getting pregnant
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I thought that when a man and a woman wanted to have a baby, the man would stick his penis into a woman's belly button and urinate into her stomach. He would then do this everyday for 9 months. I thought that he kept doing it every day so the baby inside had room to swim around as it grew. I then thought that when the baby got a certain size, it would then wake up and then crawl its way through the woman's intestines and then push itself out of her anus. I thought they were telling a woman to push it out her ass like it were a piece of shit. Since i was a male, the only forms of pushing i could thing of was using your hands to push an object and pushing crap out your ass. I also came to the conclusion that woman had extra arms inside their butts that would help push out the baby.
When my sister was little she thought that when girls were born, they were born with a tiny, tiny baby all ready inside their stomachs ands as you grow, the baby grows until one day it ets to big to stay inside.
Imagine my mothers suprise when my 4 year-old sister told her she had a " tiny person growing in her tummy".
I used to believe that when a man and woman slept in the same bed, that sperm would sneak out of the man's peen and creep across the bedsheets and into the woman's vagina, and that was how women got pregnant. I pictured the sperm to be about a half inch long with 4 little feet and really smirky looks on their faces.
I used to believe that if the woman was on the bottom during sex, she would have the baby and if the man was on the bottom he would have the baby.
One day I asked my auntie "how do women get pregnant?" then she told me "Your daddy gave your mummy a seed". Afterwards our teacher in science gave us each a seed to plant as our project. I was so worried as hell 'cause I thought that the teacher had lots of seeds in her, so I thought that daddy got the seed from teachers and plant it into mummy's butt. I believed in this for 2-4 years, util my mum explained to me properly.
gosh... all those years. and oh it happened on my kindergarden years
Ihen I was about 8-9 I asked mom how she became pregnant ( my baby sister). She simply explained that the mommys have eggs in their bellies and the daddy's had the fertilizer. My dad was realy into lawn care and had all the latet tool for lawn care. So with my mother's explanation this is what I pictured.......My mom lying down on the grass while my dad ran over her belly with the seed spreader.
When i was about 7 my best friend told me that she knew someone who had a baby because her pee touched a boy's pee and mixed to form a baby! I totally took this seriously too despite having had the birds and the bees talk the year before!
When I was a child I believed women got pregnant merely by sleeping in the same bed as their husband ie "sleeping together". The sperm had to travel across the sheets on it's own. I knew about sperm and eggs but I'm guessing the elementary school sex ed had left out any explanation of how one got to the other.
when I was little , I used to believe that babies were made by eating bowls of salt. But now I am 24 and I know that is no by far it is not true!
When I was little, I thought that babys were developed in a woman's stomach, and you couldn't eat food while you were pregnant.
My mom and I had gone out to lunch with my Aunt, who was pregnant. She wasn't eating anything, so I told her: "Don't worry Auntie, you can eat again soon."
I used to believe that if you loved someone with all your heart you would become pregnant.
I used to believe that the number of kids you had was directly proportional to the length of your signature on the marriage papers. I also thought that after you got married, magical rainbow sparks would fly around the couple, magically instilling the ability to get pregnant in the wife
My mother told me that you got pregnant by seeds, I translated that into you ate seeds and got pregnant and because a watermelon was the only thing half the size of my mom when she was pregant with my little brother, I refused to ever eat a watermelon in scarce i would accidently eat a seed and end up with a pain in the butt like my brother. I still hesitate eating watermelons.
One time when I was really little I asked my mom where babies came from. (Now, I knew that if a woman was pregnant she was going to have a baby, but I didn't know how she got pregnant) Since my mom thought I was too young to know, she told me that babies came from God. This led me to believe that when a couple wanted a baby, they had to pray really hard and God would sort of plant a baby insided of them... which led me to believe that girl babies came from women, and boy babies came from men (with beer bellies!)
I used to believe that god gave couples babies when they got married, sorta just like immaculate conception for everyone. Then,in third grade, my music teacher got married and had a baby 5 months later. I knew that women were pregnant for 9 months, and realized that something was wrong. I asked my mom if maybe god made a mistake and thought they were married before they really were. I don't remember what her response was!
when i was little i thought animals rubbed they behinds together to get pregnant, so when i asked my mom how to have a baby, she said the same way animals do, needless to say, i avoided bumping into any boy's behinds for a long time ...
I used to believe that babies were made when a man and a woman got married and slept beside each other. I thought that the man's testicles came out of the skin while he was asleep and absorbed into the woman's stomach through her skin. I thought that they were invisible.
I was so scared when i was about 5 and my mum got pregnant. She came running up To me and was jumping around and said " hunny, mummy is going to have another baby!" and i blurted out DONT JUMP MUMMY OR YOU WILL BREAK THE EGG! I used to think that there was an egg inside you that popped out, and then the baby hatch!
my mother told me about the birds and bees and said that I should be careful because sperm can go through anything and get me pregnant. Everytime I went to bed I was afraid there was a guy under the bed and the sperm would make it through the bed and I would be pregnant.
I was so afraid to go to sleep and would only sleep on my side. Making it harder to get to me.
When I was 7, my parents let me know that I was going to have a baby borther or sister. I replied, "OK, great. Let me know what night you need to sleep naked so I don't bother you." MY parents, needless to say, were perplexed. Apparently, I thought that women perioidically became pregnant, and that in order to continue the pregnancy, they had to sleep naked with their husbands to move to the next stage. They still tell that story. I"m almost 40.
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