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I used to believe that maxi pads were worn backwards with the sticky side on your.....tutu.

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Mum and I went to the school 'mums and daughters night' to see a film about the body etc, well after finding out about periods and bleeding I thought once a girl started to bleed it never stopped! what a relief to eventually find out that was wrong

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I used to think that women's periods only lasted during teenage years, and once we girls became women, the periods stopped and we would never have to wear pads or tampons again.

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In 6th grade, I thought that once you got your period, you'd have it forever!!!! 24/7

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For quite a long time, I used to believe that during the period there's a blue liquid instead of blood! It was because of all those Always commercials at TV...

Polish zealot
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when iwas in third grade i remmerber reading dear God its me margert and it had something to do with periods.. well i was soo stupid and after pestering my mom and sister and siters friend about telling me.. i realized they wouldnt. so at school my freinds told me it was when your nipples bled

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My biology teacher in junior high was teaching us about the female reproductive system, and found it the right time to mention the hymen. He told us that there was a small hole for period blood and PEE to get through! U'd think that a fifty-something teacher would know there're two holes...

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I used to belive that when a woman had her period, she just peed out blood instead of urine..and that was it. i also thought that every woman got it on the exact same day...the 15th for some reason...i assumed this because i had heard it came ONCE a month so i figured it was literally one time...lol

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I used to believe that only English women had a period - why? I really don't know

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A few years ago my brother, who is 7 years younger than me and was about 10 at the time, found my tampons and came running in to ask me what they were. Here is how the conversation went:

My brother - Hey, what's a tampon?
Me - What do you think it is?
My brother - (sniggering) Female condoms

We've never let him live that one down

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No one ever told me how exactly the period works. I had no idea what to expect! When I got my first one I was so confused and my mom was in bed so I couldn't ask, but I believed (stupidly) that it just stops while you're sleeping, that it takes a break, that you only have it for a few hours a day. Damn I wish it was true though

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When I was little, my cousin told me that both men and women got periods and that men gave women their periods. In response I suggested the vice versa, "and women give men men their periods?" My cousin responded by correcting me and telling me that only men gave women their periods. I didn't really wonder where men got theirs from. I seem to remember demonstrations with Ken and Barbie dolls.

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I saw feminine napkins in the bathroom as a child. I thought they were padded toilet paper for the softer feminine persuasion

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Condoms are something men use when they are having their period.

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my little cousin would follow people into the bathroom. once she went in with my aunt when she was on her period so she told her that sometimes ladies have boo-boos and they have to have bandaid for it. XD

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When I first had my period at 10, I didn't realize the cervix would block the tampon from going up all the way. I walked slowly like a robot, afraid any sudden movement would cause the tampon to shoot up in me irretrievably. I think I eventually realized the likelihood of women mass using a product also meant it probably wasn't so dangerous as to get lost in the body.

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When I was 10 I had my first period- this was a year or so before the big talk at school so I remember being a little scared and thinking, "Crap! I BROKE IT!!!" I decided not to tell anyone about it for some time.

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I used to believe that you couldn't go pee if you were useing a tampon.

Megan luv's Cody
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I was about 9 years old when I was told about your period and my sister would always tell me that I would die if I never got my period. Everyday I would check if I had my period. I got so scared cause I never got it for awhile that I was going to die LOL When I was 11 when I first got it and I was soo relived I got it cause I didnot want to die!

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This belief belongs to my mom's brother. My mom, her sisters, and my grandma used to send him to the store to buy maxi pads. He thought they were to hold your girdle in place. When he found out what they were really for, he never bought them again.

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