit in a pond where there were tadpoles and one would swim right up there and she would get pregnant.

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In the early 70's, when I was about 4 or 5, I saw a TV documentary about human reproduction. While the narrator explained what I later learned to be intercourse, the images on the screen were of a man and woman, in leotards, doing some sort of elaborate ballet-style dance. For years afterward, I believed my parents had performed such a dance to conceive me.

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My cousin and were swimming at the local pool when she ran away and started crying. I followed her into the bathroom, when to my horror, she exclaimed,"I am pregnant!". We were 8. When I asked how, she said a boy had touched her toes without shoes on!

Jamie Riley
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When I was pregnant with my second child, I jumped at the opportunity to use the pregnancy as a 9 month long sex education/biology/anatomy lesson for my nine year old son. With puberty right around the corner, I'd rather he learned the awful truth from me than have his head filled with crap from his friends. He was very involved with the pregnancy right from the start and even acted as my labor coach. Right before the big day, I quizzed him on where babies come from. He said, "First, you ovulated and then you and dad had sex. Then dad SPIT A BIG WAD OF SPERM IN YOUR MOUTH and fertilized the egg..." Needless to say, we had to have a refresher course on the sex part.

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When I was very young I used to believe that a woman got pregnant by eating certain foods, and that when you wanted to have a baby, the doctor would advise you about what to eat. For some reason, I thought corn on the cob was one of the foods that would get you pregnant...

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When I was in the third grade I told my aunt that I knew how women got pregnant. She said "Oh How?" I replied that a boy had to throw up in the girls mouth. She confirmed that this was indeed what was supposed to take place. She must have had a talk with my mom because soon after that I got the 'birds and bees' chat,

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How a woman got pregnent: We worked this out in a mixed discussion group of 7-10 year olds once. A man and woman were required and sleeping together; also required. We were all poor and several of us had shared beds with an opposite-sex sibling and that did not result in a pregnancy. After posing and rejecting several ideas, we determined that the rings (wedding rings) were the trick. If a man and woman wearing rings slept together, then the woman would be pregnant in the morning. Further, the rings had to be on the third finger of the left hand. This also explained the prohibition of non-married to wear rings on those fingers. The ring on THAT finger obviously triggered and set in motion the repoductive system. I had some concern about putting a ring on any finger after that, fearing a mistake.

Allen W.
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I have an aunt that, until the age of seventeen, believed she could get pregnant if someone flipped her the bird. She was out with friends one night, and some boys drove by in a car and flipped her off. She went home crying and told her mother she was pregnant...

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My dad was a farmer and I thought he placed his 'seed' inside my mom to get her pregnant by putting a seed (using his fingers of course) inside her naval. A penis had nothing to do with it.

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When my dad described human reproduction to me at the age of eight, he said that the man put his penis inside the woman and she got pregnant. For some years after that, I had the understanding that he and my mom had gone to the doctor's office, cut off his penis, and that my mom had then swallowed it like a big pill to get pregnant! Sex Ed. cleared that one up for me real quick!

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Sadly, when I was in third grade I didnt know what sex was ( of course I told people I did) and I thought girls got pregnant by just being near guys. See one time I saw something on the news about pregnant teenagers, and was incredibly shocked to find out that you could have kids without being married, and for some reason this is what I figured must be true. I avoided boys for a pretty long time...

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When I was around 4 or 5, I was questioning my mother about babies. She told me that when you were pregnant, you had to watch what you ate because whatever the mother was eating, the baby inside was eating as well. Somehow I translated this to, you have to watch what you eat or else you will GET pregnant! And for what ever reason, I associated that with cheese. I thought that there was a microscopic baby lurking inside all of us, but that they liked cheese and would start to grow if you ate it. I was paranoid of eating dairy for months! My poor mother couldn't understand why every meal would start with me asking, "Is there cheese in that??!!"

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When I was little, I asked my mother where babies come from. She thought I said "rabies." She answered "From a dog bite." Then the lady down the street gave birth to triplets. I figured she must have been bitten by a great dane. :-)

Donna K.
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when i was a little kid and my parents told me then storks bought babies i believed them. but in later years they explained about sex. i still thought storks brought kids to i thought the stork had sex with u so you could have a kid.

i was so sweet and innocent then
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I used to believe that all you had to do to get pregnant was to kiss a man while you were naked under the sheets.
Then the next day you had to eat a lot of food to get your stomach fat, and make sure that you eat a lot of animal body parts like turkey necks, chicken legs, an entire turkey for the body, pig lips, peas for eyes,chicken feet for feet, finger food for fingers, and so on. But that Always left me wondering how vegetarians became pregnant.

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When I was little, I had a friend who told me one day that she NEVER wanted to have a baby.. because she didn't want to have the operation to get pregnant. I was perplexed as I had never heard this theory before, and I told her she was wrong. She proceeded to explain how a doctor needed to remove a chunk of the husbands flesh from his body, and then surgically insert it into the womans body. I wanted to believe she was wrong, but at the same time, I had no better theory, so I went along with it too.

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My mother made me watch a children's program about childbirth when I was seven. It featured a boy whose mother was pregnant, and explained that there was a baby inside mommy's tummy and it would at some point come out and he would have a baby brother or sister. At one point, the mother's doctor shows the boy a little cartoon to explain how the baby got INSIDE mommy in the first place -- it explained that there were egg cells inside the mommy, and sperm cells that came from the daddy, and when those two cells got together, it started a baby growing. The boy is satisfied with this, and leaves.

Well, an hour after the program, I suddenly realized they hadn't explained HOW the cells got FROM the daddy INTO the mommy. I thought about it for a while instead of asking my parents and came up with an idea that made sense to me -- I assumed that the daddy wore a set of mommy's underwear for a day, so the sperm cells could "fall out" into them, and then mommy put them back on and daddy's sperm cells would then "go in."

Yes, for an entire year, I honestly believed all hopeful fathers were transvestites.

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When me and my sister were little we asked our parents "Where do babies come from?". They told us when 2 people were good god would send them a baby. So every night before we said our prayers we hit each other. Then we prayed and told God not to send us a baby because we were bad. We believed this till like Grade 5 sex ed

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When I was tiny (maybe 4) I used to think that people got pregnant by sneezing. They had to have this special powder that made them sneeze, though, which is why only women got pregnant, because nobody would give the powder to men or kids. I have no idea where I got that one...

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I believed my best friend---She had a very rational and scientific explaination for how babies were concieved------- The man pees into the woman- and fertilizes the egg--- that is why the egg yolk is yellow.

Mel's best friendfriend
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