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when i was 13, i was changing for a track meet in the girls bathroom, when a girl i knew walked in, holding a tampon. sill me, growing up with only brothers, didnt know what it was in her hand. the ENTIRE girls track team was in there, getting dressed, when i walked over to the girl with the tampon and asked her "hey! where'd you get that glowstick!?"...i still get laughed at for that to this day

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When I was little, I had no idea what a period was. I was really scared to have one. I really couldn't understand how someone could go all day with just a pad or a tampon. I thought that when you had your period you were peeing on yourself all day long.

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When I was young about 7 or 8 I was told what a period was. So the day after my 11th birthday I had to spend the weekend at my dad's house ( my parents are divorced ) well I was in my bedroom laying down on my bed and I seen the blood. I wasn't scared cause I knew what to expect. So I yelled for my dad and he came in and seen the blood and he thought I was dying. He was ready to call 911. But luckly I claimed him down and told him just to call my mom and to tell her I started my period. Well he called my mom and said "Um Shirley your daughter has started her um um um um period and um can you PLEASE come over NOW"!!! So my Mom comes and my dad is freaking out. So she came into my room and said "Congrations you have started your period so get use to it cause it'll be with you for along time". Well she talked to my dad and come to found out my dad was always told that a woman has a monthly vistor rather then the right word PERIOD. That is why my dad freaked out cause he never heard of it being called a PERIOD. And what was even worst my mom wouldn't let me come home she made me stay with my dad for a full week with my first period and my dad would have to go with me to the Drug store to buy pads. Thank God he knew what those were LOL.

Ha Ha .
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me and my friend convinced a girl that when you get your period, blood comes out of your belly button and that's where you put a tampon or cover it with a pad.

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One time when i was about 9 or 10 i was at my friend's house, and somehow we got onto the topic of periods. My friend said, "My mom got hers the other day, and there were bloody towels in the sink." Then i said, "That's impossible. You stop getting your period after you have babies. Your perioad makes it so you can make babies, so once that's done, so is your period!" My friend believed me and went, "My mom must'va had a nosebleed or something."

fells like an idiot
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When I first started getting periods(at age 10 or 11)I always used pads. I always said that I'd never use tampons, my mother never used them so I didn't know how they worked. I thought that because when I wiped my butt while on my period, since there was blood on the toilet paper, if I wore tampons, there would be blood all over the seat of my pants, and if I wanted to prevent it, I'd have to put a tampon up my butt too..

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I thought that when a girl became a teenager, she would start having periods to prepare to have children, and after she had around ten periods, they would stop and then she'd be able to get pregnant, and would never have another period again. When my mom told me that women usually have periods for several years, I was horrified.

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my exboyfriend in college thought that tampons were used as birth control...
sadly he was 20 years old... yikes for sex education!

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I thought maxi pads were for in case you had to pee your pants...kind of like a diaper.

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Before I knew what getting your period was exactly, i knew that it had to do with eggs. So every time I would go to the bathroom, I would check the toilet to see if I had laid an egg...

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One day while I was on the phone with my friend, we got on the topic of getting a physical. I annoyingly exclaimed how I HATED peeing in those stupid cups because it is so uncomfortable to have to hold it between your legs while you pee. She then grasps this real deep and serious tone and goes 'Do you want to know what I've always wondered? How do they know your not on your period? If you are, you can't pee, only blood will come out. Do they really want a cup of blood?'

-----She was SIXTEEN!!!

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When I was little and had just learned how to read, I was at the store with my Mom and thought that Feminine Napkins were napkins that only ladies used at the dinner table!!!

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When I was young, I envisioned a period to be a red dot about a centimeter in diameter. I can't remember how, but I knew it was 'down there' somewhere. So when I heard of a girl having her period, I would visualize this red dot appearing there. I thought that once they got it, they just happened to have a red dot there, for no particular reason, but that it was a part of growing up.

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When I was 8, I'd seen commercials for Midol, which claimed to stop pain "before, during and after". I asked my mom how someone would know ahead of time that they were going to get a headache. I felt embarrassed when she explained about cramps.

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HAHAHHA well..when i was about 10 years old i believe "sanitary napkins" were actually napkins...like the ones you use for wiping your face...and one day on the "guide camp list" one of the items to bring were sanitary napkins..so got all excited and packed a whole package of dudley the dragon party napkins!!! i was very proud and told everybody, when my 12 year old cousin corrected my mistake...i laughed my little pants off~:O~:O~

HAHAH friggen spaced retard ryt here
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When I first got my period I was not scared at all because my 3 older sisters had theres and I thought I knew all about them, so I never told my Mum, I just pinched my sisters pads. However I never new they stopped after a few days, I thought they just kept going - because mine did - I had a hormone problem. But after 5 months of this I decided to finally tell my Mum. I had been fainting a lot. I was taken to the doctor and put on special tablets to stop it and given iron.

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I started my periods very early ( I was 10),I didn't even know about periods. It happend over night literally, and when i got up I cried for ages as I thought someone had been in my room and cut my legs. Sorry gross I know, I apologise. And it was the day before I was starting a new school too!!!!!!!!

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When i was about 7 i heard about periods and was very interested to find out what they were.I asked my older sister who thought it would be funny to tell me a story. She said that when you lose all your milk teeth your own personal tooth fairy gets very cross. In revenge for you not giving her any teeth she comes and beats you up one a month in your sleep and makes you bleed and gives you a stomach ache. I promptly went and reported this back to all my friends. We retained this belief until we were 11 but we still refer to periods as 'The Fairy'!

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My parents never were (and still aren't) the kind to make one feel real comfortable talking about a lot of things with them. So, as a little girl when I first heard of menstruation as something girls would grow up to have, I was very curious but had no inclination to ask my parents about it. Instead, I asked the closest person to me at the time, an uncle, who isan't as much older than I as you'd tend to suspect from his being my uncle. At first he was reluctant and asked me why I didn't ask my mother about this matter. I treid to explain that I wasn't comfortable talking to her. Finally, what he opted to do was check out a library book on the subject, written for young girls, and have us read it together, with him helping me with "big" words and the like. As that made him open up on the subject, I found he really knew a great deal about it after all. He told me a bunch more than was in the book. All of it turned out to be accurate except one thing. He told me that when girls start menstruating, that takes the place of pooping so that they don't poop anymore. Later when I started menstruating but continued pooping, I was distressed and thinking something was bad wrong with me. Finding out the truth made me mad at my uncle for years. But he in time would convince me that he told me what he honestly believed at the time, and now we're friends again. I've found out that his big sister put a lot of crazy ideas in his head. He doesn't remember whether that was one of them or not. But I consider it a safe bet that it was. Safe enough that you can guess who my least favorite aunt is!

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I was already confused about periods when I got to about the hymen layer in women it added to my confusion.I knew women had separate holes for peeing and sex but didn't understand if the vagina was covered with hymen layer then how would a women go through periods? From where would the blood come out if the vagina was covered! And I presumed women bled from peeing holes ;)

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