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When I was little and went to the store with my mom she always bought those maxi - pads after getting me some candy to keep me quiet. I thought the maxi - pads were candy, too, and that she was trying to hide them from me. I used to go home and yell at her for not sharing her candy.

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When I was about 6, I knew about pads but not tampons. I thought that you pulled the tampon out of the plastic then unfolded it until it was a pad. Now I'm really a little glad they explained tampons to us before I tried to unfold a tampon into a pad and use it...

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This one's about my boyfriend. He thought that when girls use tampons, they wear them all month long. I must mention that he is 19, with a mom and a 17-year-old sister. You'd think he'd know these things!

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For some reason, during my first period, I thought that the bleeding would never stop; that once you "became a woman", you bled forever. I remember thinking that this wasn't a very good deal...

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my mother and aunt shared this belief with me right after the subject of periods were brought into conversation when i was 13. my aunt was a year older than my mother and when she was younger, her own mother had bought a large quantity family sized pack of pads and suddenly they all went missing within a week. when asked why there were so many gone, my aunt replied that the girls at school told her if she didn't change her pad enough, she would get pregnant!

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I used to believe that when women got thier period they bled from their nipples and that's why women would wear bras, I also thought sex involved putting a long tube down your throat and having a doctor put chicken eggs into your stomach, they would magically turn to babies

Claire Medals
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When I was nine, I found this book in my sisters bedroom called "Your Body." I saw a picture of a girl using a tampon (cartoon ofcoarse). I told my sister that she has to give her self shots in the vagina. She started crying.

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my parents made sure i was educated about puberty. we had all those "what's happening to me?" books. well, i got confused on one section. i thought that having your period was related to masturbation, and if you spent some time on the first day you got it, you could get all the blood out then. Needless to say, i was wrong. man, that made me pissed.

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This kid i was babysitting had a "Special Things Box" hidden under his bed. Well he decided to show me all thethings that were in there. They included flavored dental floss, candy, special stones, and that kind of stuff. Then he pulled out an uwrapped tampona and even thoughi knew what it was i asked him to see if he knew. (He was only 5 so i figured he wouldn't) and he said "It's a powder puff1" andthen he rubbed it on his face. Yuck!!! I left his room laughing sooo hard!

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During 4th grade sex ed, our teacher told us that when a girl got her period, it was like a faucet being turned on inside of her. All of the girls were convinced from that point on that there was a giant faucet that spewed blood stuck in our tummies.

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I used to believe that girls had periods because there was a sexist psychopatch who stabbed them in their genitals while they were asleep. D:

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As a child, I used to be terrified of starting my period, so terrified I was convinced that if I drank too much red colored liquid, my period would start.

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my friend haley had her first period in the 5th grade but her mother never explained to her what a period was so on that day she ran out screaming," mom im dying!!!!!" and started to cry
shes 16 now but that story never gets old(:

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When I was 5 or 6, I overheard my mom talking on the phone and she said that one of her friends was on her period. I didn't know what that was, so i just thought it had something to do with punctuation. I never thought about it that much, and I never figured out what a "period" was, other than punctuation, until I actually had my first period. It changed.

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When I used the loo at my mum's work cafeteria (I would be about 8-9)there was a notice in the ladies - 'please place all sanitary ware in the incinerator provided' which was outside the loos near the sinks. I came out with my litttle 'bag' of used toilet tissue and placed it into the burner. This must have amused the other ladies as they watched me, exchanging knowing looks at each other. I never caught on until I had been told about periods and then could have died with embarassment. For years after, if I smelt that awful burning smell only associated with those burners it would remind me of my innocence.

Janice Davis
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One time my brother went in the bathroom right after my step-sister came out. He ran out to me screaming that there was a mouse in the toilet and it was bleeding and you could even see his tail.It was really my step-sisters tampon. He was 9 at the time. Poor kid, he was embarrassed to say anything to my parents and i just let him believe it was a mouse!

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My mom was telling my about periods and I believed that I was going to bleed 2 death. I was horrified and ran out of the room crying. My mom and my brother (who knew what she was telling me) never let it down, they still bring it up 2 this day!!!

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One day, my family was going to go swimming. My sister told my mom she couldn't go swimming because she had her period. At the time, her peirced ears were infected a little bit and looked like they were bleeding. And since I knew your period had something to do with blood, I thought your peirod was when your ears bled!

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when i was about 8 my mom used to tell me that tampons were ear cleaners for adults.......so when my dad was watching T.V. he started using his finger to clean his ears. I thought he needed some help so i went to get a tampon and when i gave it t my dad he started laughing and asked what it was 4 so i told him what mommy told me he started laughing and told me "THE TRUTH"

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When I was about 13, I got my period. I knew that if people lost a lot of blood they would die. One day, while on my period, I got a cut on my arm. Feeling frustrated, I murmured to myself "This can't be happening! If lose any more blood I'll die!" As you can probably tell, I'm not a brunette nor a redhead...I'll let you figure out the rest ;)

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