getting pregnant
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I remember when I was young I saw my mom eating a birth control pill, but I didn't know what is it for at that time. So I asked her and she said if she didn't take it, then I would suddenly have a little brother or sister. I thought when woman reach the age where they can have babies, the babies will automatically grow inside their stomachs and can only be stopped if you eat the pills. And if you forgot, then the baby will develop and you'll be pregnant.
Well, I was half right, but I never thought man had anything to do with that...
I believed up until about 10th grade that if you had sex while you were pregnant, you would have another baby! I always wondered how there could be enough room in the uterus!
I used to belieive that you can get pregnant by just thinking about it.
my sister used to believe that if you stood in front of the microwave while it was going that you would get pregnant
when i was little i was scared to hug males because i thought you would get pregnant. my mom used to watch soap operas and when they couples would be in bed i thought they were hugging really tight when they were really having sex so i thought if a male hugged me i'd get pregnant too :(
when I was a kid, I used to believe that when the bride ate a piece of wedding cake at the reception, the cake was very special because it was eaten at a wedding, and it turned into a baby.
I asked my mother once what I should I do if I didn't want children. She said that I should tell God if that was the case. After hearing this and seeing a cover of Time with a pregnant 11 or 12 year old on it I was convinced that God would just make me pregnant whenever He thought it was right and was paranoid that any movement in my stomach was a baby I wasn't ready enough to have. I lived my life in terror from that moment on until I learned the truth!
Once when I was 12 years old, I had pains in my lower stomach for about a week, and was convinced for some odd reason that I was pregnant. I wondered how it had happened, seeing as how I'd never had sex. I even started refering to the pain as 'my baby'. I even went to the extreme of looking online to find out the symptons of pregnancy.
It turns out the pain was just from doing sit-ups in gym class. Luckily I never told my parents I thought I was pregnant.
When I was six I knew that sperm from a man went into a woman and met an egg to make a baby. I asked my mom if it just flew out and landed in the woman.
When I was very young my mum was reading an article about a young girl who had a baby. She said something like 'Oh poor girl, it's not her fault' and I thought pregnancy was some kind of illness or you got pregnant by dialing the wrong phone number and I was scared I would randomly become pregnant.
Growing up I never realized that anything but pee could come out of one's penis. Thus I thought that a man would pee in a woman's vagina to make a baby.
I took this one step further and thought that whenever two people peed in the same toilet a baby would form. I reasoned that there were millions of tiny dead babies in our nation's sewers.
When I asked how babies were made my mum told me that the man and lady have a special cuddle which creates a baby in the lady's tummy. I was terrified of hugging a man or boy for years afterwards just in case!
When I was a young kid, nobody ever taught me about sex or reproduction. Once I got my period, I was afraid of touching boys because I was afraid of getting pregnant! I would avoid them like the plague. I'm not quite sure why I didn't realize that a whole lot more people would be getting pregnant if this was the case.
When I was younger I thought you had to have an orgasm to get pregnant, like a man. So, needless to say, I tried for so long to make myself have one, (So I knew that I was fertile). When my doc told me I was wrong, I was so embarassed....but VERY relieved.
I used to believe that there was a tunnel between a girls butt and her vagina. Then I thought that a girl could get pregnant from butt sex...
When I was little, I used to believe that women got pregnant randomly. I didn't know that 'penis in vagina' action was needed in order to properly reproduce, I just thought that you woke up one day and bam, you were pregnant. I remember I used to pray to god anytime I could begging for him to make me pregnant. xD
When I was 7 my mom got pregnant with my second younger brother. I was curious where babies came from and some one told me it was from eating watermelon seeds. I was deathly afraid of watermelons until my mom figures it out and gave me a 7-year-old's version of the sex talk.
When I was young, I heard my parents talking about this kid I knew named Shane, and how his mom was "24 when she got pregnant with Shane". I thought that meant his own mother got pregnant with him. Confused me for years.
I used to believe that you got pregnant simply by praying for a baby. I used to cry because I thought I would get pregnant even if I didn't want to.
I used to think that you got pregnant by being in a relationship for a year, Like suddenly the male hormones would mix with the female ones after a year, and BAM! You're pregnant.
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