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oral sex

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When I was younger I believed that you could get pregnant from giving a blowjob.
Because i believed that ne way sperm got into ur body it would find its way to its place and u would become pregnant. but this was wen i was about 7 and i have learned much sinse then ..((if ya know wut i mean))

Blow me 6972~!~
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i thought that oral sex wuz just smooching not blowjobs

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Just a few days ago, my friends and I were for some reason getting into the topic of blowjobs and rimjobs. My friend Andrea and I both laughed when we learned Clarisse didn't know either, but when Clarisse asked what a blowjob was, Andrea said 'it's when you blow a penis dry!'

Needless to say, I had the embarassing job of explaining both to them.

They're both 14.

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I thought oral sex was the only way to have sex.

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i found out a few weeks/months ago that no, oral sex is NOT when you talk dirty to eachother. i could never figure out what was so arousing about that anyway...

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when in year 6 the fact that a girl had given a lad a blow job, i couldnt quite understand the big deal.I asked my friends what this was and they said with a snigger '' where u blow on the boys willies'' upto year 9 i believed this.Untill i was set straight by those friends who had sniggered the reply 3 years ago.

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from my late teen's to my early twenties i was afriad to go down on a girl because i thought it would rot your teeth

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I used to think oral sex was making out. I don't know why.

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I used to believe that a blow "job" meant to blow dry someone's potty..as job is also called BIG JOB..which means shitt.

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Up until i was about 15 i thought that if you gave a guy oral and swalowed that you would get pregnate. I was scared to death to swalow so i would just spit back up into the toilet. I learned differently after an older guy i had been with told me other wise.

shocked and surprised
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I used to believe that a blow job was where the lady at the hair salon would get horny and start blowing on a mans penis. i thought that oral sex was when a girl made out with a mans penis, and that 'humping' was when a man put his penis (humped) a girls boobs. this made since because the boobs were humps and the penis was a hump...?

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When I first heard the term "blow job," I knew it had to do with sex, and I thought Squidward (from spongebob) would stick his nose up.....girls....and literally blow out.

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Oral sex means kissing.

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About a month or two ago, I was talking to my friend, David on the internet. He was also talking to our friend, Cassidy.
David and I were talking about phonesex and he told Cassidy about our conversation assuming she knew what it meant, and she asked him what phonesex was so we were trying to make somthing up and i randomly said "tell her it means when cows have sex!" I was kidding but he really told her and she called me and said "are you serious?!" Later she googled it and got sooo mad at us.. Plus she was grossed out by everything that came up adn she kept going "WHO WOULD DO SUCH A THING?!?! WHY?!"

(David is 13, Cassidy is 11 and I'm 12, BTW)

Confused, much??
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when i was young i believed that a blowjob was when someone blew on your penis

john reed
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once i woz with my boyfriend and he told me to give hi a blow job i honestly did not no what it meant i quickly made a a excuse and went down the JOB centre to find out to my dismay i found out the hard way...............................

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I used to belive oral sex meant having sex by yourself then i figured out that it's impossible to have sex by yourself

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When I wasabout 14, my best friend and i were gossiping about one of our childhood friends, and she reported that he had eaten out his girlfriend. This was around the same time that I'd first heard the phrase, carpet muncher. For the longest time, I thought that he had just eaten away all her pubic hair, and I could NOT imagine how that was appealing to anyone.

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