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getting pregnant

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i used to believe that in order to get pregnant, a mom and dad needed to kiss and their spit would make a little baby and when they had kissed enough, the mom would throw up the baby.

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My daughter believed that babies were put in the mother's stomach by God and when it was time for it to be born the doctor opened the door in the stomach (the belly button being the handle) and took the baby out. However, when we went to visit a friend in the hospital when she was about 7 she went to look at the babies in the nursery with her Dad while I visited my friend and when I went to find them she told me "I was wrong about where babies come from - they have a baby store here - you just go pick one out!" She thought that for a very long time and was very annoyed that we wouldn't take her in there to pick one out.

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Okay, here's another one for my sister: My parents had an old cab-over camper, you know the kind that fit in the back of a pick up truck. It sat in the backyard rotting for years. Well, one day my 24-year-old half-sister asked my parents why they kept it. They told her that my 5-year-old brother was conceived in it during a hunting trip they took years ago. She promtply asked, "He went with ya'll?" My dad replied, "Yeah, he went with me and came back with her", pointing at my mom.

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This is something my mother admit to believing as a child:

When my mother was young she for some reason believed that if a man farted on a woman she would become pregnant...since she did manage to have me and my two sisters I guess she eventually figured out this was wrong

lil H.C.
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When I was 18, I was pregnant with my first child. A good friend of mine was pregnant as well. One day she was telling me that she refused to have sex with her boyfriend because she was already pregnant and didn't want to have twins.

I thought it was incredibly sad that nobody had given this girl the facts and information about sex and pregnancy...and here she was almost ready to give birth.

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When i was 3 my mother gave me a G-rated version of "the talk" and my weird little imagination came up with this: the daddy and mommy get naked and sit on the couch. they hold hands, and look straight ahead. if they look down, nothing happens. while they look ahead, a little fish (my mom called sperm "swimmies") jumps out of the daddy's belly button and lands in the mommy's belly button where there is an egg (one she ate for breakfast or something) in her stomach waiting for the fish. the fish eats the egg, and it turns into a baby. i was afraid to eat eggs for a long time because i didn't want a little brother or sistyer. i still don't like eating eggs to this day, 17 years later.

overactive imagination
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I was a very late addition to my family; basically, my parents had four kids in a row in the first four years of marriage, then waited fourteen years before deciding they wanted one more go at it, from which I was the result. So, my mother used to explain to me when I was a wee lad how much she and dad wanted to have one more child, and that they 'prayed and prayed' that god would give them one more.
Thus, I thought up until I was seven or eight that the whole secret of where babies comes from was simply...praying. Really hard.

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my little sister thought she was a little star in the sky, then she fell into my mum's drink and my mum drank her and thats how she become pregnant :)

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When I was 4, I thought you chose and bought your baby at the hospital. I believed this until I was 6.

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I used to believe that people were born pregnant and everyone had a baby eventually. I remember being about 5 and thinking I'd probably grown at least a toenail inside of me by now.

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When I was little(6 at the time) i asked my older sister Grace (11 at the time)where babies came from. Grace told me you stick a seed in your belly button and after 9 months you take it out and you have a baby. I believed her until i was about 9.

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I believed that you could get pregnant by drinking someone's wee. This was because I read a book in which they said something about a boy giving the girl a drink, which tasted wonderful, and then a few paragraphs later she was pregnant. So naturally I assumed it was the drink. I was 9 at the time and my friend quickly cleared that up.

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i used to believe that a woman got pregnant when she was married since her husband has enough money to get her lots of food and she will eat and have her big stomach.

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I use to think that if you went swimming and there was fish in the water that those were the "fish" that got you preganant so i alwaysed checked the water before i got in.

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About 7 years ago, my little brother was 3. I remember my mother coming home one day excited and told all of us that her friend was going to have a baby. My little brother then asked my mother, "But where is the baby right now?"
My mother then said "In her belly"
Then my brother promply asked,
"Did she eat it?"

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when i was about five years old mom told me and my sister how babies were made. i replied "you and dad did that TWICE" with a discusted look on my face. (she has two children) she just replied "yes"

jb workman
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When I was little, my mom was pregnant with my little brother. She was acting and looked different and i didn't know why. I asked my father and he said that she was really an alien.

I believed him.

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When I was little i believed that women cannot get pregnant if they had a belly piercing

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When my mom told me she was pregnant with my little brother, I asked where babies come from. Since I was only three she didn't want to go into details so she told me that when a mommey and a daddy love each other very much God puts a baby in the mommy's tummy. Me being the question asker I was asked if she had to go to heaven for God to put the baby there. My mom said not exactly, but if that's what you want to believe go ahead. A few months later my mom had my brother and my dad took me up to the hospital to see my mom and introduce me to him. When dad and I got in the elevator I asked my dad if we were going to heaven.

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For quite a while I believed that a woman could get pregnant by kissing someone, because in elementary school we were shown a video about babies and they only showed a couple kissing in bed, without explaining the actual mechanics. Hence I thought couples who kissed were being extremely thoughtless and risky.

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