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When I was in elementary school all the way up to middle school, til I actually got my period, i believed that if you got your period you stayed on it 24/7. Meaning you bleed for the rest of your life! I was petrifed to get my period. I was relieved when I found out the truth.

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My mum was in the bathroom with my sister, explaining about tampons and how to use them. At this point my dad acidentaly turned on his electric toothbrush. It sounded like it was somthing to do with tampons. So I believed for years that you had to put in tampons with a little machine thing!!

I d i o t
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My brother use to think my mother got her period because she cut here "pee pee" (penis) off. He walked in on her peeing during her period once. I walked out and started muttering "ow, ow, ow, ow, ow...."

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I thought having your period was like pee, but blood. I thought it just came out at once. I never knew it dripped. I always wondered why people were so worried about leaking while wearing pads. Couldn't they just go to the washroom and let it all out, then not have to wear the pad anymore, since their period was over? It was until i actually got it and I wondered why it was continous for the whole day, then I asked my mom if it was supposed to keep going..

SHE LAUGHED AT ME! that was so embarrassing..

i dont think i'll put a name on that one
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I knew about periods, since alot of girls I knew had one, and my mom had explained that I would start bleeding & etc. But when I first got my period, I started (sorry for being sorta disqusting) "Browning", and at first I just let it go. Then, about a day or two later, it was starting to get alot worse & I litterally thought I was pooing from the front! I was sure that I was seriously dieing, & was crying & saying things like "I can't believe this is happening to me, now I'm going to die, it's not fair!" until my mom smiled & explained that sometimes you "Brown" before you get your period because of the build-up. I feel so stupid now XD

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One night after watching the Cosby Show, one of Rudy's friends explained to her that crossing your eyes would stop your period! Being the dumbass that I am- I believed it! So I sat for two hours on my bed, with my eyes crossed, and realized it wasn't working. My vision was blurry for the next 25mins.

crosseyed DUMB ASS!!!XD
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When I got my first period my mom asked me if I wanted to stay home the next day. I told her that I didn't need to because you only got your period once a year. Then my mom told me the awful truth

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when i was a bit younger and in the 5th grade my best friend had just gotten her period. and i wasn't completly sure what it was. and i remember her saying she had to wear a pad. and so i thought that once you got your period, it stayed with you forever. so i was sooooo scared to get it. cause i just thought that you would have to wear a pad until you were an old old lady. and so i was scared that once i got it, i'd never be the same. and so i "cherished" my time period free.....

* i learned the truth in the 7th grade when we had to watch the sex video..ahahaha*

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my little sister (7) found my pads today and thought that you put them over your nose at night to stop snoring

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When I was in 4th grade I used to believe that Once you got your period you had it until menopause. I told my friend this and she reassured me that it only came once a month. For some reason I thought that meant you had your period for one whole month and then didn't have it the next and so on. I finally found out it only lasted a week out of every month in 5th grade after the growing up talk at school. Oh was I releaved.

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When I was younger, I thought that periods were when your breasts were growing. When I heard a girl saying that she couldn't swim because she was on her period, I was horrified because I thought that you couldn't swim for all the years you were growing breasts.

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When I was growing up until I learned the facts of life at about age 12 I believed that women had their periods by sweating blood out of their butts. Don't ask!

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I heard that it was a good idea to take baths during your period, but the idea terrified me because I thought you'd end up bathing in your own blood. I was blissfully unaware of the term "water pressure".
Also, when I was about seven, seen a sign in the Ladies saying "please don't flush sanitary towels down the toilet". I knew what sanitary meant (clean) and I assumed that this meant you were allowed to flush DIRTY towels - as in bath towels. Sensible idea - no point wasting clean towels. I didn't understand properly until I was nine or ten.
Not to mention I thought you tied tampons to your underwear. All the school textbook had was a picture of a loose tampon and the words "You can do any exercise wearing a tampon, it cannot slip." Thank you, middle school.

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I used to believe that maxi pads we like diapers for women who didn't have time to go to the washroom at work. So one day after my bath i decided to try one, I put it in my panties and peed in it.

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When I was a small child my mom told me what a period was. I was to small to fully understand or how it's something you dont tell a lot of people when you're on it. I used to follow my mom around everywhere and into the bathroom, and one night she pee'ed and I noticed she was on her period and I said o no ur peeing blood! and i smiled and yelled down stairs "mommy's peeing blood!" and my older sister who was around 16 was hanging out with lots of friends downstairs and herd this and bursted into a fit of laughter. Mum was embarassed and yell at me...

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As the youngest among three sisters, I only heard my sisters talking about their periods during the summer holiday. They just never called it by the name and always referred to it as "my point point point". I figured that it was some kind of paper they had to write for school during the holidays and really wasn't looking forward to having to write one myself.

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i used to think maxi pads were rolls of toilet paper so i used to walk around with a roll of toilet paper in my pants just in case how dumb was I?

crazy ko-ko
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I used to believe that a woman's period was just a little simple thing. Like a tiny little bit of blood and that was all. I never understood why the ads for pads and tampons made such a big deal about it. I figured that when I got my period I would just ignore it instead of making a huge deal about it like the ladies in the ads. I was incredibly shocked when I found out, from better informed friends, it could last up to seven days and you couldn't just ignore it.

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I also used to think that Mommies didn't have periods. I thought it went away once you had a baby.

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My dad wouldn't let me use tampons because he thought I wouldn't be a virgin anymore. Once we were going swimming and I was on my period, so she let me use a tampon, but made me swear not to tell Dad!! My dad also thought that having a pelvic exam took away your virginity. When I was 14 or 15 I had one, and he freaked out. Finally my Mom set him straight on how one lost their virginity!! My dad was in his 30's and didn't know!!

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