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Oral sex is talking about sex

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When I was in elementary school, we'd been learning about oral history (passing stories down through generations), and been assigned oral reports in Speech class, so to me, the word "oral" meant speech, or speaking. (Well, either that, or a nasty, painful trip to the dentist.)
Some local sex scandal erupted when I was about 9... I forget what, exactly, but on the way home from school, my Mom and I were listening to the radio news, and I heard the phrase "oral sex" for the first time.
"Oh, I didn't know you could have oral sex!" I blurted out. "I thought that was a physical thing - you mean people do it over the phone, too?"

exhuming mccarthy
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I used to believe that having oral sex meant talking about it, like phone sex for example. With my first serious boyfriend, we had phone sex pretty often because he lived out of town, but I told my friends that we had oral sex. When I realized my mistake, I was mortified.

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When I was a kid I thought oral sex was when adults "talked dirty".

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I used to think that oral sex, was just sitting, talking about it!

Ty (",)
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Until about age 10, I thought that oral sex was like phone sex or talking dirty. You could imagine how confused I was when I found out you could get STD's from oral sex. I thought that somehow it was trasmitted through the phone lines!

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when i was about ten or eleven i was watching an MTV special on sex and STD's with my friends. for about half an hour the host and the guests were talking about oral sex and how even that can transfer STD's. and because i knew oral ment mouth, i turned to my friends and said, "how can you get diseases by having phone sex. i didn't hear the end of it for a couple of days.

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I used to think that oral sex was an alternative to actual sex. Instead of having sex, you would just lay there and talk about it.

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we had to do a quiz once in sex ed on whether u could transmit a disease from doing certain things. believing that oral sex was actually phone sex at the time i was getting all confused, wondering why everyone else was saying you could and saying "of course you can't get a disease from it, it's phone sex, its talkin on the phone!!"

aaw bless me!!!

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my friend used to think that giving oral sex was talking dirty, like, "i have my hand in my pants." he found out he was wrong in 7th grade health.

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i used to think...up until like high school that oral sex was when you talked about sex on the phone. apparently that is something completely different..

silly student
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i used to believe that oral sex was two people sitting on seperate chairs - naked - just talking about sex. its amazing what parents will agree with when their kids make a statement

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I used to think oral sex was whes a person said "dirty" things to another person...... Oops

when i got in the 6th grade i found out how wrong i was!!!

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I remember stealing one of my sisters magazines when i was younger and saw something about oral sex. I thought for the longest time that it meant you sat around and talked about sex.

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When I was in sixth grade I thought that "oral" sex meant talking about sex.

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this isnt mine but that of a kid in my old health class

the teacher was talking about how you can still get and STD from oral sex when a kid raised his hand and asked "how can you get and STD from that, isn't oral sex just talking?"

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I used to believe that having "oral sex" was talking dirty to your partner on the phone. Boy was I mistaken.

East End Kid
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My bf used to think oral sex was talking dirty to one another.

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When I was about nine I heard my cousins talking about oral sex, and I was totally convinced that that meant having sex on the phone. It made perfect sense at the time!

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I had heard on the news at a young age that a student was caught having oral sex with a teacher. I thought that that meant they were talking about sex.

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I was such a virgin. When I was 14 or 15 I thought oral sex referred to phone sex. When a girl in my health class asked if you could get pregnant from giving oral sex, I thought to myself, “How could you get pregnant from talking dirty on the phone!?” You obviously can’t get pregnant from oral sex…whichever way to interpret it…we were both silly girls.

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