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getting pregnant

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I used to belive that the guy had to do all the "work" to have a boy baby, and the girl had to do all the "work" to have a girl baby. of course, I really didn't know what this "work" was.

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When I was little and asked my mother the key question most children eventualy do, "mommy, where do babies come from?" she had told me that when mommies want a baby they press there belly button and the baby just appears... So, after she told me that, i think i must have pressed my belly button for weeks afterwords.

Nicole Tavres
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I used to believe that if you sat next to someone on the couch, you would get pregnant. I also thought that if you held hands while wearing a swimsuit, you would get pregnant. I thought that if you EVER stopped taking birth control and you had ever had sex, you would instantly get pregnant.

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I used to think that babies were made by the boy laying on top of the girl, he would then put his "pee pee maker" in the girls belly button and urinate. I had most of the mechanics worked out, and just filled it in with what seemed reasonable

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This Catholic pregnant teenager kept bragging that she was still a virgin, like she was better than the rest of us pregnant teens. I told her the whole point of being a virgin, is so you don't get pregnant before you get married. And since she was already pregnant, she and her boyfriend might as well have sex. The rest of the pregnant teen group agreed with me. The Catholic girl got quite upset. This is what happens in schools with no sex education.

yeah right
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For years my mom complained that she got pregnant with me because the doctor told her you can't get pregnant when you are breastfeeding. When I was nursing my daughter, I said I just loved not getting my period. My mom said she got her period when she was nursing. I asked her "Didn't it occur to you that if you got your period, you could get pregnant?"

I feel so sorry for people who haven't had sex ed.

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When I was a kid I always used to check my underwear for spiders because I thought if a spider went into my panties and up my vagina I would get pregnant and give birth to a giant spider!

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I overheard my mother tell her friend that if a man looks at her she gets pregnant ( my mother had nine children). I was very worried for her, but it never crossed my mind that it could happen to me.
When I was older my mother told me that holding hands could get me pregnant and I took it literally, I didn't realize she meant it could lead to other behavior.

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Up until I was about fourteen (my parents were crazy, strict, Baptists, so they didn't tell me anything about sex; I found out from my older sis), I thought sex was two people either a: sleeping in a bed together (naked?) or b: two people kissing in a bed together (naked?), and then falling asleep afterwards.
I thought this would make a baby, so as a child, when I'd hear couples in church talking about "trying to have a baby" I didn't understand what they were doing to try to make this happen. I asked Mom once: "What do they mean they're trying? Doesn't it just happen (while they're asleep)?" I was very confused about it all, and Mom refused to give me a straight answer on it. Thankfully, my sister straightened me out when I was 14.

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When I was about five, I was under the impression that a woman HAD (and I mean legally) to be married in order to get pregnant. Well, the teachers aid in class was pregnant and one of the girls asked her if she had a husband, and I jumped in right away with, Of course she does, it's against the law to have a baby without a husband!" The look on my face when she snapped that she didn't have a husband and that you didn't have to have one must have been priceless!

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When I was younger I wanted a little sibling pretty badly. I asked my parents how babies were made (you know, THEE question,) and they told me that you got them by praying. However safe they thought their answer was- my childlike faith was destroyed when for weeks I prayed for a brother or sister that never came!

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When I was pretty young, maybe 5 years old, I was watching the news with my parents and there was a bit about teenage pregnancy being on the rise. Well I had no clue that there was a voluntary process involved in becoming pregnant; I thought you got pregnant randomly, like catching a cold. So for a few years after, I was worried that I would "catch" it and be one of those teenage mothers that the news was talking about.

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I always understood the whole "sex makes you pregnant" part, but i never got how the baby came out.... so i immeditaly thought it came out of your bellybutton. Well, i never knew what belly buttons were for!

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I once had this funny moment as a kid when I accidentally said that my mum was neutered instead of sterilized.

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Up until I was about 7, I thought that you got pregnant by praying, and then drinking a glass of water. Rediculous!

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I used to think that if you slept in the same bed as a memeber of the oppisite sex, you'd get pregnant

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When I was little I thought that you couldn't have a baby until you got married then magically you would get pregnant when it was your turn. It took me years to figure out how my sister was at my mum and dad's wedding!!

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When I was in second grade, I had a friend who knew about sex, because his mom had told him about it. However, he wouldn't tell me what it was because he had promised to his mom that he wouldn't tell. Instead, he just told me that a boy and a girl have to kiss naked. I couldn't figure out why kissing naked would have a different effect than kissing fully clothed, if no body contact was made besides the kissing.

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I used to believe that in order to get pregnant you had to eat a lot of food, get really fat, and then...out pops a baby!

Ali H.
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When I was little I believe you had to be married to have a baby. And during the wedding the couple would pray for how many children they wanted, girls or boys, and when they would come.

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