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When i was in 3rd grade, my friend told me that when you had a period it came through your nipples in your breasts.
My mum asked me what I knew about periods when I was nine. It was awkward but I told her. I said, "well you belled every month...." My little sister, who was 7 at the time walked in and said, "well if u bleed every month, just use a band-aid.
When I was in PE in 5th grade and we had just had "the talk," I got a sudden pain in my vagina, which I later realized was my hymen randomly stretching, and I thought it was my period starting and I was freaking out and kept subtly reaching my hand to the crotch of my pants when no one was looking to feel if they were wet
top belief!
i used to belive that my moms tampons were air fresheners. They has little flowers on the wrapper, so i thought that meant they smelled like flowers, so i used to open them up and wave them around the air and then just throw them away.
top belief!
A high school friend - a guy - thought that when girls had their periods, they just had to go sit on the toilet for about ten minutes until the bleeding was all done, then the period was over. At the time, he was 16 and he had a sister...yet this was his belief.
i used to believe that tampons were individual wrapped, disposible curlers.
then, after i had actually seen one unwrapped, i thought it was a candle.
my little sister used to believe than period pads gave her super powers.
top belief!
My friends son thought tampons were for mufflers for women so that they wouldn't fart.
when i was little, i used to be so scared of starting my period, cos i thought that it was continuous and you never stopped bleeding, i was so relieved when i found out it only happened for a few days every month!!!
I used to believe that girls had periods because there was a sexist psychopatch who stabbed them in their genitals while they were asleep. D:
My mum told me that only married women used tampons(!)........I used to believe that you had to show your marriage certificate to buy them....My mum was a firm believer in the 'no sex before marriage' dogma!!!
my little sister (7) found my pads today and thought that you put them over your nose at night to stop snoring
top belief!
When I was younger, I was riding the bus home from school and a girl started talking about periods with another girl and since I didn't know what they were just yet, I asked where the blood came out and I thought she said "your titties". For a while, I was so scared that it was going to come out of my breasts and everybody would see the stains on my shirt! About a year later, we were going to have to watch a puberty video at school. My mom was talking to me about it and she kept talking about the process going on in the stomach. So I asked "does the blood go up a tube to your boobs or something?" You can guess that she gave me quite a strange look and said "what are you talking about?" And I told her what I heard and she just laughed at me and explained menstration the proper way. Needless to say, I was a bit embarrassed about the whole situation...
My best friend once told me she couldn't wear a tampon because "she wouldn't be a virgin anymore" I started crying because I thought that meant I had lost my virginity.
I read about a girl getting her period in a book. When I asked my sister what it was, she said it's when you pee blood. Close, I guess. Somehow I got the impression that you had your period for seven days, then had one day of relief, followed by another seven days.... Yeah, my mom had a good laugh while explaining THAT.
When I was about 7, before I knew what a period was, I was at my friend's house and she tried to explain what it was. Well, turns out she wasn't so good at it. She told me that if my mom had pads or tampons under the sink, she was never gonna have a baby again. My mom was pregnant at the time and I was really scared that the baby would die. When I heard the news that my mom was in labor, I was a wreck. The worst hours of my life ended when we got the phone call that I had a new little brother. I still have my friend to thank for that little scare!
when i was 5 i use to believe that tampons were little rocket ships that moms kept in their purses to entertain their kids. so whenever i saw one in my moms purse i would open it up and push it throught till it dropped on the floor. i use to do this in the middle of stores, with company over, anytime i found one. And if my mom didnt see me do it, id just drop it on the floor and leave it there
when my brother was about 7, at a party. He went into one room where a mature cartoon show was on. On the show young boys, got their periods. (which we all know isnt possible). anyway my dad and i are talking outside, when my brother comes up behind my dad and says" dad, when am i going to get my period?" of course i was completely mortified. my dad then explained the whole thing to him. and i make fun of him to this day
I used to belive that when you put on a tampon, you stick the whole thing in, including the aplicator!
i saw my mum's pads, and when i asked what they were she told me: "diapers for adults." i felt so proud of myself that my baby brother and my mum wore diapers but i didn't.
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