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getting pregnant

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When I was in kindgergarten, one of my sisters got pregnant. Another sister and me tried to figure out how it happened. We knew it took a male and a female and had to do with your private area. We had also heard of the "pill" but didn't know what it was. So, we pieced everything together and came up with this: The guy takes the pill and puts it in the girl's butt and that's how you get pregnant.

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When I was 5 years old my older sister convinced me of the following:
If a girl goes swimming, then a fish (usually a trout) would swim up your leg, lay its eggs in you, & this would result in pregnancy.
Needless to say, I was very frightened to go swimming in our creek for a pretty long time, for fear of getting pregnant!
Older sisters can be so very cruel!

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I got my period two weeks after I turned 10. Then a couple of months later, one December, the entire month went by and no period. I was so scared! All I knew was that if you didn't get your period, it meant you were pregnant. Being a virgin of course, I was scared out of my mind as to how it happened. For a while I was even believing I was either going to be the next Virgin Mary and give birth to the new savior or that I was carrying "the devil's" child. Being that my family wasn't religious, I kept thinking "Then why would God choose me?" and that only meant that it had to be the other option, I was going to give birth to the child of Satan! I was so paranoid and scared because I had seen The Omen before. I didn't want to tell my mom because I thought she wouldn't believe me that I was a virgin. Needless to say I had never been more relieved in my life when my period came the next month. Later on I finally got up the courage to ask why I skipped a month and then learned about stress and all the other factors that can mess up your cycle. Looking back now, I laugh at how stupid it was to think those things. But at 10, I was pretty convinced that I was pregnant by some divine conception.

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When i was yong, I asked my mom how did my father and her made me. She answered that my dad put his penis in her vagina. Three days later I woke my mom telling that I taught I got my teddy bear pregnant because I put my penis in her vagina.

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I used to believe that to have a baby the mother would go to a vending machine. There would be two vending machines, a lady vending machine, which was pink, and a man vending machine, which was blue, and the mother would put a coin into each and out would pop a jellybean. Then the mum would eat both jellybeans (blue and pink) and nine months later she would press her tummy button and out popped the baby!
I had a weird imagination.

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In India we are not open about sex so I thought americans had to have sex to have childeren but Indians just had to be married

Indian idiot
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I started my monthly cycle fairly young, 11yrs. old, in order to teach me about the birds and the bees my mother, two grandmothers and my aunt sat me down and let me know what was going on and that I was becoming a young woman. They also said that with this whole "monthly thing" my body was getting me ready to be able to make babies when I get married. My granny, God rest her soul, told me that "Young men shouldn't be trying to rub on you and things like that or you will make a baby doing that." Now at 11 I had no clue, the next day I told my friends and they were just as clueless as me, after that conversation with my friends a boy walked by me and brushed up against me and I immediately became pregnant!!!!! I was scared to death. I thought I was pregnant and didn't even know what that was let alone what you do about it. To make a long story short...I finally had that baby 9 years later. Whew...don't let them boys rub on you!!! It takes too long to have kids that way!!!

Pregnant and clueless at 11?
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When i was little I once asked a grown-up what "pregnant" meant. "Well Gary," she said, "It means BEING WITH CHILD."......huh?? What good is that explanation for an 8 year-old? Anyhow, as children tend to do, I took this explanation very literally, and thought that anyone who was with other children must be pregnant. (Being with child = with children ) One day I was at my aunts, and she asked me if I'd seen my cousin Emma...."Yes" I said....."She's pregnant with Barry in the back garden!"

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My dad told me that when you had a baby it had something to do with your genes. Obviouslybeing about 5 i thought this meant your jeans. We were at a barbecue one day and my auntie was wearing jeans, so i thought it neccessary to announce to everyone that she was pregnant. It turned out that she actually was pregnant, and hadn't told anyone yet!

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Okay, so you know those tampon/pad machines? Well, I thought that when you put in money for a pad, you wore the pad for 5 weeks, and then you were pregnant, with a girl. Tampons were boys. And you needed to wear them for 10 weeks. . I remember i asked my mom "I want a sister, okayy?" i put in the money, and handed her a pad. she's like... uh, no Alexa. That's not how it's done.

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I at one time believed that I was impregnated by the Lord. No lie, I seriously thought I was the new Mary. How utterly ridiculous. That's what happens to mis-informed, sheltered, late-blooming girls who were never told that periods aren't always regular and on time.

Not Jesus II's Mamma
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When my Mom was expecting my lil brother I was around three, I remember her having me touch her belly to feel the baby moving... I had my hand there for a few minutes and when I felt the baby actually move I ran away crying my eyes out because I was convinced my Mom ATE the baby!
I remembering being afraid of her for awhile, cause I didn't want her to eat me too!

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When my little sister was born, i was 4. And i was still tryin to figure out where babies came from. Since my parents wouldnt tell me, i figured that the mommy ate so many strange foods that it somehow blended and became a baby. So i decided to tell my little baby sister that she was made of doughnuts.

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When I was a little girl my mother had a picture of her sonagram put in a card.She told me babys were in the belly. She showed it to me and I was happy at first but then I said dissapointedly "Mommy?" My voice became angry "why did you eat me!!!!?!!?!" I immediatley thought of her as a wolf eating me innocently lol.

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When I was about 3 years old my mom had tripped and fallen on the last couple stairs going down to our basement and my parents made kind of a big deal about it for reasons I didn't exactly understand. A few days later they told me she was pregnant with my little sister, so that was why they made a big deal about it, had to make sure the baby was okay and everything. Some how I made the connection that if you trip and fall you get pregnant. So for the next few weeks I'd purpously trip down the stairs, my parents thought I was nuts until I finally told them what was going through my head.

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After learning that making babies required the daddy to put his penis inside the mommy's vagina, I decided that the reason most people had only two or three kids was because they couldn't stand to do such a disgusting thing more than two or three times.

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When I was in fourth grade a group of friends and I were standing around talking and a girl came up all excited and said "oh my god my mom told me how babies are made" and of course we were all eager to here, then she told us, "the dad sticks his penis in her vagina and he sprays this stuff if he wants to. if he sprays it for one minute then you'll have one baby. two minutes equals two babies and so on."

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My parents had the sex talk with me relatively young, but apparently they didnt go into enough detail. I thought you could get pregnant just by touching a penis to the outer vaginal area. So when I was around 3 me and my neighbor were playing "Ill show you mine if you show me yours" and we touched our areas thinking it was sex.

I also wasnt aware that the human gestational period is a mere 9 months so for at least two years after this incident I had an immense fear that I was pregnant and would punch my stomach to "kill the baby".

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I used to believe that if a girl swam in a public pool that a boy had peed in she would become pregnant

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Women were impregnated by eating a lot of cheese

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