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I started my period on christmas day. Now, much to my embarrasmet, my seven year old brother noticed first the red splash on my Pajama pants. he looked at me and my mother, who was coming over to tell me, and remarked:
"Mommy, I think ______ spilled paint on herself!"
He still dosen't know what was really going on, and its been two years.
When I was about 9 and hanging out with the older girls at the boarding school, they were talking about periods of which I knew nothing but pretended I did. They convinced me that boys had periods too and had pads shaped like hot dog buns to fit over their penis to catch the blood. I think I believed that until I was 13!
Up until the day I got my period I thought it would be a lot like going to the bathroom. You'd feel a pressure near your bladder, excuse yourself to use the bathroom and blood would come out insted of pee.
When I was 9 I had a friend who got her period. We were both facinated. I asked my cousin (whos a 10 year old boy) what it was, he said it was when a girl was about to die because a period means the end. He said, "All girls get it. Some earlier than others." I took a class about it and I learned what it really was. I will not let him get over it!
When I was young, I thought that once a woman got her period, she bled constantly for the rest of her life. I didn't understand why the puberty books contained guidance on how to determine whn your period ends. I was really scared.
when i was little i thought tampons were "smartie" type candy. and i use to beg my mom if i could have a one. and i would go looking in her room for them. i was a sick little child
My brother used to believe a feminine napkin was something only women could blow their noses with.
When I was like...I dunno, 10 or something, I believed that to use a tampon, you must put it in your urethra (that'd be the pee hole). Imagine my friends' surprise when during a sleep over birthday party us girls were all discussing periods, pads and tampons and I said I couldn't ever use a tampon...that I couldn't imagine putting it in my pee hole.
We were all watching family television, and a comercial came on for maxi pads. My brother about 10, asked my mom what maxi pads were used for. My mom asked him, "What do you think they are used for?" He said, I think you tape them under your arms for extra odor protection. We all rolled in laughter.
I never knew that female dogs had periods until my friend told me a few weeks ago... even after she told me, I refused to believe her. It wasn't until I came across this site that I figured, she may have been telling me the truth.
I am a 28 year old female with 2 college degrees!!
When I was younger, I thought couples had to have sex every day, once a day. However, I couldn't for the life of me figure out what to do when the girl is on her period...
i used to think, for some reason, that you got your period when you were about 13, but finished them when your stopped being a teenager (about 20). i also knew you couldn't get pregnant once your periods had stopped... it never occured to me that my mum was 30 when she had me! luckily, my friend corrected my belief before too long!
My mom never told me what a period was. Whenever I asked her what the pads she had were for, she told me they were to keep her pants from getting dirty. I wasn't sure what they got dirty with, but I didn't think much of it, just that my mom had a bladder problem (lol).
One day when I was about 9 or 10, I went on the internet, and I read about periods, and it was total news to me. Since I had no knowledge of periods before that, I thought that once you got your period, it would never stop and you'd keep bleeding until you died. So I was terrified, until our Personal Development class that year.
I remember in sex ed, in around the 4th grade, being told you got your period once a month. I took this to mean it was like a sneeze or something as it you had it...and bam you were done and went on about your business.
I'm sure you ladies can imagine my disappointment years later when I got it and discovered that "once a month" meant you got it and KEPT it for several days.
When my family decided one summer day that we should all go out to the nearby pool and go swimming, I told my mother I was "riding the crimson wave" and probably shouldn't go. My mother told everyone I wasn't feeling well and decided we should all not go. That led to my little 8 year old brother throwing a massive temper tantrum yelling and screaming about how I was ruining everything. It was then that my mom finally told him about periods.
when my mother finally got around to giving my little brother the 'birds and the bees' talk, she just had to report to me that he had a strange belief... after she got done explaining about a girl's cycle, he asked, 'but why is it blue?' she was very confused for a moment and asked him where on earth he had gotten that idea. he told her on television it was blue, having seen those ads which show a feminine hygine product's amazing absorbancy when dealing with a large quantity of BLUE liquid. poor kid. must have scared him to death of women.
I have 2!! :) Yes, I was a nerd! lol
ok... my brothers are a lot older than me and they were both popular in high school and I was in pre-school then. Well... all the really cute boys from my brothers school would come over all the time and 1 time a tampon commercial came on and I thought that they would all think I was mature and grown up and think that I was really hott if I started talking about using tampons and how it hurt and just a lot of differnt stuff like that. I got into after I dragged out "my" tampon box...
My 2nd story is when I started my period. The day before I had really really bad cramps. I couldn't even get up b/c they hurt so bad. Ijust layed down on my couch and cried all day after school. It was so bad that I thought I was gunna hafta call the hostpital! But anyway I woke up the next morning and looked at my underwear and thought I had pooped my pants. And I didn't want to show my mom b/c I didn't want to get into trouble and I had never pooped my pants before either! lol So I go pee and I wipe my self and I look at the toilet paper and I realize that there is brown stuff on it! SO I think that I am pooping out of my vagina!! SO I start screaming and my mom is in the bathroom with me and she comes running to me and then I realize I started my period so I go... "OOOOooooo..." And then me and my mom cried together cause I was growing up so fast!
Sorry this is so long but I hope that is was entertaining!!!! lol
When I was little I didn't realize that pee and blood came out of two different holes. I was so confused about how you were supposed to pee when you had a tampon in. I asked my mom and she cleared it all up for me.
My mother always used to tell me not to be afraid when I started to see blood in my underwear. She explained the whole thing about having periods, and it scared me to death. I thought that once you started, you never stopped.
I was looking after a little boy aged 3 and his friend. They went off to play and I later found them in his parents bedroom with his mums tampons and sanitary towels all over the floor, and they were using the tampons as rockets and the san, towels as launch and landing pads!!!!!!!!! They were having great fun!!!!
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