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top belief!

I used to think that girls who were beginning to have periods got them once a year before they became more frequent. I would play high school barbies with my sister and when the boyfriends came over, she'd say, "I can't. It's that time of the year."

Imani B.
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once when my aunt died.. i thought it was because she bled to death on her period. i believed that for years.

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i used to think that had to wear diapers when you were on your period

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This is about my friend. In primary school my friend found a sanitary towel on the floor. He thought it was an eye pad and ran around the school with this on his eyes!

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My friend who is 17 years old thought a tampon was a cigar and tried to smoke it! no wonder why he was a reclassified sophomore!

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that u unrolled tampons and placed them in ur underwaer

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I use to think that you could bleed to death from a period.

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(always thought of always)
when i was a kid i use to think that
pads are subsitutes for diapers wich adults pee in if there is no toilet around...another person i know took one to school to use as an eraser for the blackboard <

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My little brother and I used to make castles out of toilet paper & paper towel tubes. He went into the bathroom trash to get more for our castle and came back so excited because he had found a canon! It was a tampon applicator!

Heather C.
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When I was 6 or so, my best friend Amber and I were trying to make playdoh with out a recipe, or supervision. We had dumped to much water in it, and dyed it red so it looked like a bowl of blood. Amber looked at it and said "This looks like a period", I thought she was weird since we had just learned about puncation in school and replied "Nuh-uh! Periods are at the end of a sentence.". Amber laughed and said "Periods are what you get after you have a baby!". I thought she was right since her mom had just had a baby, and belived her until I was about 9.

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This one's about my boyfriend. He thought that when girls use tampons, they wear them all month long. I must mention that he is 19, with a mom and a 17-year-old sister. You'd think he'd know these things!

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I first learned about the 'birds and the bees' from a book. In the book it had a front-on picture of the female reproductive system. I believed that it was a diagram of the inside of the whole body - that the woman would hold an egg until it went into her blood and down to her feet. :)

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I used to belive someone had 2 help u put a tampon on- GGGRRRRROOOOS

i had mine- guess not

grossed out
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When I was little I didn't realize that pee and blood came out of two different holes. I was so confused about how you were supposed to pee when you had a tampon in. I asked my mom and she cleared it all up for me.

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I never knew that female dogs had periods until my friend told me a few weeks ago... even after she told me, I refused to believe her. It wasn't until I came across this site that I figured, she may have been telling me the truth.

I am a 28 year old female with 2 college degrees!!

*No Name*
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top belief!

My friends little brother found her tampons in her room. He took them out to his father & asked what they were. His father told him they were special ear plugs. So when her brother didn't want to listen to what was being said he would search for the special ear plugs.

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I must have been about 7 or 8 years old. At the time I was seeing ads for feminine napkins which I thought were individually wrapped table napkins. I could'nt understand why anyone would need individually wrapped table napkins.

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wen i was lil i thought that sanitary towels were giant plasters, so i used 2 stick them on me!!

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When I was 5 and my little brother was 3, we went exploring under my mom's sink and found Lite Days Maxi pads...we didn't know what they were, but judging by the shape, we finally figured it out..they were giant band-aids! So me and my brother would go under the sink and put them on ourselves and pretended like we were hurt...we were so proud that we found the giant band-aids...and my mom came in and just smiled...she never told us otherwise...she just let us believe that they really were giant band-aids...so I believed this till I was about 10 years old, until my girlscout troop had a nurse come in to educate us about our periods...

Stupid girl
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I had no sisters and my mom didn't really feel the need to talk to me about my period at the age of 9. So when I did get it (I was 9 at the time) I though I was dying, I starting crying and yelling for my mom as I sat on the toilet....hahaha

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