oral sex
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Me and my best friend used to believe that you could get pregnant from oral sex until we were 12
I used to think oral sex was when your mouth had sex with somebody else's... And then when I googled it, my mind was totally changed.
When I was around 9 or 10 my close friend exclaimed "EW!" when I pulled out a magazine that said, 'Swimsuit Issue BLOWOUT!' her older brother had convinced her that a blow-job could be called a blow-out. So for around a year everytime I passed the ski shop 'SALE BLOWOUT!' I cringed and giggled.
when i first heard the term, "blowjob" I thought it had to do with those Blow Pop suckers
when i first heard the name "blow job",i thought the meaning of that word was blowing a snot out of your nose.
top belief!
I used to think that oral sex was when you had sex with a dentist!
When I wasabout 14, my best friend and i were gossiping about one of our childhood friends, and she reported that he had eaten out his girlfriend. This was around the same time that I'd first heard the phrase, carpet muncher. For the longest time, I thought that he had just eaten away all her pubic hair, and I could NOT imagine how that was appealing to anyone.
Just a few days ago, my friends and I were for some reason getting into the topic of blowjobs and rimjobs. My friend Andrea and I both laughed when we learned Clarisse didn't know either, but when Clarisse asked what a blowjob was, Andrea said 'it's when you blow a penis dry!'
Needless to say, I had the embarassing job of explaining both to them.
They're both 14.
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When I was a kid, I had just watched The Animal starring Rob Schneider. One day I went to a public bathroom with my dad. I saw the paper towels and copied a line from the movie, not knowing what it really meant:
"I wish they had one of those blowjobby things...I mean handjobby things...I mean hand dryers!"
My dad told me not to say that and I didn't find out why until a few years later...
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When I was little, we didn't have a ton of extra money, so we often took week-long camping trips for vacation. On one such trip when I was 7 or 8, I remember walking up to the campground shower facility with a few of my cousins and my older brother. On the wall by the paper towel dispenser was written "For a blow job, call such and such number..." I loudly, repeatedly asked what a blow job was, and my older cousin, trying to shut me up, explained that it was when you accidentally licked the blow dryer while drying your hair. Sitting by the camp fire that night, I matter-of-factly asked the family if anyone had ever gotten a blow job. To this day, I've never more gasps at one time than I heard right then.
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i used to think that oral sex was just a fancy term for kissing
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I was in junior high shop class talking to this guy I had a crush on and his friend when they both started talking about having gone muff diving well thinking that it was something like going snorkeling I didnt want to seem uncool so I said Ive gone too plenty of times it was tell years later when I knew what it meant that I figured out why they liked me after that day I still feel embarassed about that
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Well, after learning about "oral sex" i thought that everything that has the word oral inside of it ment that kind of sex. One day my french teacher said "Today class, we're gonna take an oraltest" I was sooooo disqested, I wanted to complain to the princaple that the teacher was making us have oral sex with each other. I was expecially disqested when i was paired up with the most UGLIEST guy in the world. I learned eventually. ( i was in 6th grade)
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this from when i was in middle school.
not a child.
everyone at my school would mock this
one girl because she was a real whore.
she would do anyone.
so they all would say
"Gina works at B.J.'s"
And since that is a supermarket
around where i live. i was like
wait... shes only 14, she cant
work there!
little did i know.
they werent referring to the market.
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i knew about sex and how things like that worked but i never knew what oral sex was.
i used to think that a blow job was where a woman blows down a mans penis to inflate it (like one of them long balloons you use for balloon modeling) and make it hard so they could have sex properly.
and to give a woman oral sex it was like a blow job but blowing in a womans "baby hole" so when the baby was made, it had plenty of room
I used to think that a blow job was drying your hair, like blowing your hair dry.
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When I was a kid, I overheard a bunch of 13-year-olds discussing blow jobs. I asked my mom what it meant, and she told me it was a special kind of kiss. I then promptly announced at a family party that I had learned what blows jobs were. My mom then felt the need to tell me the truth.
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My brother and I had gone to visit my cousin one day when I was little. Well my cousin and brother had gotten to talking about sex. Being so little, I don't think they cared much that I was there, seeing as they knew I would have no idea what they were talking about anyway.
Well, imagine my surprise when my cousin tells my brother that he's "licked a pussy".
Why on EARTH someone would want to lick their cat was beyond me, but he seemed awfully proud of himself. Being competitive and not wanting to be upstaged by my cousin, my first response was "Oh yeah? Well I've licked mine, too!"
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I used to think that "oral sex" ment you would talk sexy to your partner before you had sex.
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When I was litte I used to go around saying the joke 'save a cow, eat a beaver' to everyone since people seemed to think it was so funny. I thought it was just supposed to be funny because eating a beaver would be gross. I stopped saying it when people got uncomfortable and all conversations came to a halt.
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