getting pregnant
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my 3 year old step son just recently met his first pregnant lady, My aunt, well he asked her if she had a boo boo well she tells him there;s a baby in there. He looks her dead in the eye and asks Did you eat it? no this boy believes that to get a baby in your belly you have to eat it
When I was about 5 years old I was on the school bus with one of my best guy friends. He asked me if we could live together when we were grown-ups. I told him no because my cousins had recently moved in with men and gotten pregnant and I didnt want to.
That night I asked my mom if there was anything I could do to not get pregnant and she told me (red faced) that if you didnt want a baby you didnt have one. I was amazed at this "mind over matter" power all our bodied had and my mom didn't give me any more advice on contraception for quite a while!
When I was younger, I thought a woman could get pregnant by herself. I didnt think we needed a guy, so when I was young, all the guys said thier nasty little comments and i said "well, we dont need you to make babies, we can do it ourselves."
everyone believed me too.
When I was 9, I used to believe that one day a girl just "became" pregnant, the way that a girl one day gets her period. I knew this usually happened when a girl was older, but I would often overhear my mom gossiping to her friends about some young teenager who "got" pregnant, and what a shame and a tragedy it was, and how the girl's life was ruined. I was so terrified that I would be one of those girls that got pregnant early, the next time I went to the doctor's to get a check up, I asked the receptionist (loudly) if they can tell if I was pregnant from the check-up. Well, the stares that followed made my mom promptly bring me aside and tell me the truth!
As a kid, I use to believe that women went to the hospital to buy babies. Until a female relative got pregnant and I started to believe that women were asexual and got pregnant on their own (she was single).
Up until I was 9, I thought that you could get pregnant from kissing.
I used to believe that after a couple got married, they prayed to God for a baby and then one appeared in the woman's belly. Then when it was time for the baby to be born, it just magically appeared in front of them.
When I was 14 I made out with a boy in the hot female friend told me I was pregnant because he probably let out his sperm in the water. With the water being warm she said don't you watch discovery where the sperm swims to egg no matter what. I thought I was pregnant !
I was told by a friend who's mother told her that if you wash a man and woman's underwear together, then the woman could get pregnant after she wore them again.
I used to believe that a woman could only get pregnant after she was married..that God decided to just send the couple a baby, I used to pray that when I got married, God would spare me for a few years. When I realized you could control it, I was like, WOW.
I used to think that you have babies by holding hands. I actually felt my belly growing because i held someone's hand but to my relief i was just growing fat.
I used to believe that when a lady wanted to have a baby, she went to the doctor and let him know, and the doctor gave her an injection or tablet or something, and she became pregnant.
My mom told me that babies came from seeds so i thought that you went to a store and bought a package of baby seeds and then a woman swallowed one and became pregnant
I used to believe that if 2 persons got married and wanted a baby they had to talk to Santa Clause, and give him a beautiful cake then he would make the momy pregnant and in about 9 months she would have to go to the doctor. The doctor then got the baby out of the woman's stoamch with a spoon.
Until I was 13, I thought one could get pregnant from anal sex. Having seen one of those 'visible human' models, I got the mistaken idea that everything in the abdomen was somehow interconnected.
My mom told me that when a man and a woman "get real close", they could have babies. For a couple weeks I was terrified to stand next to any boys.
One time I asked my mom how she got pregnant with me (I was 4 or 5) She said that Daddy gave her an egg. So for the longest time I thought to get a baby the husband takes the wife to a grocery store, they go to an egg display and they pick which egg they want. Wow. LOL.
This isn't mine, its my uncles, and its 100% real.
One night my mom, her brothers and sister, along with her parents were all sitting at the dinner table. My Uncle Bill, who was 17 at the time made the statement that "Women can get pregnant through their belly buttons", and he said it with absolute sincerity. My mom and sister tried as hard as they could not to laugh, and my grandparents (his parents) were dumbstruck.
My sister (quite a few years older than my brother and myself) had my brother ABSOLUTELY convinced that you would get pregnant if you ate Sugar Babies candy. She also told him that if a boy ate Sugar Daddies candy that the next girl they kissed would get pregnant.
Before my mom gave me "the talk", she assessed my knowledge of sex. She asked, "So how do you think babies are made?" I responded, "By kissing". She said, "So daddy could get you pregnant by kissing you goodnight?" I replied rolling my eyes, "No! Kissing with the tongue!"
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