getting pregnant
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When I was kid I thought in order to get pregnant the mother take a pill with either a girl or a boy picture stamped on it.
When I was little, about 4 or 5 years old, I thought to have a baby all you had to do was say out loud "I want to have a baby." One day I said that and I started crying almost because I thought I was actually going to have one!
My sister told me this-I BELIEVED HER, haha.
A man would stick his "Finger" into a womans "Hairy Armpit". Then, fish would swim out of his finger, and meet up with the chicken eggs in her armpit. They would migrate down to her SPLEEN and grow into a baby. Then, the woman would poop it out.
What really mystified me was that, well, I never found any fish on my finger!!!!!
This happened when I was 6. At 11, I was watching a sex ed video, and asked the teacher what kind of fish were in your finger. IN FRONT OF THE WHOLE CLASS. Every 11 year old boy in the school heard me.
When i was six and i heard my mom telling someone that they were "trying". I thought that you got pregnant and standing really close. And you blew into eachother's mouths and a green laser thing shot out from the man and into the woman. and somhome you got a baby from that! wow i was sooo wrong !
When I was little, I stayed at my grandparent's house for the weekend. In the morning, I saw my grandma was taking pills. When I got home that afternoon, I asked my mom what her pills were for. She said "It's because Grandma doesn't want to have any more babies". I was terrified because I thought babies popped out a couple of times each year randomly, and you could only stop having babies with pills. I hated pills at the time, so I never wanted to get my period!!!!
Well, when I was about 7 my cousin turned 21. At the time, I believed EVERYONE got pregnant at 21 since my mother had me at that age.
I walked up to my cousin, sat on her lap and said, "Cousin Kippy, why don't you have a baby yet?"
When I was three and my mom was pregnant with my sister, she hadn't told me yet, but was getting a lot bigger. I decided she must have swallowed a watermelon seed and was growing a watermelon in her stomach.
When I was about 10-12 I believed that you got pregnant just hanging around a boy. I believed this because I asked my mom how women got pregnant and she (not wanting to tell me the real way) said it happened after you were married. To me this meant that you must have to be around the man a lot. I worried that if I hung around with my brother who was just a year older and very close that I would get pregnant and then what would I do?
When I was about 4 my mom told me she got me in the supermarket, in the section with babies. For a long time I had a clear visual picture of my mom deciding which baby to pick and how she looked at the price. Funny though, I'd never seen a baby section in our supermarket. Guess I'd been at the wrong store! :-))
When I was about 10 years old, I knew that a penis had to go in a vagina to make a baby, but all I could imagine a man could do when his penis was inside was to urinate. I was so sure that the words "God shed his grace on me" meant that he peed inside of a woman. Doesn't seem very logical now, but it made sense to me at the time.
When I was about 4 a friend of my mother's got pregnant, so Iasked the usual questions - The answer I got was that the man planted a seed inside the woman...For the longest time I had a vision of a man and a woman standing on opposite sides of a lounge room and a seed floating through the air to find the woman...I did wonder how the seed would cope if the room was full of people. The scary thing is, even after I had learnt about the act of sex, it took a long time to connect that sex was related to getting pregnant.
I used to think women became pregnant by making out with a guy and the gender of the baby was determined by who kissed more.
I used to think that if your moomy and daddy wanted to have a baby they called the doctor and the doctor came over and looked at your mommys belly and then poked it and your mommy was pregnant.
I used to believe that every time a couple had sex, the woman got pregnant. One day my mom was talking to her friend about another woman who was pregnant. She asked if it was planned, and I couldn't for the life of me figure out how it could NOT be planned. I mean, wouldn't you realize you were having sex?
I was told as a child that I would get pregnant, if, I got in the tub without washing it...after a man or boy got a bath....of course I realized (as I got older) that my mother was just using that as a way of getting me to scrub that darn
when i was around 1st grade age, i was always scared that i was going to get pregnant, since i didn't know the facts of life yet. around that time we had a family reunion at my aunt's house. all the kids were going to sleep over, so i had to share a bed with my cousin paul, who is my age. a few days later, i asked my mom how women get pregnant, and she said, "as long as u don't sleep in the same bed as a boy, u won't get pregnant." she couldn't understand why i burst out in tears!
my husband up untill the age of forty belived the only way a woman could get pregnant was is she had an orgasm duing the sex. i set him straight quickly by telling him "dear, if that was the only way. we would never have children"
When I was very young (about 4), I was told that I looked like my dad, but I had my mom's eyes and hair. I knew that I came out of Mommy's tummy, so I wondered how it could possibly be that I would look like my dad. The reason had to be, of course, that when a couple wanted to have a baby, they sat facing each other and STARED at each other really, really hard and decided then and there who's eyes the baby would have, whose hair, etc. I was living proof that this technique works, after all!
As a child I believed that to make babies a man and a woman made a hot dog together. I was told that men had “wieners” and assumed that women would go to the grocery store to buy buns.
Up until the age of about 10, me and my best friend thought that people had sex for fifteen minutes...and that would mean one baby was made. This rule applied to twins (thirty minutes) and when we heard our friends mum had given birth to quads we nearly fainted, thinking about the fact she'd 'done it' for sixty minutes!!!!
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