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getting pregnant

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When I was little, I was told that too have a baby, you had to go to the Doctor. I knew what sex was, so I thought the Doctor had to have sex with you. Then bam, you would be pregnant and the baby would come right out.

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When I was younger I used to believe that the way to get pregnant was to have a scan

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I used to think that once you got married, you started having children and that when you wanted it to stop, you got a tubal ligation.

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I was raised in a Christian family, and so I would always be reading stories in Genesis where someone 'lies with their wife' and their wife is 'with child'. So until I finally asked The Question I always thought that pregnancy was this magical thing that happened when women had been sharing a bed with their husband. I thought it travelled through the air.

Alan Slatterly
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Till age 9 or 10 i thought the only way for a women to get pregnant was to have anal. Diddent know there was more parts down ther.

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I used to believe that in order to become pregnant, all you needed was to find a guy and marry him, and that was all to it.

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Well, when I was little, before I knew that you had t o have sex to make a baby, but after I knew about the pregnancy concept, I thought that if you were older that 13, you could get pregnant for no reason. Then some perv at school told me what sex was and how you got pregnant from it. So I knew you had to have sex to make a baby, but I also thought it could randomly happen. I also thought that every time you had sex, you would HAVE to get pregnant.

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My sister and I used to think that eating watermelon seeds would make you pregnant.

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i used to believe that having sex was when a guy and a girl got naked, got on top of each other and rubbed there bodies together.
i was only 5 and i didnt know that girls had anything in the front; just a blank spot.
so i thought that the babies came out of there butts.
when i found out the truth i was utterly confused.

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I was home schooled, so when my parents told me that babies were made when "Two people who love each other hold hands and make a wish" I believed it until I was 14.

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When I was 8 my best friend came over to my house and breathlessly told me that he knew how babies were made. We went out into my yard so that no one could overhear this awful knowlege and solemnly told me that for it to happen a man has to gp pee inside a woman. I believed for several years :S

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I used to believe that if you planted a seed in your belly button then you would become pregnant.

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When I was about 8 yrs old, my cousins stayed the night at our house. Because all the other beds were full, two of my cousins and I would be in the hide-a-bed together. I was the oldest, and one of the younger cousins was a boy. After my parents went upstairs, I started to worry. Panicing, I ran after them. I was worried that I was going to get pregnant. I thought that when adults said "sleeping together" that they were being literal. I told them I thought that my cousins "tadpole thingys" would crawl across the bed and into me, causing me to have a baby. I can only imagine how hard it was for them to supress their laughter while giving a better explanation of the birds and the bees than they had previously given me. ("Tadpole thingys"-- really!!)

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Once when i was twelve I had a dream I was prergnant and the dream was so vivid so for a few days I actually believed I might be pregnant


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My mom used to believe that a woman became pregnant when a man and a woman kissed over a toilet.

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i use to be really afraid of getting pregnant and i thought if you took a bath after a dude you get pregnant

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i used to believe that a woman got pregnant by having sex with a man, (But that's not all), then they would kick each other in the penis and vagina and after they were done kicking the other person, the woman would kick herself in the vagina, and she would be pregnant!!

Young Thinker
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I used to believe people got pregnant by drinking men's spunk from a cup

Don Burnside
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I used to believe that (once you had your period) if you had sex with a boy...you would get pregnant. No matter what. You have sex with a boy = you get pregnant. The end. So yeah... once I had my period I obviously wasn't jumping into bed with guys any time soon.

Lauren Rither
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When i was little I thought that a girl could get pregnant by sitting on a toliet seat that a man accidently pee'd on..(my brother never put the seat up)and one day I used the bathroom and to my horror i sat in some pee..and i sat there and started crying and freaking out thinking I had just got prego to my own brother...and until my mom came in and asked if everything was ok and i told her my theory and she just busted out laughing and told me it wasnt true but i was still nervous for 9 months ..oh what a silly shild i was!

Sweet Spirit!
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