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top belief!
I use to watch the sanitary commercials, the ones where they are running, jumping around and walking dogs and riding bicycles in complete freedom, so I thought that a sanitry towel was extra padding you put in your shoes to make it more comfortable to walk.
Once when I was about 5 yrs old, I saw my mom remove a tampon. don't ask me why, but to me, it looked like a piece of bacon & that's what I thought it was. I asked her for some...
top belief!
top belief!
My mother told me when i first started my period, that I should not go out into the woods while I was in this condition. She told me that male deer (bucks) would smell me and try to attack me!!
top belief!
I used to think my mother's tampons were air fresheners (they were the deodorant kind) and would hang them in my barbie's house. My poor mom found them once and was completely shocked! Poor woman, seeing her tampons (unused of course) hanging all over the place!
When I was a kid, I found out about a womans period and I thought that she would bleed through her breasts.
I used to belive that sanitary napkins are used by girls coz they have no control over their pee.....
top belief!
When my boyfriend was little, he used to believe that tampons were created for women to aim their pee when they stood up and went to the bathroom.
My cousins also believed that maxi pads were shoe inserts and used to shoot my tampons like rockets across my bedroom.
I don't remember if I actually believed this or not, but my grandmother used to tell me that virgins weren't supposed to use tampons.
My friend used to believe until he was in college that a tampon was used like a Q-tip and would be used to swab and clean out the stuff and then you would throw it away.
I used to believe that the egg that a woman shed during her period would be visible to her and that way she would know that she wasn't pregnant.
At around age 11, I was at a friends house when I noticed blood in the toilet after her sister went to the bathroom. I was convinced that she was dying of some dread disease and said so to my friend. Then my friend informed me that it was from her period. Boy did I feel stupid.
When I was little, my sister told me that our pet dog had her period and that was why she was bleeding. I went running for my mother screaming that our dog was going to bleed to death from her period.
When I was little and had just learned how to read, I was at the store with my Mom and thought that Feminine Napkins were napkins that only ladies used at the dinner table!!!
top belief!
I used to believe (until my teens) that older women couldn't control their bladders. Thus, pads and such absorded all the pee they leaked. I never understood why it was such a good thing to start your period.
top belief!
I shared a bedroom with my older sister,and one day I found a box of strange white things in her closet. Later,I was going outside to roller skate when she screamed "Stop her!" and my mother had to tell me to take off the two sanitary napkins I had tied around my legs - as knee pads!
When I was about 8, my mother explained the female version of puberty to me, but never used the word "puberty." She just said, "when you start your period." Shortly after that, I asked my dad when boys grew hair on their bodies and he explained that it happened during puberty.
So, at about 9, when a friend of mine told me she was starting puberty, I was really confused. I was too shy to say, but I wanted to tell her that only boys go through puberty. I guess it's a good thing I kept my mouth shut!
One day me and a friend was walking and i was on my period and she asked me if my pad fell out, would i pick it up?
My 9 year old cousin asked me what was a douche? I told him it was something to clean the wax out of your ear with.
top belief!
when i was about 4 or 5 my mum had a new boyfriend over. i was playing around in he washroom for some unknown reason and found her maxi pads. i walked out with it stuck to my chin like a beard "what is this mum?" i asked. needless to say her new boyfriend didn't last :)
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