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top belief!

When I was little, I was SO puzzled about how babies were born. I then made the theory that women gave birth through their mouths.
...I never wanted to have children after that [EVER.] I kept thinking I would die because I couldn't breathe. Then when I found out how it actually happens, I screamed and, still, didn't ever want to have children.

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top belief!

When I was about 8 years old, I used to watch a few TV programs from time to time. One of them was "Please Don't Eat The Daisies", which was a short lived sitcom about a family with four boys (two of them twins), similar in style to the Brady Bunch that came out a few years later. In "Daisies", the mother was kind of bubble headed, a bit wacky/silly. Somehow I had the idea that when a mother had a lot of kids, it mentally drained her, to the point where if she had too many she'd become really stupid. So I cautioned my mother not to have any more children (I was the oldest of 2). She asked me why and I said "because I wouldn't want you to become stupid." Well, I explained my crazy notion and she laughed, telling me it wasn't true. Even still, I secretly believed it might be true until I was a few years older and I asked a few "careful" questions of my elementary school science teacher, to later learn how silly the idea really was. ;-)

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top belief!

My Mom used to talk about the child that she lost before I was born, so everytime we went out I was really close to them just in case.

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When I was about 7 or so and I had just learnt about masturbation I though that the good feeling that came from that was what giving birth felt like, and women screamed and moaned because of the nice feeling.

Red-eyed Hedgehog
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My husband used to believe that Labor Day was the day of the year when all the pregnant women had their babies.

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I thought babies came out of the mother’s bellybutton.

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I used to believe that before my siblings and I were born, we all lived one on top of another in my mom's belly, and instead of coming out as babies, we came out as old as we were at the time that I thought this. So, my sister would’ve come out a 15-year old, my brothers 14 and 5, and me 4. I wondered, too, how we all fit in there, because we were much bigger than my mom’s tummy!

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top belief!

I used to belief that girls are giving birth to girls and boys are giving birth to boys.. Until my dad said that it doesn't matter.. That girls can have boys and boys can have girls.. LOL

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When I was 3 or 4 I used to believe women would deliver their babies by having the doctor stick is arm down mother's throat into the stomach and pull the baby out the mouth. Than the mother would just walk home with the baby in her arms.

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When I was little, I thought my parents picked my brother from a cabbage patch. I was totally obsessed with cabbage patch dolls and thought that's where all parents got their kids.

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When I was younger, about 5, maybe, I knew my mom had a c- section, though I didn't know the term for it quite yet, but I still knew she had surgery instead of natural birth. I thought for quite awhile that everyone had surgery to remove the baby, and that was natural, and the baby was stored in a special safe compartment of the stomach. I was a smart kid, but hadn't yet figured out how the babies got in there in the first place.

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i use to belive whan a lady gave birth it came from her belly button.

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That babies come out of their mom's belly buttons.

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i thoght babies came out of your mouth

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When I was little, I used to think women gave birth out of their bellybutton. I wasn't sure how it exactly worked, but was sure there wasn't any other place for the babies to come out, other than the bellybutton.

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top belief!

Until I was five, I used to think that women gave birth to baby girls and men gave birth to baby boys

Cassidy K
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top belief!

When I was a very little girl, my grandmother (as I'm sure many Southern grandmothers have done) told me that if I ate the seeds of a watermelon I would have a baby. This perplexed me a lot. I wanted another baby (I'm an only child), but I didn't think that *I* was the one who should be having it. Furthermore, I didn't yet understand that girls had a place for something other than pee and poo. I thought that my vagina was just place where my pee came out, and therefore, that couldn't be the place where a baby would come from. My bottom couldn't be it, either, that was just even more gross. So after *MUCH* thinking, I finally came to the conclusion that mommy's must have their babies shoot out of their mouths. It was the only other opening that I could think of at the time, and this, along with my grandmother's story about the watermelon seeds, seemed like a logical conclusion at the time... Unfortunately, I saw that alternative as somewhat terrifying, and there was a period of time during which I swore to myself that I would never have kids. :O)

Hannah's Mommy
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When my little brother was about 10 years old he came up to my sister and I and asked us with the most seriousness if babies came out of the woman's butt. I think we laughed at first but then realized that he didn't know that there were other holes on the female body and seriously thought that babies were pooped out! We tease him about it to this day even though he denies ever thinking it!

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I used to think that everyone was born by C-section, because I was and I'd heard the story so many times. I remember thinking that I never wanted to have kids because I didn't want anyone to cut a big hole in my belly.

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When I was 4 or 5 I loed playing mommy with my baby dolls. I couldnt wait to be a real mommy! The only proble was, I didnt knowhow to get a real baby. I asked m mom one morning. She paused and said the stork brang it. I thought for a second and said "yeah right!" so she said, okay, you have to pray for a baby. So I said, "okay! I'll go pray right now!: "No!" She said. "you have to be a certain age, you have to be a grown-up" Oh. I replied. Well where do they come out of your belly? She said my belly button. For a while I belived her. Months later, I asked her again. This time she said "a specail hole" so I thought it was my butt hole. I soon got the idea that we were born as babydolls. I felt my cabage patches hard, round head and thought about how it would hurt badly! I kept thinking... Then when I was 9, I asked my mom "if daddys have nothing to do with when babies are born, how do i look like daddy?" she gave me the talk and I wasnt interested anymore.

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