getting pregnant
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I'm not sure why, but when I was little (around 5 or so), I thought a women became pregnant after eating too much cheese. I didn't eat more than one piece at a time until I learned the truth. Now, I can't get enough of it! :)
When I was a child, I was certain that to become pregnant a man and woman had to go to a hospital and be assisted by a doctor. I was fuzzy on what exactly the doctor did but I was sure one had to be involved. When I later found out that a man could get a woman pregnant anywhere they wanted, without medical supervision, I was pretty upset. It seemed way too unregulated. I'm okay with it now, though.
When I was about 3, my mom, grandma and I were sitting on the couch looking through old ictures. My couin and I are only a month apart and there was a picture of my mom and my aunt together while they were both pregnate. I pointed to that one and said, why re you and Aunt. Vicky fat? She giggled and said, thats a picture of when you where in my tummy! I scrame and said, WHY DID YOU EAT ME!? My grandma and my mom started to laugh and now they STILL torture me about that!
when my younger brother was 3 or 4, he had grasped the concept that he came from "mommy's tummy," but developed a strong fear that he might have to go back in her tummy someday. he expressed his concern about this and felt he was too big to go back in, so he hoped this wasn't required.
I used to think that conjoined twins could share the baby if they were joined at the stomach and the baby would end up with 2 mothers at birth.
I still have no idea why I believed this or how I even thought of it, but I was a very imaginative child. Anyway, I used to belive that a woman got pregnent because a man from the hospital would break into the house at night and put a baby in her tummy. Then, a few months later, she would go to the hospital and have the baby. It's like a scarier version of the stork.
Another weird much older cousin said one day she was never ever going to have a baby. I told her that because she was a girl, she had to have one, because all women have a baby. I thought it was a natural thing. You eat, you sleep, and if your a girl, you have a baby.
When I was 5 my mother had twins. I was overjoyed at having a new brother and sister but they had stolen my bedroom (the big one) and I had to move into the little room. To be assured that I would be not kicked out of this room I asked my mother one day if she had had her baby maker turned off. I'm not sure where I came up with the idea but I can clearly remember what a "baby maker" looked like. I thought there was a metal tube inside a woman that made babies and when a woman decided to not have any more children the doctor would turn the big red switch on the side to OFF. My mother assured me that her baby maker had been turned off.
when i was in kindergarden, someone told me you could get pregnant from touching a boys urine. I was too petrified to go to the toilet for a week!!!
My mom told me that my dad told her that you both have to have an orgasm to get pregnant. My mom was 16, dad was 20, and needless to say, 9 months later I was born.
When I was young, I used to believe that moms get pregnant when parents slept on the same bed and rubbed their feet together. It was not until I was 12 I realised.. oh.. wait a minute, I'm missing something here :)
P.S : I NEVER believed that stork bull****, always knew they were hiding the feet-rubbing thing from me :D
I never believed in the stork or the cabbage patch; when I was quite small my parents gave me books about reproduction and answered questions truthfully. I don't remember not knowing where babies came from.
I don't think the books I had explained birth control, though, so I naturally assumed that every act of intercourse between a woman and a man resulted in pregnancy. The book also made a vague mention that sex was fun and felt good, but their description didn't make it seem like something people would want to do a lot for reasons other than making babies.
So, when I was about eight, I figured my parents had had sex three times, because they had three kids. I also figured that the only reason for having sex was a desire to have a kid. If they went into their room at night and closed the door I would always find some reason to interrupt them, because I didn't want any more siblings. Sorry, Mom and Dad...
I found a porn when i was like 4 and i thought that the whole point of sex was to trick a girl into letting you pee on/in them. I didn't realize that what i mistook for urine was actually semen.
When I was 5, I used to believe that every time you wanted to have a baby you had to throw a wedding.
Growing up with religious parents, I got a bit confused about conception. I'd been told that God makes babies, but I'd also been told that parent made them (and that the mother would get pregnant). I had a pretty active imagination and with logic, I reasoned that when a couple decide they want a kid, an angel would fly down and take them up to heaven, where they would meet with God and design a baby. I pictured them going over designs and make blueprints. Afterwards, I believed the angel would take them back to Earth, and God would create the baby from the blueprints and then the baby would appear in the mother's stomach.
Sounds really lame now, but I was truly convinced and it makes me laugh when I remember it now.
When I was around 5, I somehow developed the idea that women got pregnant by inhaling something that was in the air. As I constantly walked around our house holding my nose, my mother finally pried it out of me that "I didn't want to get pregnant by all the baby seeds in the air."
i used to believe that when you got married, and the preist guy said "you may kiss the bride" that when the bride and groom were kissing, they were switching skeletons through their lips!
It made sense to me because i thought men usually had the babies but it would switch around if they got married. and switched skeletons! Maybe i should not have watched the movie "junior" (where arnold S gets pregnant) when i was so young....
Before I learned about the definition of a species (only animals of the same species can interbreed), I kept worrying that some bug would crawl up inside me and that I would give birth to a huge insect.
I used to believe that, for a woman to get pregnant, she and the impregnating man had to go into the bathroom, she'd get a laser-shooting object, and shoot it at his scrotum. The scrotum would open up, a testicle would fall out onto the ground, she'd pick up the testicle, and swallow it whole, and it'd grow into a baby in her stomach. As a boy, that notion scared the hell out of me.
i used to believe:
that when 2 people got married and put their wedding rings on each other, they became pregnant. my mom was a single mom for a really long time and i wanted a baby sister. i remember lying in my bed at night wondering if i had a ring that i could sneak onto her ring finger in the middle of the night, so i could get a baby sister.
When I was a little girl, all the "where babies come from" books said that babies are made in a special place between your legs.
I spent three years convinced that babies where conceived by rubbing your knees together.
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