getting pregnant
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when i was a little girl i used to think that a woman didn't have a choice in getting pregnant. I thought when it was the "right" time a baby just started growing in womens bellys. I was so afraid that one day one would start growing in me.
When I was younger, I believed that a woman (by some means) got pregnant by kissing her true love.
My belief was complicated when I saw my cousins kissing at family gatherings, and I wondered how come they didn't have any kids with all the kissing they did.
Somehow I'd figured out the parts involved in making a baby but sex had never been explained to me. I worked out that while the man and the woman were asleep in bed, the sperm would crawl out of the man's penis and into the woman's vagina and then she would just wake up pregnant.
When I was about 5, my parents told me the whole reproduction story, but they didn't explain if very thoroughly. They told me a woman gets pregnant "When a man and a woman are naked and are very close to each other." For years I imagined my parents, naked, sitting squished next to each other in the armchair in our living room.
My friends boyfriend thought that you both had to orgasm at the same time for her to get pregnant.
When I was about 9 or 10 (30 years ago), I happened to see an article in the paper about a 10 year old girl that had given birth to a baby girl. I took the paper to my mother and asked her how did this girl have a baby. My mom, being very religious, told me that the girl had done something bad. A couple of weeks later, I had told my mother a lie. I starting thinking about what my mother said about the girl who had the baby. I was so afraid that, since I had done something bad, that I was going to get pregnant - and my mother would find out that I lied. I tried very hard not to do anything bad after that experience.
I used to believe that God would just randomly drop a seed into your mouth from the sky (after you got married or course) and you would swallow it and 9 months later, you had a baby. I believed this until my mom told me the truth when I was 10
my sister used to believe that u become pregnant after u drink 2 litres of milk.
When I was younger I asked how people got pregnant. My mum told me that when you get older you automatically get pregnant, she didn't mention another person being involved. I said "what if I don't want a baby?" and she replied "you need to keep taking a pill to stop it" I took her seriously, guess she wasn't lying about the pill part though...
When I was very young (back in the Late Stone Age) I thoght that women got pregmamt by kissing. Well, TV was a lot less realistic then, and that was the only intimate contact I'd ever seen.
Even thoght my mother had clearly explained to me how babies were made, I still had a few of my own ideas.
1. One time I over heard a story about my older female cousin eating dirt, and people seemd rather upset about that. I assumed that she must be pregnant from eating the dirt.
2. I was also told once that when using the bathroom, you away wipe front to back and not back to front. Of course I now know that this is to keep bacteria from your anus from messing with your vaginal area, but way back when I thought it was beause poop contained sperm and you could get pregnant if it touched your vagina!
I used to belive that if a girl masterbated too much or too often she would get pregnant
Girlfriends in elementary school told me that "moms make babies from things in their private parts". I had already discovered masterbation and so thought that babies came from my fingers and was worried for weeks that I could have a baby.
My mom told me that you could get pregnant if a guys jizz even gets on your Skin....for a long time i believed her..ok well maybe not tooo long! :P
When I was in third grade, I heard a joke at home about a "magic pill." As a school project, everyone in my third grade class had a penpal. Well, I thought this joke was funny and wrote about it to my penpal. When I showed the letter to my teacher she told me that the joke was inappropriate. Apparently, the "magic pill" was a reference to birth control. I had no idea what that was. I was very embarrased, erased the whole letter, and re-wrote it!
when i was little i used to think you got pregnant by having a mommy and a daddy put their ankles together and then they would have a baby.
I used to think you could only get pregnant if you had sex while on your period.
When I was eight years old, I was under the impression that women became pregnant in much the same way as they caught a cold, by falling victim to an errant germ. I got that impression from a REDBOOK article in which one woman's difficulties in conceiving were detailed. I used to read everything in the world when I was a six-year-old kid - REDBOOK, ESQUIRE, THE COMPLETE EDGAR ALLEN POE, everything.
After that, I overheard my parents discussing, in hushed terms, a local unmarried woman who had become pregnant. Thinking it odd that they would consider this woman different from other prospective mothers, I said "Why does a woman need to be married to have a baby? I read an article about an unmarried woman having a baby".
My mom said, "That was a very bad woman". Both mom and dad refused to explain further.
in Look Who's Talking Two, i wondered what the scene at the beginning of the parents doing it was. my parents told me that the sperm were fish swimming in the sea. it made perfect sense when i was five. and last week, 11 years later, i saw it on cable and started watching it and got really freaked out when i realized that those weren't fish... liars
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