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i used to think maxi pads were rolls of toilet paper so i used to walk around with a roll of toilet paper in my pants just in case how dumb was I?

crazy ko-ko
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My brother use to think my mother got her period because she cut here "pee pee" (penis) off. He walked in on her peeing during her period once. I walked out and started muttering "ow, ow, ow, ow, ow...."

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when i was about 9 or 10, i knew about periods,but not enough. i was reading an advertisment for tampons in a magazine, and judging by the details, it sounded like you stuck them up your you-know-what. i laughed off the idea, because i thought that couldnt possibly be what happened.

...then i found out i was right

anastacia beeverhousen
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My mom told me that pads were for when women laughed too hard and wet their pants. I then took one and tried to put it on just in case.

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When i was little i used to think that pads were rolls of toilet paper and that boobs were water balloons so i used to walk around with water balloons on my chest and a roll of toilet paper down there. now i know the real meaning of both ;)

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i used to think that pads were for when a woman peed more.
i decided that the next time i nearly peed my pants, i was going to demand a pad from my mother, because she was hogging them for herself...

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I had always known about periods (older sister), but I wasn't too familiar with a tampon.
One day, me and my friend Brett were hanging out in my friend's room. We found a box of tampons, and without really reading to see what they even were, we thought it'd be a fun little idea to take a few out, and play with them a little. So, still without knowing what the heck a tampon was, i took two and taped them to Brett's ears as EARRINGS! He wore them into the living room, where our friend's mom was having a party!!!! We were so embarrassed when we really found out what they were. LOL!

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My mum was in the bathroom with my sister, explaining about tampons and how to use them. At this point my dad acidentaly turned on his electric toothbrush. It sounded like it was somthing to do with tampons. So I believed for years that you had to put in tampons with a little machine thing!!

I d i o t
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When I was in elementary school all the way up to middle school, til I actually got my period, i believed that if you got your period you stayed on it 24/7. Meaning you bleed for the rest of your life! I was petrifed to get my period. I was relieved when I found out the truth.

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i used to belief that tampons were rolled up pads in a tube

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two of my younger friends, (who were both guys) thought that a tampon was used when a girl was pregnant and she wanted to hold the baby in.

Wow wOw woW
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the first time I got my period, I thought it was because I kept thinking about this guy that I liked

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when I was younger, I used to think that pads were so if you had to go to the bathroom you could just got, kind of like a diaper.

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i used to think periods were a way of bein punished imagine my shock when i startrd

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When I was little, I once believed that pads were used for wiping tables... until my mom told me they were used to suck up blood. So I used it as a band=aid.

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i thought pads were candybecause of the way they were wrapped up and all.

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One time I accidentally walked in on my mom changing her pad in the bathroom (it was a new one, so I didn't see any blood). Surprised, I asked her what that was. Seeing as I was too young then to understand what a menstrual cycle is, my mom thought up on the spot "it's a type of grown up diaper".

For a long time I thought to myself "well, what's the point of being potty trained if adults end up wearing diapers anyway?"

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It happened to someone I know. Two kid brothers found their mother's tampons and, not knowing what they were, colored them and pretended that they were toy rockets. Then they took them to school--CATHOLIC school. I can only imagine what those poor nuns were thinking...

Meaghan Jade
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I was about 10, and I was in the 4th grade. I saw this link on my homepage from my internet provider, and it gave this mini-picture of a girl. She was drawn up, not a real picture of a girl. It said, "When will I get my period?" At that time, my mind had just begun to understand that girls got their periods. I had known about them, but never really understood about them. I had watched a T.V. show where a girl got her period at school and it leaked through her cream-colored skirt. So, I decided to click the link and read the article. After reading it once or twice, I was horrified. I thought that once a girl got her period, she WOULD, not COULD, become pregant! After reading the article again, I realized my mistake. Thank god I realized it before I got my period!

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I use to think pads were for people with bladder problems. But I could never figure out what the red dot was for until later.

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