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I used to believe that a storke would deliever babies but when I actually was old enough to see the really way a baby was born... I was feeling a bit stupid.

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My cousin use to believe that babies came out of your belly buttom

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When my son was 5 my sister had just had her first child. I have always been open with him about things in an age appropriate manner. Well he wanted to know how my nephew had gotten out of my sister. He loved animals so he had seen shows with animal live births but the concept of a human birth was hard to understand. I tried to say there was an opening that got bigger and that is how the baby got out. He didn't understand so I said it was like a door. He thought I meant an actual door like to his room. That confused him all the more. So I told him it was like a hole that would get bigger and the baby came out that way. This satisfied him & so ended our conversation. So a few weeks later his pre-school class was making construction paper butterflies out of heart shapes & pipe cleaners. They were glueing the pointed part of the heart together for the body, the pipe cleaner for the antenna the hump part of the heart was the wings of the butterfly. Well my son was glueing the bumps together and that was leaving an opening. So his teacher, who is pregnant & due any day, is pointing this out to him, that his butterfly will have a hole in it. He looks at her and calmly says "Well, that's where the babies come out". I worked in the same pre-school & she came & got me immediately to tell me. We laughed so hard we had tears in our eyes & it very nearly sent her into labor. I guess that's what I get for being honset with my kid :)

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when i was younger i used to belive that babies used to come out like poop then when u flushed it down the toilet and then the doctor would come and bring it to you

jo natti
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My mom told me when I was about 6 that a woman had cravings when she was pregnant. I thought that if she got what she had a craving for, then she would go into labor. I thought this until I was about 8, and one day I really wanted some potato chips, and I got some out of the pantry and ate them. Shortly after I realized what I had done, and ran to my mom saying that I didn't waant to have a baby!

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I used to believe that babies came out of womens belly buttons

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At a young age, I was under the belief that having sex had something to do with kissing after you were married, that there was some magical type of kiss you could perform to make babies.

I also believed that if you positioned yourself right, you could possibly have a child without the opposite gender's involvement. This, in my mind, explained same sex couples, The Immaculate Conception, and Anakin Skywalker's mother (In Episode One, I clearly remember one of the jedi asking her, "Who is the father?" and her reply of "There isn't one." I took this extemely literally).

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i used to believe that parents pooped out babies in the toilet.

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At 5 years old, I understood the basic concept of making babies, but I thought that the daddy's sperm went up the pee hole and into the stomach somewhere, and I didn't realize there was a third hole down there. So I assumed all babies had to be cut out of their mommy's stomach.

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top belief!

i seriosly used to belive that the babys would just pop out of the ground and you would pick them up and be like "i love you" and then they would look like you...:\

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when i was a little kid i used to belife that babies came out of a persons belly buton.

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i used to believe that when my mum got pregnant she would be fat after but she was joking, and i believed

mary ash
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When I was real really little I believed that when you were born your parents decided if you were a boy or a girl by having the doctors either cut the penis off or by leaving it on.

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My friend used to believe that kids came out of women's butts...One time in Year 5 (9-10 years old) we asked the teacher and my friend got a mighty big surprise...

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I used to think that women gave birth to little girls and men gave birth to baby boys. My sister thought the same thing, but our parents never told us this. We think it's because we had these Barbie doll type dolls where the dads came with boys and the moms came with girls!

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I used to believe that you gave birth while you were sleeping. One day, you just woke up and a baby would be next to you.

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I only found out the other day that when babies are inside their mommys bellies that they had gulls and when they came out the gills healed over .....i am 14 and only just found that this is not true

an idiot
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I used to believe babies came out of your anus. It was just unfathomable to me that your vagina could stretch that much.

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When I was 5, my aunt got pregnant and she was the first person I had known and been around who was having a baby. When she was getting very large, I asked my mom, "When is Aunt Betty going to hatch her baby". Apparently I though we came out of eggs...

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